Rewriting History: The American South AVOIDS the Civil War !!

It's 1861, Lincoln has just been elected president.
The South begins talking about seceding from the Union
But a Christian prophet goes up and down the South  
Warning that the South would be horribly defeated,
In the war that would surely result if the South secedes.      
Lets suppose that he moves the people away from secession.      
At the same time, crafty Jack Johnson,  
a leader within the Democratic Party,      
Sees what's coming  -  Lincoln will demand that the South give up slavery.      
Ol' Jack comes up with a plan to do just that  --      
But still maintain control over Blacks, of course.      
Jack starts boasting that the South can free the slaves
And reap benefits from doing so !      
His friends were skeptical.  
"How can we profit off the Blacks if we give up slavery?"      
It's like this, Jack replied, "What we lose in money made from slavery,      
we make up for in terms of political power and the money that it brings.      
You see,the number of Congressmen a state has is based on the population.      
Right now, because Blacks are slaves they are counted only as 3 fifths their real number.      
That's because the Northern states want to deny us some Congressional power.      
If we free the Blacks, their number will almost DOUBLE,  
Going from 3/5 of personhood to 5/5, full personhood.      
So we'll have many more Congressmen!  
The South will gain tremendous political power !!      

We can negotiate with the North, saying,  
"We'll give freedom to the slaves,      
ONLY if you agree to pass a bill establishing a Federal Welfare Dept  
that will pay Blacks a retirement check when they get up in years.      
And at the same time that agency should take care of elderly Whites as well.      
Plus we'll insist on an agency to take care of Blacks
(And Whites) that are disabled, out of work.            
Plus,Blacks must be given the right to vote.
But the South must absolutely insist that in exchange for giving up slavery,
The South has the right to require that Blacks must all vote Democratic !!"      
The North will swallow that bitter pill because  
their desire to end slavery is overpowering!      
Jack went on, "The genius of my plan is plain:      
We, the Democrats, will control 3 voting blocs !!      
We'll own:  (1) the Black vote,      
(2) the elderly vote( because of our creating Social Security)      
(3) the disabled and unemployed vote(for we created Welfare).      
"But where will the Federal gov't get the money      
to pay for those programs?" Jack's friends asked.  
Easy, Jack replied. We'll require that in exchange for giving up slavery,
The Republicans must agree to our demand for a new tax,     
A Federal income tax - on mainly the rich and super rich !!      
Yes, in place of our making money by not paying Black workers (slaves),      
We the Demos will make much MORE money off the Super Rich,      
   --  Mainly the industrialists, the "Robber-Barons," in the North   --
We'll milk them like they were cows.    
And it will be our friends, the Black voters, that make it possible !!      
Sure, we'll have to give up one form of slavery (of Blacks,)      
But we'll substitute another form of slavery for it,      
The bondage of a confiscatory income tax on the rich and super rich !!      
We'll come out ahead -  on the top of the heap !!      
Well, old Jack's scheme was accepted by the Democratic leaders,
Then by the Republicans.Even Lincoln signed off on it.
So the whole nation escaped the devastation of civil war !!
But at the price of an enormous welfare state,
Paid for by mostly the rich and Super Rich.
                  THE END
PS: while this is only fiction, it's not that far-fetched.      
For if you look around, you'll see social programs of every kind growing.      
The Democrats' obsession is to get as many voters as possible  
on as many gov't programs as possible !!      
That way when the GOP tries to cut back on them,      
So as to keep the 18 trillion dollar national debt from growing worse,      
 (And because the social programs are bankrupting the country),      
The Demos will have the VOTES to force the alternative solution:      
Namely, increased taxes on the rich and super rich, as usual !!      
YES, the Demos really have turned harvesting the rich      
into a viable alternative source of money      
to depriving Black workers of their pay.      
"The more things change, the more they stay the same."      
The Democrats used to own Black slaves,      
now they 're doing everything they can get away with      
To acquire OWNERSHIP of the rich and super rich.    
PS: the beauty of it all, from the Democrats' POV,    
Is that, unlike poor illiterate Black people,    
The rich/super rich can afford to be exploited.  
It's a more humanitarian form of slavery.
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 7th Nov 2015
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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