How The Catholic Church Has Tampered With the Ten Commandments

The Second Commandment is,      
"Thou shalt not make any graven images        
And bow down and worship them"(Exodus 20.2-6).      
But the Catholics love their statues!      
So during the Dark Ages, long ago,      
The hierarchy plotted against the Second Commandment!      
They used their authority to claim it was        
the second half of the First Commandment!      
By putting it as the caboose, they effective "buried" it!      
But then there were only nine Commandments,not ten.      
But there is supposed to be ten, so      
The plotters took the last commandment and split it down the middle,      
Shamefully tampering with it, defiling, abusing it.      
Making two commandments where there had been one.      
Why is this so bad (instead of a minor, trivial offense)?        
The Jews knew the correct dividing lines of the Ten Commandments.      
Christians are called to evangelize the Jews, "brothers" of Christ(Matthew 25.40).      
How can we expect them to be open to the Gospel after they see us      
Tampering with that which is authentically holy,        
defiling what was "written by the finger of God"(Exodus 31.18; Deuteronomy 9.10)?!      
By esteeming mere statues of more value than human souls (of the Jews),      
The hierarchy of the Catholic Church has lived up to the description of it      
Given in the Book of Revelation, namely, "the Great Whore,"(Rev 17.1).      
Rome/"Babylon the Great"(Rev 14.8; 16.19;18.2) will be burned with fire,    
Consumed "in a single hour"(Rev 18.10,17,19),      
When Russia invades Europe (and bombs America).    
For we read "Babylon's" judgment comes when    
"The cities of the nations fall" to invading armies(Rev 16.19).      
Russia is no longer afraid of our retaliation, for we have disarmed,      
In response to Gorbachev, the Antichrist, making peace in the late 1980s.      
PS:the Bible says of the Antichrist,      
"by peace he will destroy many"(Daniel 8.25 KJV).    
Well, Gorbachev made peace in order to get us to disarm.      
So that (now that our retaliatory arsenal is so small)    
he can, with impunity, "destroy many" in America.      
(Our threat to retaliate will no longer deter Russian Attack.)    
PS #2: An Irish Roman Catholic archbishop who lived in the 1100s,    
Saint Malacky, he must have been a righteous man, a true saint.    
For he was given a vision by God of all the popes in succession.    
He reported that there would be 112 more popes.    
Well the one that is in there now is guessed it, number 112.    
St Malacky called him "Peter the Roman."    
But the present pope's name is Francis.    
Did Malacky get it wrong? No way!    
The pope borrowed his pope-name from    
St Francis who lived in the 1200s.    
Well by extension the pope also takes Francis' second name, Pedro!    
And the present pope, though he comes from Argentina,    
His parents moved there from where? Rome, Italy!    
So he really CAN be called Pedro the Roman,    
Just like St Malacky predicted back in the 1100s!    
If Pope Frank (pardon my humor) is the last one,    
It means the RC Church is coming to an end!    
For if it doesn't end, when the pope dies,    
The college of cardinals will elect a successor pope.    
The end of the RC Church is extremely important.    
For Rome/"Babylon" gets destroyed    
"when the cities of the nations fall"(Rev 16.19).    
Fall to what? To invasion of Western Europe by Russia.    
And Russia wouldn't do that without first "knocking off" America.    
So when Rome gets bombed("burned with fire in a single hour" (Rev 18.10,17,19)),    
So do our big cities (get bombed,burned with fire in a single hour).    
The fact that the present pope is the LAST POPE    
Means OUR time is short, not just the RC Church.    
("Our" here refers to our big cities.The small towns will survive.)   

When I start talking about "Russian Attack,"    
People ask, Where is that in the Bible?    
Daniel the Prophet sees a vision in which    
There is a Beast with 10 horns(Daniel 7.7-8).    
"Another horn came up among them, uprooting 3 horns."    
"The 10 horns are 10 kings" (Dan 7.24).    
By extension they are 10 nations, for kings rule nations.    
When horn/king number 11 forces his way into the middle of them,    
This means an outside nation will INVADE those 10 nations.    
This war-interpretation is confirmed by the Book of Revelation.    
"The Beast with 7 heads, 10 horns" in Revelation(Rev 11.7; 12.3; 13.1)    
Originates back in Daniel 7.7-8, with "the Beast with 10 horns."    
One purpose of the Book of Revelation is to explain Daniel 7.8 !    
So, when Rev 13.7 says "the Beast will MAKE WAR [to gain] power over every..nation,"    
This tells us that WAR (invasion) is what's going on back in Daniel 7.8 !!!    
(The "coming up among them" = the invading of those ten nations.)   
LSS: Russia is the only country close enough to Western Europe    
And powerful and predatory enough to fulfill the role    
of the eleventh horn/king/nation in Daniel 7.8.
PS #3 Why are the 10 horns referring to W Europe?  
Well, the "4 Beasts"(Dan 7) are empires in succession.
The plot is basically the same as in Daniel 2.
The first Beast is Babylon (Dan 2.39).
Persia conquered Babylon.
The third Beast is the Greek empire.
For they conquered Persia.
The Roman empire, history tells us, succeeded the Greeks.
So the Roman empire = the Fourth Beast.
It took up all the mainland of Western Europe.
So the "10 horns" necessarily are 10 Western European nations.
They are Catholic because the "10 horns" are linked to the "7 heads"
And they are "The 7 hills upon which the Woman sits...
The Woman is the great city [of ROME] which rules [as the papacy]
Over the kings of the Earth"(Revelation 17.9,18).

LSS: Western Europe is definitely the scene in Daniel 7.8.
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 17th Sep 2015
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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