Hurray - We Have More Time! (Why October 2015 May Be When Russian Attack Occurs)

I had been certain that early August would be when    
the Russian Attack (predicted in the Bible) occurs.  
Of course I'm happy that I was wrong about that.  
But, unfortunately, it will still arrive,only a little later.  
The foundation or anchor for my August theory  
Was the mention of the Feast of Tabernacles(Zechariah 14.16)  
In a passage about the Second Coming of Christ(Zech 14.1-4,7).  
I thought that implied that that was when Christ would Appear.  
Which means the invasion of Israel by :"all nations"(verses 1-2)  
Would have to precede the Feast of Tabernacles.  
Since Daniel 11.41 has this same invasion of Israel    
being preceded by Russia invading Western Europe(Dan 11.40),  
I was expecting that(the conquest of Western Europe) in August.   
Finally, since a couple of "seers" specified "late July or early August,"  
I felt certain about August. It made sense to me.  
NOW, that August is out of the question,    
what do we do with the mention of early October  
("Feast of Tabernacles") in Zechariah 14.16?  
That feast marked the end of the harvest season in Israel.  
Well, the Rapture of saved souls at the time    
of the "sudden destruction"(1st Thessalonians 4.16-5.3)  
is described as a harvest in Revelation 14.14-16.  
On that basis we can expect that the Rapture will occur  
Around the time of the Feast of Tabernacles!  
Which means the Russian Attack also.  
For the two events go together(1 Thess 4.16-5.3).  
The "sudden destruction" explains just why souls are departing -  
Its because mass death is occurring! Due to WMD of course.  
Because the Destroyer is being "revealed" as such(2 Thessalonians 2.3)!!!  
But Christ, since He's not coming, as I had thought, at Tabernacles,    
Must come about two months after Tabernacles - at Hanukkah!
(Assuming that the Russian Attack / Rapture occur at Tabernacles).  
 Or at least within the SEASON of Tabernacles.
Since it sometimes comes as late as mid October,
Even October 24-25 would be a fulfillment of Tabernacles.

My premise here is that the Old Testament feast times    
are to be when New Testamental events take place,  
For Paul the Apostle says that "the Law [of Moses] had a shadow  
of good things to come..The Holy days..are only a shadow.
But the Body of Christ"(Hebrews 10.1; Colossians 2.15-17)  

In the Greek Paul doesn't finish the sentence - how strange.  
So we have to guess as to the ending.With the help of the Spirit!  
Let me try to paraphrase it,
"The holy days of the Law are a shadow of good things to come  
that will be fulfilled in the time of the Body of Christ, ie the Church."
"The Body of Christ" refers to the Church, the body of believers(Ephesians 1.22-23).  
My view is that "shadow" means type, which is then to be "fulfilled,"  
Like the literal lamb was a type of Christ.  
The Passover lamb came first, then came Christ (the fulfillment)  RIGHT AT PASSOVER..  
Likewise, the Old Testament feasts are to be - must be - when the fulfillments come.  
In terms of events occurring - events at the heart of Christianity.  
Such as the Second Coming of Christ  
And the defeat of Gorbachev the Antichrist.  
But there's only 3 main feasts in the Law of Moses:  
Passover, Pentacost, Tabernacles(Deuteronomy 16.16)..  
Passover and Pentacost are used up, so to speak - fulfilled.  
Christian counterparts of the Jewish meanings have already come to pass.  
If the Rapture occurs at (the season of) Tabernacles, that too will be used up.  
So which feast times or holy days are left?!  
Well, between the times of the Old Testament(OT) and the New Testament(NT),  
There was the inter-testament period or interim!  
Because it follows the OT times like the New Testament period does,    
it, the inter-testamental period, serves as a sort of pre-figure for the NT times.  
Fortunately, there are two holy times in the inter-testamental period:  
(1)Hanukkah (early December) and (2)Purim (late February to late March)!!!  
What's really nice is that from Tabernacles to Purim,  
It's about 5 months, which is the amount of time we're looking for.  
For the Tribulation Period (the time in which the Kremlin will rule the world)  
Is supposed to be just "5 months" long(Revelation 9.5,10).  
(It was originally "three and a half years"(Daniel 7.25),  
But Christ said it would be "shortened"(Matthew 24.22).)  
OK, lets review what we have so far:  
(1)Russian Attack/Rapture at Tabernacles(mid Sept to mid October) followed by  
(2)The Second Coming of Christ at Hanukkah(early to mid December) followed by  
(3)The overthrow/execution of Gorbachev, the Antichrist, by Purim(late March)!!!  
The obvious question at this point is:  
How does (the meaning of) Hanukkah relate to or serve as a pre-figure of    
the Coming of the Messiah(the Second Coming of Christ)?  
Well, it originally was celebrated as a late observing of Tabernacles  
(Which couldn't be held on time, for the war was going on)(2nd Maccabees  .  ).  
Hanukkah marked the end of the war of the Jews    
against the Seleucids under Antiochus Epiphanes.  
He was a true precursor of the Antichrist tyrant in the End Time.  
Even the spelling of Antiochus and Antichrist are remarkably alike.  
Like the Maccabees defeating Antiochus back then,  
Christ's Appearing will bring down the Antichrist,  
With that process starting at that same time of year!
But just HOW does the Appearing of Christ/Messiah over Jerusalem  
 ("the Mount of Olives") lead to the defeat of the Antichrist (Zechariah 14.4)?  
The Russian soldiers invading Israel at that time are moved to switch sides,  
Just as Saul of Tarsus (who became the Apostle Paul) was changed(Acts 9.3).  
They mutiny victoriously against their officers and loyalists(Ezekiel 38.21;Zechariah 14.13).  
Then Christ sends them home "to proclaim God's glory"(Isaiah 66.19).  
The overthrow of Gorbachev is a by-product of their preaching.  
He is left with nobody willing to obey his orders(Daniel 11.45).  
That overthrow would have to take place right around Purim(March 24 this year)!!  
For that was the time of the hanging of Haman, a true type of the Antichrist(Esther 7.9; 9.24-26).
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 18th Oct 2015
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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