She's only sleeping

Thinking back, upon darkest days of life

An all I could for a while was cry

Fore and after saying morning prayers for you,

But that was before death took me,

I remember, watching my loves body being lowered

Till death do us part, No, no, I am not ready,

An as She’s being lowered, each inch lowered is a pain ripped down the grave of the heart

Earth, dirt and darkness being covered over,

She cant breathe… NO, she cant breathe, Please, please wait

Panic stricken… I ran over, freein her,

For it was one of the many things that I did not understand,  

I was losing my woman, the girl that I love, my wife of over half my years,

Oh, strong were the ruins of life ahead I had in mind,

The minds made up, I’m going to act before God an earth cause more misery,

In the still of the night I returned, and I took her;

In grand position in my room, next to me, I place her, in a state of rest, she sleeps,

Like a Disney Princess, she’s sleeping,

She is not dead, she is sleeping, only sleeping,

Surrounded in all the very pretty colors that she likes,

My darlin, I’ll make love to you, if you tell me too,

No, was not ready, was not ready… wasn’t,,, I’m scared

Please, oh Lord, God help me.. Hate you, please, help me, hurts, so bad, to even breathe

And  I still remember, till death do us part;

One night of binge drinkin, and its all over
Written by deadwolf
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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