How Daniel 12.11-12 Points to 2015 as The Year of The Messiah

Both the Russian Attack and the Messiah come in 2015.
The "1335 days" in Daniel 12.11-12 point to 2012.
But the war didn't happen, fortunately.
How can we make sense out of this mistake?
Daniel 12 does point to 2012,
That much is solid as a rock.
So, it must be that the "1335 days"(years),
Bring us to the vestibule so to speak,
Rather than to the actual destination.
There must be some extra period
That needs to be added to 2012,
Some secret additional amount of time!

How to justify this line of reasoning?
When the Law of Moses called for "40 stripes"
The man doing the beating would stop at 39 stripes.
That way he makes sure to not go over the  limit.
Likewise, God communicates to us via Daniel 12,
But He holds back just a little,protective of the actual date,
In the spirit of Christ's words about sacred things.
"Don't give what is holy unto dogs,
Cast not your pearls before swine"(  
The date of Russian Attack/the Rapture of the Church
Is also "the Day of the Lord," Judgment Day,
One of the most sacred days of all time,
No wonder God "holds His cards close to His vest."

How can we ever hope to find out the year,
If God is so secretive, so protective, so cautious?
We must trust that the answer is available,
just a little bit separate from 2012.
All we have to do is connect the dots,
We need to simply add the additional period to 2012
And then we'll know the priceless data, the year of Nuclear War!

There are two Revelations of God that God gives us:
(1)Special Revelation, the Bible, the Word of God, plus
(2)General Revelation, data we get from the study of Nature(Romans 1.19-21)..
This study of Nature has, of course, become known as science.
So perhaps we can learn from science the identity of this missing data, namely
The amount of time that needs to be put on top of the year 2012..
I've heard that genes that are used one way in one species,
(For example the genes that are used to make the gills of a fish)
Can be used in another way in a species that comes later.
The gill genes in mammals,instead of being useless
(because reptiles and mammals lack gills)
show up in humans,playing a role in producing the ear.

Anyway, that got me thinking,
flying into the blue sky of the mind.
We know that the Tribulation Period is supposed
to be "three and a half years"(Daniel 7.25).
But we also know that Christ says, no!  --
the Tribulation won't be 3 and a half years,
For He says, "the days will be SHORTENED"(Matthew 24.22),
Meaning the Trib will be under 3 and a half years long.
That, in turn, means the "three and a half years" are AVAILABLE!!!
For some other purpose, some other God-given function!!
The 3 1/2 years are not to be discarded but put to work,
Serving as the missing period between 2012 and the date of the Nuclear War!

So we add 3.5 years to the end of 2012.
We get 2013, 2014, 2015 plus 6 months. the middle of 2016.
But if we start with the BEGINNING of 2012,
we finish at the middle of one year earlier, 2015
But if we start in the middle of 2012, we arrive at the end of 2015.
That seems apt, for certain reasons:
the Feast of Tabernacles(late Sept to early Oct)(Zechariah 14.16)
is at the center of of the "5 months"(Rev 9.5,10),
from August to December(the Tribulation Period)!!!

Yes, there it is, we start in 1967, June 6 or so,
The finish of the "Six Days War" of Liberation,over in Israel,
The date when the Jews liberated Jerusalem and the Temple Mount!
That point in time would fit the "1290 days"(1290 years)(Daniel 12.11-12.
We add 45 "days," days which mean years, bringing us to 2012, June!
At this point we add the hidden period,
the "three and a half years""crowning" touch, as it were.
This gives us the end of 2015, December.
This would have to be the end of the "5 months" of the Tribulation(Rev 9.5,10).
This means that August should - must  -  be the month of the Russian Attack,why?
Because it is the start of the last 5 months of the "3 1/2 years"

Now for the explanation of Daniel 12.11-12's prophecy of "1335 days"!
We read, "From the time that the regular burnt offering is taken away,
And the Abomination of Desolation is set up,
There will be 1290 days"(verse 11).
"The regular burnt offering" refers
to the offering at the Temple in Jerusalem.
So this gives the location - the Temple area.

"And the set up" - this refers to the Moslem building
that was "set up" right on top of where the sacred Temple had been!
Truly that Moslem mosque was an abomination to the Jews!!!
History books say it was finished in 691 AD.
When we add 1290 years,to get to 1967.
But we get 1979 instead.
So we go back and look for evidence
that some EARLIER Moslem structure
Predated, preceded, the "Dome of the Rock,"
Which is the name of the present day Moslem building.

Praise the Lord!
We find that European Christians on a pilgrimage
to the Holy Land as far back as 682 AD
wrote of some Islamic crude temporary structure
On the site where the Jewish Temple had stood!

This lets us use 677 AD as the starting point.
For it, 677, gives us 1967 when we add 1290 to it!
You see, 1967 is the ONLY possibility for
that was the year of the liberation of the Temple Mount!
Nothing is said as to what event takes place in the 1290th year
from a fuzzy unclear starting point.
This prophecy is totally vague.
But the identity of the "abomination" is clear, if you stop and think about it!
So the 1290th year should, logically, be about
something to do with the Temple Mount area.

Finally as to the endpoint, the 1335th year,
that event again is left unstated, vague, fuzzy.
But if we go by the theme of the Messiah saving Israel,
we can figure out what is pointed to herein  - -
nothing less than the Appearing of the Messiah.
For that theme is given in Dan 12.1,
For "Michael," certainly serves as a messianic figure.

PS: get it into your head, 1967 fits the 1290th year!
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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