Bible Prophecies That Have Been Misinterpreted

(1)Daniel 9.26-27,there won't be a "peace treaty" between Israel and the Antichrist.  After the Holocaust, we are told, Israel will go astray no more(Ez 37.23).  That rules out them making a deal with the Antichrist.The "covenant" that "the ruler who will come" "will confirm for one week [of years]" refers to the same covenant that was "confirmed" after the earlier destruction of the city and the temple.Rome did it in 70 AD but Babylon had done it back in 587 BC. Dan 9.1-14 refers to the earlier destruction and Judgment by God. The "curses written in the Law of Moses"have been "confirmed" by God "bringing upon us this calamity"(Dan 9.11-13)..And since the Roman destruction of the city and temple was   a repeat of what Babylon had done,the "confirming of the covenant"(Dan 9.27) should be referring to the same covenant that applied earlier(Dan 9.11-13).  
So Dan 9.27 is referring to the confirming of (the curses in) the Law of Moses, the COVENANT of Moses.  
(2)Daniel 7.8, the Return of the Roman empire will be via Russian invasion, NOT by the EU developing into a dictatorship How ridiculous! How can one nation "come up among ten other nations without violating their territory?! INVASION obviously is meant!
(3)The Rapture of the Church will occur in the context of the "sudden destruction"(1 Thessalonians 5.3) so the "rising first" by "the dead in Christ"(1 Thessalonians 4.16-17) must be talking about at their individual deaths,not at the Rapture.It's absurd for saved souls already in heaven to descend with Christ(1 Thess 4.13-16) only to re-inhabit fleshly bodies,corpses,  
which then, as they're rising, turn into spiritual ones.For "flesh and blood can not inherit the kingdom of God". So the "Dead in Christ"/"those asleep in Jesus" who are already in heaven because, "absent from the body = present with the Lord [in heaven]" "Descend" with the Lord, not to put on their dead bodies, but to serve as the angels who gather the saved souls at the Rapture. For Christ did say we "become as the angels"(Luke 20.35-36).
(4)The Millennium(Rev 20)began at the start of the Church Age,for that's what it is talking about, the Church Age.  The "First Resurrection" took place at the start of the Church Age For Christ's resurrection occurred then.And we are part of that  
Via our conversion and via Communion and via baptism(Mark 10.39;Romans 6.4)  
(5)The Russian invasion of Israel(Ezekiel 38-39) doesn't happen before the invasion of Israel "by all nations"(Zechariah 14).  
The two accounts are about the SAME invasion.No passage has two invasions of Israel happening back to back.
(6)The "Restrainer"(2 Thessalonians 2.6-8) is NOT the Holy Spirit but is "the king of the south", for 2 Thess 2.4 is based on Dan 11.36-45,Especially verse 36-37 and 45. The Man of Sin(MOS) = the King of the North(KON), So the Restrainer has to be the King of the South.  The KOS holds back the KON, his alliance of nations. But then he overwhelms the KOS, overrunning those nations "like a flood."(Dan 11.40)..
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 1st Aug 2015
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