The Real Reason Russia Ended the Cold War: TO GET THE USA TO DISARM

Let's start with the premise  
that Gorbachev's peace-making  
was really Yuri Andropov's idea.  
What evidence is there for that claim?  
Gorbachev was Andropov's protege,  
His hand-picked heir.  
One obvious reason Andropov chose Gorbachev  
To succeed him as president of the Soviet Union  
Was Gorbachev came from his home town,Stavropol.  
After Andropov came to power in 1982.  
He planned on making peace,  
a deceptive peace, with America,  
Hoping we would be willing to disarm  
on the basis that the Cold War was over.  
The logic was that once our retaliatory arsenal  
was reduced drastically enough,  
Russia could go ahead and bomb America,  
Shooting down our retaliation with Russian ABMs  
Because our war heads would be so few in number.  
What evidence is there that Andropov  
wanted to make a false peace with the USA?  
Andropov made a false peace with  
the Hungarian Freedom fighters in 1956.  
It led to the defeat of that revolution.  
Because his use of a false peace was successful,  
He would be likely to use it again.WHY?  
Because people tend to use whatever worked in the past.  
Like the old saying goes,  
"Nothing succeeds like success."  
But Andropov didn't get a chance  
to try out his "peace" scheme on America.  
For he started dying as soon as he came to power,  
Spending most of the time in the hospital.  
So it is most likely that he told Gorbachev,  
"I want to try this thing but I won't be able to.  
So I want you to do it, as my surrogate."  
In short Gorbachev's peace-making  
could very well be Andropov's!  
Among scholars who study the Soviet Union,  
Andropov was famous for his role in defeating  
the Hungarian Revolution in 1956.  
He did it by using a false peace,  
(Or you could call it a false surrender).  

He was the Soviet ambassador to Hungary
When the "freedom fighters" started  
shooting the Russian occupation troops.  
Then Andropov made a speech in which he said,  
"The Soviet Union bows to the new reality"  
of a Hungary that needs to be treated with respect,  
Words to that effect.  
He "proved" his sincerity by ordering  
the withdrawal of the 200 Russian tanks  
occupying Budapest(or else it was the nation).  
He sent them back home to Russia.  
Russia made "peace" by sort of surrendering.  
But it was a totally false peace,  
for the ulterior motive behind it  
was to crush the Hungarian Revolution.  
As the Soviet tanks were withdrawn,  
Andropov asked the Freedom Fighters  
To send their leaders to the Soviet embassy  
For negotiations over the new relationship  
Between Russia and Hungary.  
As soon as those leaders arrived at the embassy,  
They were,of course, all arrested, imprisoned.  
The Soviets hadn't known who the leaders were.  
By withdrawing the tanks and offering to negotiate,  
The Soviets hoped to find out who they were.  
Andropov's trickery helped to decapitate the revolution.  
Lets say he got that idea from Andropov.  
Lets suppose that Gorbachev was a deceiver.
But people use deception to gain something  
How did Russia gain by making peace?  
America responded by agreeing to  
Arms Control/Disarmament treaties that
We would never have agreed to  
As long as the Cold War was going on!  
How does our disarming benefit Russia?  
In peace time it doesn't.  
For in peace time 100 missiles  
Or 10,000 are all the same.  
For they are all dormant.  
It's only during time of war  
That our reduced nuclear arsenal  
Makes a really big difference.  
Russia has an interceptor missile system,  
They're called ABMs,Anti-Ballistic Missiles.  
Russia can shoot down 1200 to 1300 incoming warheads.  
If Russia can get us to reduce our retaliatory arsenal  
To a number below 1,200 warheads, Russia wins nuclear war!  
For if we send 1,200 warheads over to Russia,  
But Russia shoots them all down,  
Our retaliatory strike becomes a big fat zero!  
Now you see just why Russia ended the Cold War,  
And did other things that go with it.  
Such as,(1) letting Eastern Europe become free;  
(2)letting the Soviet Union split up;  
(3)Allowing the socalled "Fall of Communism" in Russia;  
(4)Allowing democracy and capitalism to take over.  
All those steps were temporary measures
designed to help America feel that
the "Soviet Threat is gone"  
So that we would feel free
to cut way back on our arsenal!  
We had 39 boomer submarines(under Reagan)  
Now we are down to just 14,
of which only 12 are being used.  
They are divided into 3 groups of 4 each:  
4 in port, 4 on position; 4 going out  
to relieve the 4 subs at sea.  
In short there's 8 subs at sea.  
(The subs in port don't count,  
For the ports will be bombed.)  
Due to the SEQUESTRATION, or just to save money,  
We will cut back to 3 groups of just 3 subs.  
So we will have just 6 subs at sea.  
Since each sub carries 167 warheads,  
We will have 334 fewer warheads.  
We will reduce from 1,336 down to 1,102 warheads.  
Because we will go below 1,200 warheads,  
Russia will be sure to strike America,  
Fulfilling the Bible's prediction of  
"Fire from the sky"(Luke 17.29-30).
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 23rd Jun 2015
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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