America In EndTime Bible Prophecy

America doesn't show up in Bible Prophecy,  
At least not directly.  
But we CAN find America in Bible Prophecy  
If we're willing to use a proxy!  
You see America has been "married"    
to Western Europe since 1945.  
That's when NATO began,  
(The North Atlantic Treaty Organization).  
So the question to ask is this,  
Where is Western Europe in Bible Prophecy?!  
Once we find out what happens    
to Western Europe in the EndTime,  
This fills us in about the USA as well!  
Bad News concerning the End Time:  
Western Europe gets invaded,    
conquered by Russia(who else)!  
Logically, would Russia take Europe    
without knocking off the USA,  
The Defender of Europe?    
Of course not.  
Don't be a naive "Pollyanna,"  
Someone always thinking in terms    
of "sweetness and light."  
Where does the Bible say that Western Europe  
Will be overrun by Russia?  
Daniel the prophet sees a vision of    
The "four Beasts"(Daniel 7.1-3; 7.17).  
Which stand for "kingdoms," (empires).    
The first 3 empires are ancient Babylon,    
Persia and the Greek empire under Alexander the Great.  
That's based on the premise that  
The vision of the 4 Beasts is basically parallel with  
The dream of a statue of a man in Daniel 2.31.  
The statue is made up of 4 (unmixed) metals  
"The head of gold" is Babylon(Dan 2.37-38).  
The "chest of silver" is the empire    
that succeeds Babylon,namely Persia(Dan 2.39; 8.20).  
The "belly and thighs of bronze"(Dan 2.32)    
is the empire that succeeds Persia, namely Greece(Dan 8.21).    
Because the Roman empire succeeded the Greek empire,  
The "legs of iron"(Dan 2.33)have to be the Roman empire,OK?  
We use those 4 empires to interpret the 4 Beasts"(Dan 7.1-3).  
We can just forget about the first 3 Beasts,  
Babylon, Persia and the Greek empire.  
For their only job is to bring us to    
the "Fourth Beast," the Roman empire(Dan 7.7).  
Now, in the days of ancient Rome,  
There was one-man-rule:  
Each successive Caesar ruled by himself,OK?  
But we read of "10 horns"(Dan 7.7)who are "ten kings,"  
For it says, "the 10 horns are 10 kings"(Dan 7.8; 7.24).  
Ten kings rule CONCURRENTLY for 3 are "uprooted" together.  
This tells us that verse 8 is about the post-empire period.  
For after the Roman empire fell,    
it eventually split up into about 30 nations,  
Of whom there is a subset of just ten nations,  
represented by  "10 horns [which] are 10 kings"(Dan 7.24).  
You see, kings rule nations, of course.  
So, the "10 kings"(Dan 7.24) are, by extension, TEN NATIONS.  
But why are these ten nations in Western Europe, necessarily?  
(For the Roman empire also extended to Northern Africa    
and part of Asia, namely "the Middle East.")  
The ten nations, represented by the "ten horns/kings",  
Have to be Western European, not African or Asian nations,  
For this reason:  
The Book of Revelation elaborates on the Fourth Beast(Dan 7.7-8).  
"The Beast with 10 horns"(Dan 7.7) becomes    
The Beast with "7 heads, 10 horns"(Revelation 12.3; 13.1).  
The "7 heads are 7 hills upon which the Woman sits"(Rev 17.9)..  
"The Woman is that great city which rules over    
the kings of the Earth"(Rev 17.18), namely Papal Rome.  
Rome goes from capitol of the Roman empire,  
To headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church,OK?  
But we read that the "10 horns,"  
Which = 10 kings = 10 nations,  
STAY with Rome after the transition.  
(Revelation 12.3 is set in the first century,  
As identified by the "crowns upon the 7 heads,"  
The hills of imperial Rome.  
But Rev 13.1 is set in the post-empire period,  
identified by the crowns on the 10 horns.  
So Rome no longer rules politically(but religiously).  
My point is that the 10 horns in Rev 13.1    
are still united with the 7 heads(Rome as the Papacy).  
So the ten nations have to be ten CATHOLIC nations!  
The rest of the 30 nations went Greek Orthodox or Islamic.  
So the ten horns are easily identified:  
Germany,Austria,Italy,Switzerland,and the UK.  
They are all Roman Catholic nations.  
(Even the UK was Catholic until the 1500s.)  
In Daniel's vision, he sees a Beast with "10 horns."  
Then "another horn CAME UP AMONG the 10 horns"(Dan 7.8).  
Remember the Roman empire is gone.  
In its place are 10 individual Catholic nations,  
(Plus around 20 other once-Roman nations.)    
Since the "10 horns are ten kings"(Dan 7.24)    
and, by extension, 10 nations,  
This means that the 11th horn is an 11th NATION,  
"COMING UP AMONG" the 10 nations.    
(The 20 others may be invaded as well.  
But they are not focused on).  
Doesn't that sound like invasion to you?  
How does one nation "come up among" ten nations    
without invading them??!! It can't.  
We read that only 3 horns are uprooted(Dan 7.8).  
But all ten kings are removed.  
For the 11th king takes over.  
The implication is that Russia makes    
an example out of the 3 nations,  
So that the rest will surrender    
without having to be attacked.  
Daniel 7.8 doesn't specify that "the Beast" here  
Is really the RETURN of the Beast,  
Rather than the original "Fourth Beast."  
But in Revelation 17.8-11, it clearly says,  
"The Beast..was, now is not, but will return."  
But how can we claim the Russian conquest    
of once-Roman lands of Western Europe  
Equals the Return of the Roman Empire??!!  
Easy,Russian conquest replaces the nation-states,  
Each of which has its own ruler,  
With one-man-rule, rule by Gorbachev!  
The return of one-man-rule over all of once-Roman Europe  
Amounts to a sort of return of the Roman empire!  
To end on a positive note,  
the Messiah will take the world back from Russia!  
PS: After all,the Messiah is supposed  
to be the Savior of the world,  
(NOT just our "personal Savior.")
That is his Reason For Being!  
If Christ didn't come and defeat the Antichrist,  
He would be like a "mouser,"  
(a cat that catches mice)  
Who didn't catch mice!  
That, of course, would never do!
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 9th Jun 2015
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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