Little Whore

Last time I was here,
I was telling you who I was
And what I've been through.
Things have changed now,
Let's see.

Everything hasn't changed much,
I'm still copping the shit.
I'm still getting death threats
told that im getting a bullet to my head
I still feel like dieing
I still feel like this isn't the place for me

but im stronger now
I have the power to live
to get through it all
I have a man,
hes great
he always make me smile

but theres still fucks out there
that have to try put me down
ya know
im sick of it
im sick of the shit

you wanna tell me
youre gunna kill my family
ill kill you first cunt
I know who you are
and I know who your man is

ill slaughter what you call your family
yous are nopthing but low life dogs
you fist take my man away
then threatin me and my family
mate it don't work like that
I know where you live
I know what you do
I know you go around cheatin on him
im not stupid

but your not worth my time
but anymore threats and trust me ill be at your door
with a knife gunna slit your throats
ill start with everyone else
tie you and that man of yours up
and make you watch
ill make sure you watch them suffer
then it will be your turn last.
ill make you watch your man suffer
scream in pain as I cut bits of his skin off
then itll be you,
but the thing is
you will suffer the most

people may think I sound crazy
but this is what you've done to me
im a fucked up little girl
this is what you turned me into
this is all your fault
my man will be there by my side laughing at you

the cops will find me
ill plead insane
they ask me why
ill explain everything
ill explain the threats
the phone calls at stupid hours of the morning
threatening me,
my family
and my man

baby your guna die
and no one will care
because they all know your a
cock sucking little whore

no one gives a flying fuck about you
you will all suffer for your mistake
and trust me it wont be pretty
ill be in a mental institute
but I don't care
cause you will be dead

this may sound harsh
but threatening my family
will get you this

you have whats coming to you
don't pass me in the street
or ill cave your head in

maybe after I tortured you
ill kill myself
leaving a not behind telling them why
telling them that this is what you made me do
that this is all your fault
you would have hurt me
but hey guess what darling paybacks a bitch
and im not waitinf for karma
ill take care of it myself
Written by sadgurl
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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