Yom Kippur Ritual = Intercourse Between God and Israel

The Church is described as a woman,    
The Bride of Christ(Ephesians 5.21-33;Revelation 21.9;22.17).    
By extension, the church building is too.    
Before the Church, there was the Jewish Temple.    
The latter derives from the former.    
Because of the connection between the two,    
The Temple, too, can be thought of as the female body.    
On that basis the Temple's innermost room,    
"the Holy of Holies,"    
Corresponds to the innermost organ    
Of a woman's body, the uterus.    
But the "Ark of the Covenant" in that room    
Can also be thought of as the innermost room.    
Above the ark are the two cherubs,on each side(Exodus 25.18-).    
Likewise, the two Fallopian tubes are above the uterus,    
One on the right side,one on the left.    
The Ark and the Cherubim correspond      
to the Uterus and the two Fallopian Tubes.    
The cervix separates the Uterus      
From the Vagina that leads into it.    
Likewise the curtain separates the Holy of Holies    
From the Holy Place, the vestibule before it(Exodus 26.33).    
The Ark contains two tablets of stone    
With the Ten Commandments written on them(Ex. 20;Deuteronomy 10.5),    
(Instructions for living,the foundation of society).    
Likewise, the Uterus and Fallopian Tubes together      
contain the ovum with DNA,    
(instructions for new life, reproduction).    
Outside the Holy Place is the court yard.    
Likewise with the area outside the vagina.    
Imagine a woman is sitting on the floor,    
With her knees extending out horizontally,    
With the soles of her feet touching each other.    
The space between her legs becomes a court yard.      
If the Jewish Temple is the Woman/Wife figure,    
What about the Male/Husband figure?    
God plays the Husband role in this scenario.    
His representative is the High Priest.    
He passes thru the Holy Place with a bowl of calf blood    
On his way to the Holy of Holies.    
Once he passes the curtain into the Holy of Holies,    
He sprinkles the calf blood on the sides      
of the Mercy Seat,The Ark, the Throne of God!    
"God is enthroned between the Cherubim"  
(Psalms 80.1; 99.1; 1 Chronicles 13.6),    
Upon the Mercy Seat,on top of the Ark!    
The implication is that God dwells in a woman's uterus,    
Between the two Fallopian Tubes, in a special way.    
Likewise,during intercourse,    
the penis of the husband passes thru the vagina,    
It reaches the cervix.    
While the penis itself doesn't enter in,    
The ejaculating seed does enter into the Uterus,    
As if the Penis were sprinkling it there.    
The seed surrounds the ovum,      
Like the blood on the sides of the Ark      
Symbolically envelopes the Tablets within.    
The Ten Commandments aren't enuff by themselves    
To produce Atonement, salvation.    
God has to enter the picture - in order for Atonement to occur.    
Likewise, an ovum is helpless by itself.    
But matched by the seed, a zygote is produced!    
On Yom Kippur God takes the sin of the nation, Israel.    
Likewise,in intercourse, via conception,    
The husband takes away the wife's barrenness,    
A metaphor for sin or the accursed state.    
Only on Yom Kippur,    
Did the High Priest wear on his head    
A bulb-like Turban(Exodus 28.4,37-39; 29.6).    
Likewise, with the head of the penis.    
The High Priest wore a blue robe called an ephod.
Below his neck were 2 onyx stones,
one on each shoulder(Ex. 25.7; 28.9-12)  
(He also wore a breastplate,containing 12 stones,    
One for each of the 12 tribes(Exodus 28.17-21).    
We subtract 10 stones for 10 tribes seceded(1 Kings 11.31-35).   
This leaves just 2, representing Judah,Benjamin.)
Likewise,beneath the neck-like shaft of the penis,    
Are two gonads,two "stones,"
Moses' term for testicles(Leviticus 21.20).    
Christ is our High Priest(Hebrews 4.14;8.1).    
He died standing up, nailed to the cross.    
Likewise the penis is in the standing position    
As it reaches orgasm,
Which causes the erection to "die."    
Seed within the penis comes forth from the head,    
Likewise,at death Christ's soul was released  
from His body via the head.    
(At death,which is a sort of "birth,"  
the soul always departs from the head,
"From above," John 3.3, NIV,     
Because the mind dwells in the brain and    
The soul is fairly synonymous with the mind.)    
Seed ejaculating from the penis is called an orgasm.      
Likewise the release of Christ's soul      
from His body is called what? His Passion.    
What was the name of that movie about the crucifixion?    
Yes, "The Passion of the Christ."    
It was the fulfillment of Yom Kippur ritual(Hebrews   ),    
Even though it was not in the Temple.    
For the temple represents Israel.    
And that's where the crucifixion took place.
PPS:In the second to last paragraph,
I quote from John 3.3,(NIV),
"You must be born from above"  
As opposed to from below.
A literal birth is from below.
For the vagina is below the torso.
"From above" would mean, from above the torso.
This points to the head.
(Christ is saying that death is like a birth.)
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 25th Mar 2015
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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