What burns within!
Don't fight what you feel baby girl... Hopaplease allow what such burns within us...
Cradling one another, while laying upon furs with bri and bear. Nestled between us key board sharing our thoughts and feelings. Maybe in such ways we have never done before. Feeling our toes caressing, legs in twined as bri, whispers softly. allow your heat to cause your heart to speak from fires that burns deep within your soul. telling me that she walks the path with me. that i am not alone. sweetly kissing her. seeing within her eyes, she will help lead me to where her and i both know one day we will rest, kneeling before the Ones, that will nurture such deep unfamiliar but yet known fires to flourish ever so strongly, forever more.
Thinking back, to much said in written and spoken words, over the last week or so. First watching bri, become calm and comforted with such trust that she hasn't had for years. Besides from and for Uncle, i and a very few others, knowing if nothing else i myself would not part from her for many yrs. to come. Knowing one day she will be owned.
Wondering how she able to trust that once was done wrong. But yet, fearing such within her was and has been burning deep within myself as well. Daringly, even i began to trust Whom she spoke with. Finding myself without fear, to share such horrible memory of past. That ache within to long forget. Such, bri and i are so accustom of keeping bottled inside us.
Yet trust is aching, craving to build a foundation. we began to share, open up even more. Hearing Uncle and this One that Whom even i am starting to feel, without hands. But with His mind. Maybe heart and soul. Walking freely among what i am told and bri knows as our fires of slaves within. Wish not to say, just bi-sexual lustful feelings and thoughts But more so of a lust, to find and know what not only bri feels.
kolar placed upon mine, our hearts. Awww, my tears caress my face. While once again, as a rush of an aching urge tugs at my belly. Causing such warmth of flowing juices to cascade between my thighs. Hearing such moans cry out within me. Wanting first to push her away, but knowing without bri's cradling arms and soothing touches. Such would hurt with much pain. Not willing not to fight it. Whispering, she cries out again. baby girl. Hear this one, release not hold within.
For only pain you will feel. hopeplease this promise one makes to you. As your ina/mother and if allowed your sister slave. Such fire you feel, will never be abused. For as long as breath is within this one's body. Only truth, honor, trust,loyalty girl walk, kneel and serve by. Not only to Him, whom she will you. Such sweet loving devotion this girl will give not only within her nature she not deny herself of. But more so as her love within heart will and remains true she has always cradled you with.
But now if allowed will help guide you, to what you know hides within. This girl knows buts hopes will be years later that her breath will leave this human shell. Many times girl has cried, prayed to Great Spirit, that one day such she knew that you baby girl was born with. Would one day begin to stir within. Now sees that it has. But can't grow without guidance, so not even yourself will abuse.
Listen to your Uncle, and as well not only hear, what your heat, your heart is crying out to you. But as well allow yourself to follow. For this girl, has lived and served many years without love, but fear. Hear girl, for she begs to you. What makes such fire you feel. To be pure. Isn't that if you have never been touched or taken.
But only if, you allow such fires to be caressed with love, trust, honor, truth and loyalty. Which again only loveing devotion and admiration can be found. That is what makes the slave within pure. That is what makes you pure. Not fight what you are. Become what you know aches to set you free within yourself.
Tell this girl, that you not feel Him even this very moment. Say you not ache, not only of lust and desire of Him. But yet long for no other but His guidance. Not only of whom you know you are. But more of what you know can be. Think of Him. And listen to what you have came to learn of years with Uncle. For such that has been taught. Is the more purest way to live true. Way it was meant to be.
Awww, feeling myself coming back to such control only i know. Grateful that i know the tongue she speaks, for if not such words spoken would not be understood. But hearing her words, i am finding so much learned. As she tells me now, if i give in to what i know is within me.
No longer will i need to see myself as i but the slave within will become as one with identity so there will be no use to single myself out from the slave within. For i and the slave within when become known as a girl for again are as one. Yet further goes on to say. The slave if allowed to become. Will be like no other.
Such beauty will be seen by all. That such words as I, my, me or even mine and myself. Will have no true meaning. For once owned and kolared. Such identity that will ever been needed to know is that girl becomes one and her Master's slave. And if chosen the Master may choose to change give His slave a new name, or He may wish to know of her as the name she is known within the heavens. i find myself once again remembering back to written and spoken words. Asking me if yet does such feeling still burn. Asking if heat has became hotter, has fire grown to flourish within.
How would, i express such heated desires. Not only of lust. But of a kolared heart. Watching bri, as she is so pure and comforted from whom she knows she is. Yet aches to be more. Can i ever be such. Wondering what i must give up to be as she is. Ah, she growls at me. what you give up is not of yours to begin with, she says. What you betray your inner being is not you. live true, not live a lie. For you know who you are, but yet so hard denies. Awe, she grabs cradling my belly. Set her free for she is what will make you free. Awww, ouch she smacked me. Allow her to waken. So she can be guided, bri says. Such beauty is not to be kept held within. she is to be set free. So once given she will be nurtured.
Knowing much of this way of life. Seeing both sides. Watching bri seeing and feeling both sides. To live with honor or abuse. Hearing Uncle, others and even Whom, i feel even now, caressing me deep within my soul. But without touching my shell of a body. Speak of how this way of life is and was to be. Watching many times of many gatherings. Seeing others live what i see of much honor, wisdom of trust, truth and loyalty. Many times found myself, hiding even i ached to kneel as bri does when with other slave females. Or when kneeling beside my Uncle. Seeing her for awhile now seek her rightful place, she calls it. Again finding myself, struggling with thoughts of one day will her rightful place be the same as mine, mine same as hers.
Since, i try to see my life without being with her. How her and my nature is for each other. Such day i can't even imagine. Will the bonded between her and i, grow stronger if i allowed myself to give in to what burns within me? i question this. Or would her and i find that we become more competitive towards the One we give ourselves to. Or even just between each other. Would i ever find myself with such control i already have of bri. awww, biting my lip. Thinking to myself. Did i just stick my foot in my mouth. Well if it hasn't already been seen, it may now. Have feeling such i will be questioned of. Knowing myself i will be honest. If wanted to. If any female bri would ever allow to control her. Would be i myself. Not saying, i would ever be dominant, but know i could be and will be if ever needed with her. Simply cause of hers and my bond we share. Granted will never have the control that a Master would have of her. But yet its there. Awww.
Wondering if that would ever be a problem. Or should be something to over come. Maybe. Time will tell. Yet, thoughts being pulled back towards what future may hold for us. Am i willing to give in to what i feel so deep within. Or yet remain striving, struggling to be as i am now.
Do i dare cross over. Allow what yet i know as ina/mother daughter lustful bond have just a stifled growth. Or do i adventure to release what aches within. And become as one with her, Giving within willingly submission, to One i know will cause such fires of desires to ache even more so.
As receiving a deep, forfilled lusting, lustful kiss from bri and she whispers baw, yes you should and will if you shall. Is birning within her, such burning fluttering aches. Deep i feel as she does, within my belly. Causing wet, warmth of heat to flow. Reaching down caressing such aching urges, bri whispers inc cherokee. Don't fight what you feel baby girl. Hopaplease allow it to grow.
For it will cushion your steps of sweet serenities that one day, will serve you well as you kneel within even your rightful place. Not fear it baby girl she cries to me. For you was born with such fire. Caress. accept it. If not such aching pleasures you will feel nothing more than pain. Keep Him, within sight of your burning heat.
Allow yourself, to explore such wonders. That you know He has caused such fires to spark. For He will guide You. Not allowing you to be burned. she wipes, kissing my tears. For now baby girl such aches of desires do hurt. But if you give, surrender to what you already know. But yet deny yourself that is deep within your soul, such pains will turn to such pleasing pleasures. Not only for Him, whom you one day will give it to.
More so will allow you to be true to yourself as well. If continue to deny, Such rightful place no matter what fork of path you take in life, you will never find baby girl. Awww, biting my lip just before deeply kissing. Feeling such juices flow between us. Once again, remembering back to written and spoken words. Hearing it asked of us, how do we feel. With thoughts of maybe one day being collared. Naw, not collared, but yet kolared.
Which i knew no difference between the two till, i become to live with my Uncle. And yet still question at times. if they aren't yet the same. Seeing so many that i fear is just abusive, abusing such way of life. That i struggle not to become comforted by. To think of such kolar, not of animal, nor a beast. But as more such rare beauty of the slaves within....kneeling at a Master's feet....
Written by SabrinaK
"tsila noquisi {nicole} & toeu adonvdodi{bri}"
Cradling one another, while laying upon furs with bri and bear. Nestled between us key board sharing our thoughts and feelings. Maybe in such ways we have never done before. Feeling our toes caressing, legs in twined as bri, whispers softly. allow your heat to cause your heart to speak from fires that burns deep within your soul. telling me that she walks the path with me. that i am not alone. sweetly kissing her. seeing within her eyes, she will help lead me to where her and i both know one day we will rest, kneeling before the Ones, that will nurture such deep unfamiliar but yet known fires to flourish ever so strongly, forever more.
Thinking back, to much said in written and spoken words, over the last week or so. First watching bri, become calm and comforted with such trust that she hasn't had for years. Besides from and for Uncle, i and a very few others, knowing if nothing else i myself would not part from her for many yrs. to come. Knowing one day she will be owned.
Wondering how she able to trust that once was done wrong. But yet, fearing such within her was and has been burning deep within myself as well. Daringly, even i began to trust Whom she spoke with. Finding myself without fear, to share such horrible memory of past. That ache within to long forget. Such, bri and i are so accustom of keeping bottled inside us.
Yet trust is aching, craving to build a foundation. we began to share, open up even more. Hearing Uncle and this One that Whom even i am starting to feel, without hands. But with His mind. Maybe heart and soul. Walking freely among what i am told and bri knows as our fires of slaves within. Wish not to say, just bi-sexual lustful feelings and thoughts But more so of a lust, to find and know what not only bri feels.
kolar placed upon mine, our hearts. Awww, my tears caress my face. While once again, as a rush of an aching urge tugs at my belly. Causing such warmth of flowing juices to cascade between my thighs. Hearing such moans cry out within me. Wanting first to push her away, but knowing without bri's cradling arms and soothing touches. Such would hurt with much pain. Not willing not to fight it. Whispering, she cries out again. baby girl. Hear this one, release not hold within.
For only pain you will feel. hopeplease this promise one makes to you. As your ina/mother and if allowed your sister slave. Such fire you feel, will never be abused. For as long as breath is within this one's body. Only truth, honor, trust,loyalty girl walk, kneel and serve by. Not only to Him, whom she will you. Such sweet loving devotion this girl will give not only within her nature she not deny herself of. But more so as her love within heart will and remains true she has always cradled you with.
But now if allowed will help guide you, to what you know hides within. This girl knows buts hopes will be years later that her breath will leave this human shell. Many times girl has cried, prayed to Great Spirit, that one day such she knew that you baby girl was born with. Would one day begin to stir within. Now sees that it has. But can't grow without guidance, so not even yourself will abuse.
Listen to your Uncle, and as well not only hear, what your heat, your heart is crying out to you. But as well allow yourself to follow. For this girl, has lived and served many years without love, but fear. Hear girl, for she begs to you. What makes such fire you feel. To be pure. Isn't that if you have never been touched or taken.
But only if, you allow such fires to be caressed with love, trust, honor, truth and loyalty. Which again only loveing devotion and admiration can be found. That is what makes the slave within pure. That is what makes you pure. Not fight what you are. Become what you know aches to set you free within yourself.
Tell this girl, that you not feel Him even this very moment. Say you not ache, not only of lust and desire of Him. But yet long for no other but His guidance. Not only of whom you know you are. But more of what you know can be. Think of Him. And listen to what you have came to learn of years with Uncle. For such that has been taught. Is the more purest way to live true. Way it was meant to be.
Awww, feeling myself coming back to such control only i know. Grateful that i know the tongue she speaks, for if not such words spoken would not be understood. But hearing her words, i am finding so much learned. As she tells me now, if i give in to what i know is within me.
No longer will i need to see myself as i but the slave within will become as one with identity so there will be no use to single myself out from the slave within. For i and the slave within when become known as a girl for again are as one. Yet further goes on to say. The slave if allowed to become. Will be like no other.
Such beauty will be seen by all. That such words as I, my, me or even mine and myself. Will have no true meaning. For once owned and kolared. Such identity that will ever been needed to know is that girl becomes one and her Master's slave. And if chosen the Master may choose to change give His slave a new name, or He may wish to know of her as the name she is known within the heavens. i find myself once again remembering back to written and spoken words. Asking me if yet does such feeling still burn. Asking if heat has became hotter, has fire grown to flourish within.
How would, i express such heated desires. Not only of lust. But of a kolared heart. Watching bri, as she is so pure and comforted from whom she knows she is. Yet aches to be more. Can i ever be such. Wondering what i must give up to be as she is. Ah, she growls at me. what you give up is not of yours to begin with, she says. What you betray your inner being is not you. live true, not live a lie. For you know who you are, but yet so hard denies. Awe, she grabs cradling my belly. Set her free for she is what will make you free. Awww, ouch she smacked me. Allow her to waken. So she can be guided, bri says. Such beauty is not to be kept held within. she is to be set free. So once given she will be nurtured.
Knowing much of this way of life. Seeing both sides. Watching bri seeing and feeling both sides. To live with honor or abuse. Hearing Uncle, others and even Whom, i feel even now, caressing me deep within my soul. But without touching my shell of a body. Speak of how this way of life is and was to be. Watching many times of many gatherings. Seeing others live what i see of much honor, wisdom of trust, truth and loyalty. Many times found myself, hiding even i ached to kneel as bri does when with other slave females. Or when kneeling beside my Uncle. Seeing her for awhile now seek her rightful place, she calls it. Again finding myself, struggling with thoughts of one day will her rightful place be the same as mine, mine same as hers.
Since, i try to see my life without being with her. How her and my nature is for each other. Such day i can't even imagine. Will the bonded between her and i, grow stronger if i allowed myself to give in to what burns within me? i question this. Or would her and i find that we become more competitive towards the One we give ourselves to. Or even just between each other. Would i ever find myself with such control i already have of bri. awww, biting my lip. Thinking to myself. Did i just stick my foot in my mouth. Well if it hasn't already been seen, it may now. Have feeling such i will be questioned of. Knowing myself i will be honest. If wanted to. If any female bri would ever allow to control her. Would be i myself. Not saying, i would ever be dominant, but know i could be and will be if ever needed with her. Simply cause of hers and my bond we share. Granted will never have the control that a Master would have of her. But yet its there. Awww.
Wondering if that would ever be a problem. Or should be something to over come. Maybe. Time will tell. Yet, thoughts being pulled back towards what future may hold for us. Am i willing to give in to what i feel so deep within. Or yet remain striving, struggling to be as i am now.
Do i dare cross over. Allow what yet i know as ina/mother daughter lustful bond have just a stifled growth. Or do i adventure to release what aches within. And become as one with her, Giving within willingly submission, to One i know will cause such fires of desires to ache even more so.
As receiving a deep, forfilled lusting, lustful kiss from bri and she whispers baw, yes you should and will if you shall. Is birning within her, such burning fluttering aches. Deep i feel as she does, within my belly. Causing wet, warmth of heat to flow. Reaching down caressing such aching urges, bri whispers inc cherokee. Don't fight what you feel baby girl. Hopaplease allow it to grow.
For it will cushion your steps of sweet serenities that one day, will serve you well as you kneel within even your rightful place. Not fear it baby girl she cries to me. For you was born with such fire. Caress. accept it. If not such aching pleasures you will feel nothing more than pain. Keep Him, within sight of your burning heat.
Allow yourself, to explore such wonders. That you know He has caused such fires to spark. For He will guide You. Not allowing you to be burned. she wipes, kissing my tears. For now baby girl such aches of desires do hurt. But if you give, surrender to what you already know. But yet deny yourself that is deep within your soul, such pains will turn to such pleasing pleasures. Not only for Him, whom you one day will give it to.
More so will allow you to be true to yourself as well. If continue to deny, Such rightful place no matter what fork of path you take in life, you will never find baby girl. Awww, biting my lip just before deeply kissing. Feeling such juices flow between us. Once again, remembering back to written and spoken words. Hearing it asked of us, how do we feel. With thoughts of maybe one day being collared. Naw, not collared, but yet kolared.
Which i knew no difference between the two till, i become to live with my Uncle. And yet still question at times. if they aren't yet the same. Seeing so many that i fear is just abusive, abusing such way of life. That i struggle not to become comforted by. To think of such kolar, not of animal, nor a beast. But as more such rare beauty of the slaves within....kneeling at a Master's feet....
Written by SabrinaK
"tsila noquisi {nicole} & toeu adonvdodi{bri}"
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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