False Love

You watch
as I cut my fingers
trying to get
a steady hold on the razor.
I meet your eyes
a slight smile playing
on your lips.
You urge me to countinue.
I sit on my bed.
I don't hesitate,
the first slice
makes me feel
better, but worse 
there's so much blood already,
but I still keep slicing, keep bleeding.
I look at you and scream,
"You did this!
You don't want to hurt me! HA!
You hurt me so much! 
Watch! Look,LOOK!"
The blood is dripping on the comforter
as I yell,
"I can't stop! I won't!
Your the reason I'm doing this!"
You look at me
as I carve your name
in my wrist.
You grab my other wrist,
boxcutter in hand, 
cutting deep, whispering
"Does this feel better?" 
As you slowly kill me
you say
"I never loved you Kayla." 
That's the last thing I hear.
You leave, letting me die in our bed 
Written by death12365 (Kayla Moreau)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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