Icy Isolation

I stand alone in this big, big world.
It's last light fleeting as the sun disembarks.
Nothing in this icy place unfurls,
But the conduit of every pain, my stormy, stormy heart.

Why am I trapped in this damp, cold hell,
Where the rains that fall are my own tears,
Where there's nowhere to stand that I haven't fell,
And the winds rip like blades dipped in fear?

On my knees, in this tundra vast,
Screaming at the distant walls,
They put up against the night I cast,
Constructed to deflect my calls.

On my knees, too defeated to resist
The numbness of this unmelting snow,
My echoes return, with the sweet kiss
Of my dead, dead hope.

As I lay in this pitch black place,
Eyes frozen open, because I dared cry,
My freezing heart finds some small solace,
In lie, after lie, after lie...
Written by Deontejordan (D. Jordan)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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