Black Lives Matter.

 Darren Wilson walked free
he killed Mike Brown
the courts decided there was nothing wrong with that
sheriff sat and ate donuts with bigots
all rich white male and profit-fat.
they said
let the system follow through,
 things will come out right
well friend,
 that didn't come true
 and now it's time to fight.
Racism is alive and well in America and elsewhere
it's normalised and naturalised
 and we're made to pretend it's not there.
Blood splatter
black lives matter
you say we can't hate all cops
but you gotta understand
otherwise the violence
never stops.

We won't offer you free hugs
you're tools of the bosses
you protect private property
and arrest us over possession
of drugs.

We know who you work
not the people or the poor
"To protect and Serve"
Yeah the rich white male
we know that well enough
we know you pigs sure.

self appointed leaders came to tell you
don't be violent,
 act for peace
very  funny
but very telling,
they didn't tell that
to the killer racist police!

I stand with my brothers
and sisters
who say they can't breathe
I stand with people of colour
childless mothers
those drone strikes make grieve.
St Louis cops trained by the IDF
schooled and  taught in brutuality
 practiced in the art of  raining down death.

Working class white man
I'm happy to take a back seat
and listen
Tell me your stories
of struggle,
speak to me Ferguson.

I don't want this privilege
because of the colour
of my skin
but unless I'm acting against it
ma words don't mean anythin'.

Black leaders, head white power
come the man, come the hour
they're all talk but no action
heavy on the people
riot police called out in reaction.

 It doesn't matter the colour of those in government
don't give me all those myths about bad apples
the system is rotten to the core
switching the faces won't even make a dent
and this can't go on anymore.

The only thing between
Oppression and a world that's free
is a cop with a badge
and the imperialism of the military.
wars abroad, or wars at home
all the same
White supremacy.

Police bodies of
People of colour, Queer and Trans
don't turn this around,
you got blood on your hands.

the US got the world's largest prison population
so many in jail
one sign among many, this system's a fail.
money and racism hold hands
to put boots on necks
No more incarcerated freedom fighters,
Abolish the Prison Industrial Complex!
Learnt my lessons from the Black Panthers,
Lorenzo K. Ervin and our brother Malcolm X.

Angela Davis got me thinkin' about
Transformative justice
we know the courts and laws
are so oppressive
how can we support them,
how can we trust this.

As Audre Lorde said no single issues
all oppressions are intertwined
but the oppressions work against you
are different from mines.
One people, one struggle
from Ferguson to Gaza
we need to fight back,
we need the Global Intifada!
We're talkin' about bell hooks'  
"white supremacist capitalist patriarchy"
topple the slave masters at the top
and break down the hierarchy...

More a promise
than a threat
No Justice
no peace
black revolution

Fuck the police!
Written by ScottSF21
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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