
The youth....

Used to be beautiful now it's dead the world has become one with something they couldn't understand.
The dope fiends biting and chewing their tongues and cheeks.
The sixth king lives and has deception in the way that he speaks.
An adventure into a mind of a faithful servant the whore who sits with a torch and spreads abominations.
Death valley being the dark abyss we were warned of.
I have only one god and one king above and I know their love.
The heavens I witnessed and have a message a message to the youth and I hope they listen.
Have faith and love one another know the boundaries of forgiveness and realize the lies will hide behind  a face with evil eyes and speaks of a spiritual witnessing with evil locked in his mind.

Genisis to revelations the beginning and end of what was started and now of a new beginning.
New earth new heaven now of the beginning of perfect and never ending.
Written by servantwithfaith
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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