Do you know anybody who should have died but didn't. I do. Me :p
Straight from the heart
Not too late for a start
Treated like dirt
Writing colvert
Coldness hides hurt
Knowing eyes lurk
Upon me to judge
I'm strong, I won't budge
I belong with this grudge
I can't trust so I judge
Never cared for their games
I won't share them my dreams
It's unfair so it seems
This poetry teems
Hold her hand
Know your stand
Go demand
She gets treated right
In this heated fight
Indeed my insight
Was forged in the night
I warned I'm right
No more polite
Keep holding your spite
Untold kings insight
Pulled us inside
To fold us in pride
Lonely is the life of the writer
If only we could fight the decider
Of decisions
The make current conditions
With out any permissions
Plenty ambitions
Haven't the vision
To see thier condition
In this sea, I am fishing
Can't stop thinking about my ex girl
While this text swirl
It's effects twirls
Capital gain?
National slain
Actual strain
Attacts on the brain
Writing in sane
Delighting is saying
What is right
Without praying
Heros are needed, I can't do it alone
Undertand? We're all cloned
The system is owned.
False prophecy
Fuel for monopoly
Confusion on top of the
Rational thought
Contains the passion that rot
How much compassion we got
With an attration this hot
This infection has got
No protection for though
Time to reinspect what we got:
Our lives with no meaning
Just money and it's needed
Right now somebody is bloody
Because nobody is leading
I don't follow the sheep
And don't call it a leap
To say that I'm more a wolf
Ready to stop war in the gulf
And go to war with mouth
Of the dragon
North or south in a wagon
Look what one mouth
Can still drag in
This is no time for bragging
Or for feet to be draging
Life is too hard already!
Guess what? It's like that for many
There is hope for many
But you can't live of a penny
So let's audit the rich
Your not thier bitch
There's a lot to catch (on to)
But once you've lit the match on true
What's considered reality is seen for truth
And you've been the proof. That thinking ways can move
In only days you prove
Your point to another
Then they tell thier brother
It's ok that no other
Sees it as quick as you do
There is sorcery voodoo
In corporate doo doo
This is worlds nothing like you knew
War is a all you need.
Ignor who no one feed
Explore ignorant breed
When you look away
You only betray
Power fucking you
They're dedicated to
Don't obey to pre programmed way
Love alive
I'd love a wife
Still have a knife
In my back through my heart
It was wack from the start
Girls attract guys so smart
By prettending in thier heart
Love is just a word you see
Thrown out so that they personally
Beninifit themselves
Guys are assholes
And girls are superficial
Men in thier castles
Created our hastles
Within where it wrestles
We're spiritual vessles
Hey! Do you know anybody who has almost died and didn't? Well I do.. ME!!!
Now you do to.. Ya it's a pretty crazy story.. I love going for long drives through the mountains and canyons of bc because it's so beutiful and it's almost like meditation for me. So spur of the moment I said fuck life sucks right now, everybody was pissin me off and I was feeling deppressed and needed to have a break. I grabbed my best freind (my dog suzi) and was going to do a 8 or 9 hour up the valley then up the canyon the backtrack through whistler and Squamish and come back through vancouver. The drive if you like natues scenery is indescribable. I love the peace and serenity of being hours away from any major city up in the mountain, just sitting by a river looking. At the montains and the trees of our coastal temperate rainforest. Anyways...
I've seen other side
Flipped my car six times
Was about to fly
A thousand foot cliff
... But wound up on the other side
Shrapnel from from from car
Where it landed? There should be more
I got air and was heading towards a truck in oncoming traffic
That's when I swerved towards the cliff edge and had a flash that
Was pure white light. Light comfort was strange. It makes no sence but my story won't change. I seen my entire life flash before my eyes. Love from friends and family is what I realize..
Where the moments that meant the most. I say believe in after life. Lol I kid you I've been followed by a goast. Back to 2012 when I hydroplaned in monsoon like rain. I liked going for long drives to spiritually clear my brain. I was almost at Lyton. Was loop aroun to whistler... The rain fell so hard it all the sudden. It was like a wall of water. And 100k or so As I headed up to the top of jackass mountain. A rushing river flowed across the road like the cliffs has sprung a gushing fountain'. I gripped tight my steering wheel not touching the breaks and I hit it. Instantly to the right my car was commted. So off course I thought I'm gonna hit ditch and flip a couple times. I cranked the wheel to the left to see only that it slides completely to the oncoming lane with a fullsize red f350 so instead of hitting head on the cliff look apeael. I smashed into the start of a baricade in the heading direction, of a thousand foot cliff (at least) that's when i seen the light and projection of my life. I felt so at peace. I blacked out and thought I was dead. But when I woke somehow the impossible rid.. Me of death. My car veered of road to the left yet my car ended up in the ditch. My poor puppy dog was pinned and wedged, between the dash and the smashed wind shield. All the air bags had went off and I wasn't hurt a bit. I pulled my dog away from the glass and searched for her leash. I found then a red truck pulled up and said "you must have the lord watching over you" and he couldn't believe.. I was alive. U asked what happened and why I didn't go off the cliff. He said I got air off the barricade and my car actual flew over his truck and then hit the pavement, flipped a couple times and landed right side up up 175ft. Up from where I was heading off the cliff and hit the barricade. I got his information and a few other vehicles stopped including a guy on a bike and three cars.. I was soaked to my skin, my suzi dog was ok btw. One vehicle offered me a ride to a pay phone as there was a cell service dead zone where I crashed. I told buddy on the bike and other people who stopped to call it in when they hit service. Anyway I was fortunate enough to walk away with no damage miracle that I'm alive. My car I bought
Brand new in 06? It was dissinagrated. Front pushed right to dash. Top and both sides where basically ripped off... All the windows were smashed and it was a complete right off...
I still don't know why I am still alive to this day. It makes no sensce. The laws of physics say i should have drove off the cliff! My diretion of motion was heading to a 1000ft cliff down into the might rapids of the Fraser river.... All the pieces of my car? Wen of the cliff and half landed on the railway tracks and the rest must have landed in the river.. There was debri on the road... Even the tow truck driver and the police who investigated to accident said that's fucked. They couldn't explain it. They I must have horseshoes up my ass or something because I should have died. There is no way I would have surived if my car crashed from that kind of hieght. I'm lucky to be alive
Holy fuk I just fucked myself not realizing how long it took writing this wow! Supposed to be somewhere an hour ago.. Anyway I really feel like their are so few people in this world who truly know who I am and I hate that, so hopefully this has helped u to understand me a little bit more than u did before you read it. Fuck eh I loose track of all space and time when I start writing sometimes lol
Gotta go!
Thanks for reading
And feedback is always appreciated
That's it now
The end
peace out!
Not too late for a start
Treated like dirt
Writing colvert
Coldness hides hurt
Knowing eyes lurk
Upon me to judge
I'm strong, I won't budge
I belong with this grudge
I can't trust so I judge
Never cared for their games
I won't share them my dreams
It's unfair so it seems
This poetry teems
Hold her hand
Know your stand
Go demand
She gets treated right
In this heated fight
Indeed my insight
Was forged in the night
I warned I'm right
No more polite
Keep holding your spite
Untold kings insight
Pulled us inside
To fold us in pride
Lonely is the life of the writer
If only we could fight the decider
Of decisions
The make current conditions
With out any permissions
Plenty ambitions
Haven't the vision
To see thier condition
In this sea, I am fishing
Can't stop thinking about my ex girl
While this text swirl
It's effects twirls
Capital gain?
National slain
Actual strain
Attacts on the brain
Writing in sane
Delighting is saying
What is right
Without praying
Heros are needed, I can't do it alone
Undertand? We're all cloned
The system is owned.
False prophecy
Fuel for monopoly
Confusion on top of the
Rational thought
Contains the passion that rot
How much compassion we got
With an attration this hot
This infection has got
No protection for though
Time to reinspect what we got:
Our lives with no meaning
Just money and it's needed
Right now somebody is bloody
Because nobody is leading
I don't follow the sheep
And don't call it a leap
To say that I'm more a wolf
Ready to stop war in the gulf
And go to war with mouth
Of the dragon
North or south in a wagon
Look what one mouth
Can still drag in
This is no time for bragging
Or for feet to be draging
Life is too hard already!
Guess what? It's like that for many
There is hope for many
But you can't live of a penny
So let's audit the rich
Your not thier bitch
There's a lot to catch (on to)
But once you've lit the match on true
What's considered reality is seen for truth
And you've been the proof. That thinking ways can move
In only days you prove
Your point to another
Then they tell thier brother
It's ok that no other
Sees it as quick as you do
There is sorcery voodoo
In corporate doo doo
This is worlds nothing like you knew
War is a all you need.
Ignor who no one feed
Explore ignorant breed
When you look away
You only betray
Power fucking you
They're dedicated to
Don't obey to pre programmed way
Love alive
I'd love a wife
Still have a knife
In my back through my heart
It was wack from the start
Girls attract guys so smart
By prettending in thier heart
Love is just a word you see
Thrown out so that they personally
Beninifit themselves
Guys are assholes
And girls are superficial
Men in thier castles
Created our hastles
Within where it wrestles
We're spiritual vessles
Hey! Do you know anybody who has almost died and didn't? Well I do.. ME!!!
Now you do to.. Ya it's a pretty crazy story.. I love going for long drives through the mountains and canyons of bc because it's so beutiful and it's almost like meditation for me. So spur of the moment I said fuck life sucks right now, everybody was pissin me off and I was feeling deppressed and needed to have a break. I grabbed my best freind (my dog suzi) and was going to do a 8 or 9 hour up the valley then up the canyon the backtrack through whistler and Squamish and come back through vancouver. The drive if you like natues scenery is indescribable. I love the peace and serenity of being hours away from any major city up in the mountain, just sitting by a river looking. At the montains and the trees of our coastal temperate rainforest. Anyways...
I've seen other side
Flipped my car six times
Was about to fly
A thousand foot cliff
... But wound up on the other side
Shrapnel from from from car
Where it landed? There should be more
I got air and was heading towards a truck in oncoming traffic
That's when I swerved towards the cliff edge and had a flash that
Was pure white light. Light comfort was strange. It makes no sence but my story won't change. I seen my entire life flash before my eyes. Love from friends and family is what I realize..
Where the moments that meant the most. I say believe in after life. Lol I kid you I've been followed by a goast. Back to 2012 when I hydroplaned in monsoon like rain. I liked going for long drives to spiritually clear my brain. I was almost at Lyton. Was loop aroun to whistler... The rain fell so hard it all the sudden. It was like a wall of water. And 100k or so As I headed up to the top of jackass mountain. A rushing river flowed across the road like the cliffs has sprung a gushing fountain'. I gripped tight my steering wheel not touching the breaks and I hit it. Instantly to the right my car was commted. So off course I thought I'm gonna hit ditch and flip a couple times. I cranked the wheel to the left to see only that it slides completely to the oncoming lane with a fullsize red f350 so instead of hitting head on the cliff look apeael. I smashed into the start of a baricade in the heading direction, of a thousand foot cliff (at least) that's when i seen the light and projection of my life. I felt so at peace. I blacked out and thought I was dead. But when I woke somehow the impossible rid.. Me of death. My car veered of road to the left yet my car ended up in the ditch. My poor puppy dog was pinned and wedged, between the dash and the smashed wind shield. All the air bags had went off and I wasn't hurt a bit. I pulled my dog away from the glass and searched for her leash. I found then a red truck pulled up and said "you must have the lord watching over you" and he couldn't believe.. I was alive. U asked what happened and why I didn't go off the cliff. He said I got air off the barricade and my car actual flew over his truck and then hit the pavement, flipped a couple times and landed right side up up 175ft. Up from where I was heading off the cliff and hit the barricade. I got his information and a few other vehicles stopped including a guy on a bike and three cars.. I was soaked to my skin, my suzi dog was ok btw. One vehicle offered me a ride to a pay phone as there was a cell service dead zone where I crashed. I told buddy on the bike and other people who stopped to call it in when they hit service. Anyway I was fortunate enough to walk away with no damage miracle that I'm alive. My car I bought
Brand new in 06? It was dissinagrated. Front pushed right to dash. Top and both sides where basically ripped off... All the windows were smashed and it was a complete right off...
I still don't know why I am still alive to this day. It makes no sensce. The laws of physics say i should have drove off the cliff! My diretion of motion was heading to a 1000ft cliff down into the might rapids of the Fraser river.... All the pieces of my car? Wen of the cliff and half landed on the railway tracks and the rest must have landed in the river.. There was debri on the road... Even the tow truck driver and the police who investigated to accident said that's fucked. They couldn't explain it. They I must have horseshoes up my ass or something because I should have died. There is no way I would have surived if my car crashed from that kind of hieght. I'm lucky to be alive
Holy fuk I just fucked myself not realizing how long it took writing this wow! Supposed to be somewhere an hour ago.. Anyway I really feel like their are so few people in this world who truly know who I am and I hate that, so hopefully this has helped u to understand me a little bit more than u did before you read it. Fuck eh I loose track of all space and time when I start writing sometimes lol
Gotta go!
Thanks for reading
And feedback is always appreciated
That's it now
The end
peace out!
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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