My imperfections

My imperfections have brought out the worst in me.
A victim of a truth I could never see.
A reflection of a person I could never be.

Lies often bringing out the devil in me.
Lack of trust making an enemy out of me.
Uncertainty unleashing the paranoia in me.
Ignorance is the only key that despises me.
Peer pressure often making a mockery of me.
Fake friends constantly wanting something from me.

My insecurities remind me of the great partner I could never be.
These tears bringing out the coward in me.

Wiping my tears to see what can not be seen.
Frequent selfishness reminds me of the shoulder to cry on that I've never been.
The troubles of this world make its people so mean.

I turn my back against it all,hoping it's all a bad dream.
I daydream of a world,a perfect world or at least how it would seem.
I watch the memories we never made float down a stream.

I long for time past.
Friends lost.
A better chance at life,how much that would cost.
A relationship that would last.

My fears bring out the little girl in me.
Your hidden secrets,just a rumour to me.
Your rude nature takes nothing away from me.
Your hypocrisy does not cripple me.
Your judgment does not define me.
Your mistakes make me realize how much of a human you are to me.

Imperfect we all are.
Nobody has the ability to shine bright like an evening star.
This is who we are.

My imperfections are mine and mine to keep.
The only thing that makes me human as I lay down in my sleep.
Words can not begin to define a feeling so deep.

A real girl isn't perfect.
A perfect girl isn't real.

My imperfections.
Written by Namhla
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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