The 7 Deadly Sins

Sorry this is a bit long.

I just thought that this might be fun to do, it’s only when you start that it makes you think about your own life, and maybe a few changes are needed.

Lust is a powerful craving for such as sex, power and money.  
Envy is wanting what others have, be it status, abilities, or possessions.
Vanity is an excessive belief in one's own abilities.
Wrath is the loss of rational self-control and the desire to harm others.
Sloth is laziness and the avoidance of work.
Gluttony is the desire to eat or consume more than you require.
Avarice is the desire for material wealth or gain.


Unending gratification.
No frustration.
A craving so deep.
Enough to make you weep.

Self indulgent to the end.
No thought for one’s friend.
A physical need.
The riding of the steed.

Raw carnal power.
That blooms like a flower.
Thoughts so twisting.
There is no resisting.

Consequences are of no concern.
Always chasing the yearn.
No thought of what might be.
Control is the key.


To want.
As others flaunt.
Wife or life.
But not the strife.

What others possess.
More or less.
To want to take.
With a deep set ache.

Wishing you was famous.
And no ignoramus.
Wishing for the applause.
No matter what the cause.

It’s better to live in your comfort zone.
Without even a groan.
Than stretch what is known.
And become a clone.


To know.
And still to grow.
To never doubt.
With no need to scout.

Total belief.
With no grief.
Never needing to ask.
Whatever the task.

To progress without mistake.
Leaving others in your wake.
To know you are the best.
You know you are blessed.

Pride before the fall.
And believe me you will stall.
And the higher you crawl.
The longer the fall


Anger without control.
Negative as a whole.
Total rage.
The beast is out of its cage.

There in a flash.
Ready to bash.
Control lost.
No thought of cost.

Heart beating faster.
What a disaster.
Shouting louder.
Lighting the powder.

The first swing.
Pain to bring.
Mine or yours.
The beginning of wars.


Hard work never hurt.
Sweat staining a shirt.
Although you would prefer not to try.
As you shake your head and sigh.

You prefer to sit and watch.
With the help of a scotch.
No common toil.
While other boil.

The thought of work.
Makes you want to lurk.
Filling the days with things to avoid.
Nothing to fill the void.

Time will drag.
I think I will read a mag.
Or is that too much trouble.
Maybe I will rub the stubble.


Everything to excess.
No matter what the mess.      
Resources without end.
Enough for you and a friend.

An appetite without bounds.
As you build the pounds.
Food without end.
Your waist to extend.

Natural resources consumed.
We could be doomed.
Everything in moderation.
To take only our ration.

Your health to suffer.
Maybe to become a puffer.
To consume.
Right into your tomb.


To work and work.
Never to shirk.
To accumulate and amass.
So much brass.

Wealth without end.
Wealth never to spend.
Coming in as if from a geyser.
O to be a miser.

Sitting in the dark.
Life so stark.
The cost of candles.
Or even sandals.

To have and to hold.
So much gold.
But in the end.
It’s better to spend.
Written by pdh431
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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