"God Bless The Grammer Natzi's"

You will have observed my now, tom and Marcus's complete disregard for grammar and spelling? how they get away with it is anyone's guess? So here presented to you is a poorly constructed "ditty" which some may find controversial others annoying, and some who like us who cant spell and have no concept of grammar will appreciate.

"God Bless The Grammar Nazi's"
By Tom Quinton And Marcus Cooke

God bless the grammar Nazi's
the word elite, Illuminati
you've been pointing
out  mistakes,
causing, chaos
teeth clenched
armed with scythes and rakes,
You've been staring at the screen
and you want to scream
the words are jumbled up
like a mixed up dream
and you have to point it out
no matter the weather
but i think it would
be better if we just
slept together.
You gammar Nazi's
are all on the take
someone got excited
when they spotted a random commur
or a spelling mistake
we try are best
it wasn't fair
you act like a war criminal
like tony blair.
Its a capitol letter here
and a fool stop there
I bet u watch count down
and iron your under wear
You critcise are work
You really do bore us
your a walking talking
Conservative Thesaurus
u say were not poets
Were not worthy of that name
Your a come stain in a library
A grammor whore on the game
Poetry's not about the grammar
its the message it prevails
Its passion its raw we speak from the hart
Sometimes its off the rails
sometimes it lieing on a bed
of rusty nails
so when u read this
don't get assy
its not your fault
your all grammar Nazi's.
Written by Punkpoetdetectives
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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