An angry verse

A nine year old girl, raped by the lodger-
My student, thirtyish. Off he went
Abroad, away from British law.

The Asian family wanted justice
Should he return-
Not in a way to bring
Upon the girl vilification,
On the family ostracization
In rejection by their community.

That was the get out for authority.
My superior: 'Drop it. Sex cases
Are endless trouble'
NSPCC:'Report it.'
Despite hurt to the girl and family?
'It is your public duty.'
Physician:'I cannot examine the girl.
The assailant may have been my patient'

Twenty years later, the policewoman
Taking my statement:
'An interesting story.
Most I write up are so boring.'

No resolution

What happened to the little girl?
Does she file the case
In 'best forgotten'?

Not for me. The eyes of the girl
And parents still trouble
And my failure.
Written by marthard
Published | Edited 3rd Jan 2014
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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