The Girl

This is the story, a story of a young girl
So full of light full of love, full of dreams
Her world came crashing down that day
The day she was abandoned and left alone
As the years go by she becomes so jaded
Pain, abuse, abandonment and loneliness is all she knows
Till the day, the day, she was rescued
She is alive now, full of ambition, love and dreams
She lives her life as if there is no tomorrow
Loving every minute of it
One fight ends it all
Thrown out into the world, alone and so scared
She tries to find her place in the world
Unsure of the future, dreams fading, she is fading
Then, she met him. He is just like her
Two lost souls became one
Struggling, loving, caring for each other
They make their world together
He is her life, she needs only him
Years go by, she loves being his wife
Mother to his child
Blinded by love
She opens her eyes, and sees
They have grown apart
What was once one are now two
He pushes her away, and she lets him
She tries, oh so hard to bring back what once was
He is unwilling to budge
Despite her deepest cries
Heartbroken, depression, utter sadness
Her pain goes unnoticed
She is so scared, reaching out for help
He is not there; he is all she knows
Lost again
Not knowing what to do,
Going through the motions, scared and alone
Abandoned again; frozen with fear
Wanting to salvage what was lost
Fearing it’s gone forever
Again, unsure of the future, dreams fading, she is fading
This is the story of the girl
Who is me.
Written by Sha
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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