Can't Edit Your Soul

You can not edit your soul because I've tried and these are some of the reasons I know why.
1.) When we were together you'd love me for a millisecond and then you'd love someone else and you'd love me again. As if you were an animal deciding whether or not you wanted to go to the family who had forgotten, used you and abused  you or to the latter which cared , Nurtured  and protected you.

2.) I would like to go back to the time that I first met you I had this connection to you as if I was Moses and you were my people. It was my duty my honor to give you all that your heart was missing and more. So I reached for the stars to for-fill this mission. Sacrificing myself as if it was the only way to keep you living.

3.) and as time went on I knew I started to mean something because the poetic words I spoke to you came so effortlessly and I could see it filled your tank up. I took care of you as if you were a 1966 Shelby 427 Cobra. Made sure that bad boy never CRIED for a Oil Change. made sure you always felt you could go  the extra MILE with your Tank on E. told you all the truthful right things to make you glow as if you were just Bought yesterday. Yeah baby no scratches on this 66. But still you remained to treat like a fucking Spick

4.) I started to lie to myself and say "Even though the love that's given isn't as equal. I'm still loved right?" Even though your 3 word good nights never ever tried to out do my paragraphs full of emojis. Damn I got character. I know you got iMessage so why the fuck you keep playing me. "good night bae" that's all you gotta say to me. Should have text you back like you forgot the other B in Babe. Or  am I not worthy.

5.) Every time I'd build the courage up to leave. It's like you could feel it before it happened. realing me back in as if i was a fish and my heart was the rod that never seemed to snap when i tugged. Sending me a text about how much you need me and it would break me into fluttery love stuff. My mind would be like really Ni you gonna fall for this shit. I'm like shhhh staaahp he means it see. Til I decided enough is enough.

6.) I broke it off but in a nice way. Damn see that shows my character. That shows that I really cared for you that I couldn't allow you to feel how I felt during the time being. That feeling of loneliness as if I was a useless prototype that no one could stand to bare with. "RECALL ON THAT ITEM" wait i paused before sending a text I know a text classy of me. Backspace, Backspace,backspace. Just delete the whole paragraph.  After I hit "send" on a 3 word text that read  "We're Umm Over" I felt the world lifted of my shoulders

7.) I've gotten completely better well at least I like to think. Fuck if you beg to differ. I've tried to condition my soul that I'm better off this way. But when I patch me up its like a endless hole. I'll be patching for days cause you can't edit your soul!

8.) Even though I tried to end it like I was all wavy. I still sit and wonder about you. I always offer my ears in my heart to you no matter the circumstances because that rod that you hooked me with is indestructible

9.) so I steady try to figure out the answer to the question : " When you love someone and you move on for whatever reason, is it bad that you'll be there through the toughest seasons? " "Is it bad that you never stop loving them?"
"is it good that from time to time you think of them?"
Cause if so then I'm good with nothing to worry about

Almost forgot 10 but if not then I'm fucked cause my soul can't be edited
Written by thenamesni_
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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