Far Away

when i was a kid
i couldn't wait to get big
wanted to do whatever i wanted
make my own rules
no more school
just livin on my own
where ever i called home

18 seemed so far away
back in the day
i couldn't wait
but now that seems so long ago
traveling my own road
yeah it couldn't come fast enough
but now i wouldn't mind slowin down
its kind of funny when i look around
and think about the day
that 18 seemed so far away

when i became an adult
i signed on that dotted line
determined to protect this country of mine
i never understood how i could die
but not enjoy a drink on a friday night
that never seemed right

21 seemed so far away
back in the day
i couldn't wait
but now that seems so long ago
traveling my own road
yeah it couldn't come fast enough
but now i wouldn't mind slowin down
its kind of funny when i look around
and think about the day
that 21 seemed so far away

time sure does fly by
hey you only get one life
so you better live it right
one day at a time

the future seems far away
but it's coming day after day
i cant wait
who knows where i'll go
traveling my own road
time, yeah there ain't enough
i wouldn't mind slowin down
its kind of funny when i look around
when the future seems far away
Written by zinger
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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