Image for the poem The Absorbing Abyss Reflects Grey Rainbows

The Absorbing Abyss Reflects Grey Rainbows

with sounds of galloping a carriage rattles
a deaf child rides a television with subtitles
it's only a mute hero who can breathe clear truth
attitude's absent from the knowledge of being subdued
mostly in times when time is unknown
recording the facts isn't airing what's shown
an error in perception can be arable for fleas
terror doesn't leave a world with intent upon growth
the seas will not halt for the want of approach
tilling isn't always the choice for dreamed seeds
surviving doesn't have to fulfill all needs

tearing canals upwardly down
rerouting the treasures of earthly creation
showing things done while absent of thought
spreading coal without Christmas wishes
a crooked smile displays a frown
single cells from the belly of an ecosystem
still matter matriculated
without knowledge of Hell splendor can still exist
the center of the world's for the existence of a shift

then there's still therefore and then
and or but and what about the kids

your own expression of grief can grift you away
sulking for no tomorrow's gone with so many yesterdays
connections to vacancies open up so many relations
to barter a deal with accepting relaxation
spirits will go harshly with the wrong allowance
unaccepted travel is made with trouncing salvage

error brought into solid reaching harm
negative or positive mankind can't understand all scars
stars breathe energy into things beyond night
terror doesn't always ride along with fright
being clever isn't worth much while openly wounded
healing doesn't matter to a suicidal match maker
the gift of survival can be an intrusion
how bad can things be to hate being included

turning around goes forward from any direction while stopped
going back doesn't always go good with some kinds of pop
it's easy for some to squirm and still lie
fertile means to not mind the word devour
as long as the pain of bravery doesn't size up to coward

petty theft
wrecked wreathes
new hearses
shredded sleeves
knowing more than whatever doesn't give a good shuck
trimming down one's self can make it's own luck
cutting to the quick can kill without hydration
a lot of things called neo aren't new
                                          often only perforation
logic is destructive on small scales while inconsiderate to ration
much insanity exists within the realm of common sense
with many of us spit isn't always white
with few life is rarely tense
an ancestor unexpected can easily take your piss

Poem by: m.e.l. (accompanied charcoal drawing entitled Boredom Hatches also by m.e.l.)

Written by M-E_Ninny-L (michael edward lanier)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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