Sweet Nectar of Desire

Pristine blossoms of honeysuckle, beckon him
Their soft sultry scent carried on the back of a summer breeze
Delivering tantalizing sensual fragrances ....that evoke hardened desires

Cascading blossoms swell and sway on moistening Ivory towers
Hands sliding, gliding, striding, between supple roots of delicate flowers
Primordial urges pulsate, engorged with seeds of sexual arousal

Nimble fingers stroke, tease, tantalize, caress succulent petals
Effortlessly they spread….opening and yielding, to his majestic touch
Cupping the unfolding flower, he claims it....enslaving it with his hungry mouth

A skillful tongue delves in, prodding, probing, penetrating it's secret depths
Coiling and exploring, slowly trailing his along the fleshy stem of his desire
Glistening dew, of sweet nectar oozes, he licks every droplet of this ......

Elixir of the Gods!
Written by SinfulSir
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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