
The wet grass clings to my bare feet
The scent of early morning fills my shriveled up lungs
Many pretty faces are around me
The same expression painted along there jagged lines
No birds are chirping, no bug dare make a sound
The sky is clear
And the sun is starting to rise
The horizons colors bleed into each other
Everyone's wearing black
The children
The adults
Even the awkward teenagers who'd rather be off doing anything but this
No ones speaking
You'd think we're all made of stone
Holding in our breath we try not to inhale the scent
Of loss
Of misery
Of all the pain the past reminds us of
Daddy's been gone for how long little girl?
No don't weep sweetie it's okay
It's not your fault, understand that
You did nothing wrong
Screaming at your mom you rebellious teenager?
How dare you
She gave you life
She is the reason you are here
She's stood by you through thick and thin, don't take her for granted
Still getting straight A's I see you studious girl
Good for you, I'm very proud
But be careful about sucking down those pills
One day you might not wake up, so hede my warning
Why are you lying on the floor?
You're a broken hearted girl aren't you
We've all been there, the pain can kill
But hold your head up darling, you'll make it
It'll get better, eventually

Blinking away the thoughts and coming back to reality I see everyone's around the grave
I better join them before it's too late to say goodbye
Making my way I see all the others past selves lying in the grave
Ones of regret, and guilt
Staring down in my hands are held three dolls
One of regret
On of shame
And one of misery
I toss them into the grave and watch as it is closed and buried
Only to be lost in time
Turning around and walking away I don't bother to look back
The past needs to stay lost, stay forgotten
If I turn around it'll be too late, there will be no hope left
The future is what I must cling to now
Because if I turn around I'll be forced to accept this
Empty shell
This hollowed out self of the person I once was.
Written by jinabell21 (Jina Bella)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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