Submissions by yoyullsee
my life
It started 16 years ago with weed
Three hits an I was hooked
Cocaine an LSD followed
They were fun I was young life was a joke
A fifth year senior is were that got me
On to ketamine an xtc
I was a raver
O the fun times I miss them
Along came the devil or so I thought
Methamphetamine dreams is what I called her
3 years wasted pushed me up to 22
Never turned my back on weed fell outta love with the others
Four years of being a grown up
Wow I did it I made it lifes good
Then the prescriptions came
Xanax was like bein drunk...
Three hits an I was hooked
Cocaine an LSD followed
They were fun I was young life was a joke
A fifth year senior is were that got me
On to ketamine an xtc
I was a raver
O the fun times I miss them
Along came the devil or so I thought
Methamphetamine dreams is what I called her
3 years wasted pushed me up to 22
Never turned my back on weed fell outta love with the others
Four years of being a grown up
Wow I did it I made it lifes good
Then the prescriptions came
Xanax was like bein drunk...
987 reads
all i need is one
Tick tock tick tock tick tock
God or Satan make this stop
Not the clock ticking but my body
Convulsing vomiting
No sleep in days
But its my choosing that has me here
Cuz opiates give me no fear
Perks Vikes get it
the opiod family is why I'm here
As I lay in my cigarette burnt blanket
I realize I'm a junky without heroin
I'm detoxing got the shakes an squirts
My hole fuckin body hurts
But it is what it is
I'm a junky my friends.......
All I need is one so I can rest
God or Satan make this stop
Not the clock ticking but my body
Convulsing vomiting
No sleep in days
But its my choosing that has me here
Cuz opiates give me no fear
Perks Vikes get it
the opiod family is why I'm here
As I lay in my cigarette burnt blanket
I realize I'm a junky without heroin
I'm detoxing got the shakes an squirts
My hole fuckin body hurts
But it is what it is
I'm a junky my friends.......
All I need is one so I can rest
893 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by yoyullsee