Submissions by jsills
doin time
doin time is the hardest thing you will ever have to do.i'm not doin time alone your doin time to. my prison is bein locked up behind these bar's and walls but your prison is behind a locked heart. my doin time keeps us apart but our memories are forever in my heart.when im done doin time we will have a fresh start with life and all our love in our hearts.
791 reads
Most people think sucide is the easy way out.In all reality it may be but really its a cowards way out.If you commet sucide you have let life beat you and let your friends and family who care for you down,and hurt the one's who love you.If the thoughts run through your head don't let them get you down.If you feel you have nowere to run turn to God he is always there for you even if he is the last one you have to run to.He will fill your heart with love and show your whole life to you so you can lear you have a reason to live.Just so you can beat life and not let it beat you.If you do it yea...
651 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by jsills