Submissions by joelove
420 man
hey what they got to say 420 stoners what the fuck im a pot head i think 420 every day other people treat it as a holiday it's not roll a blunt smoke a bowl smoke some weed make sure it's dank some people dat don't smoke should it would make life alot easier know what im saying what im trying to say is 420 is just a date smoking pot is every day if your a true stoner
1274 reads
liking you lovin life sayin hi every time you walk by thinking bout u all the time 24hours 7days a week go to school sit next to you and dont know what to say but hi there is a place inside that needs comfort and love i dont know what i have or what i dont so will you please say more than hi or boodbye
786 reads
livin life
livin life to much pain dealin with all this hate i see your love i see your hate i can't liv this life with all this hate romance love hate trust no matter what you say i can't deal with the hate
578 reads
high school sweet hearts
I don't understand love I cant figure out what we had I told you I loved you I don't understand what that means I said I loved you because it made you happy so I don't know what you call it being in and out of a relationship with you for a year now my feelings for you are more then you will ever understand your friends call it romance im going to call it stubornness being in high school and having a relationship is not easy but I can't leave you because your my high school sweet heart
704 reads
two much alchol
drinking my life away just another time another day
just wishing that those good times never fold away take another swig dats all i got to say fucked up on jager i don't know wat the fuck to say:(
just wishing that those good times never fold away take another swig dats all i got to say fucked up on jager i don't know wat the fuck to say:(
769 reads
loves time machine
love is time a machine that travels back in time when love was real wouldn't cost you a dime nowa days it costs you time girls don't go for guys that don't have a dime.
674 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by joelove