Submissions by jerry020
Damned at birth,damned growin'up,damned now.I've fallen pray upon damnation,it's taken everything I loved,leaving me with only pain and suffering.
Through the never I'm lost;I feel I'm an omen to myself as I reach out and let only myself down with self pity and the worry disease engulfed around me,''Damn This Damnation!!''for I wish today was tomorrow yesterday.
I've been lost in the middle always tryin' to find the wishing well,running around in circles always crossing the line but not realizing the damnation I'm causing to myself.
Hope to never unchain the night,unleashing...
Through the never I'm lost;I feel I'm an omen to myself as I reach out and let only myself down with self pity and the worry disease engulfed around me,''Damn This Damnation!!''for I wish today was tomorrow yesterday.
I've been lost in the middle always tryin' to find the wishing well,running around in circles always crossing the line but not realizing the damnation I'm causing to myself.
Hope to never unchain the night,unleashing...
758 reads
Eternally Pt.I
Oh where oh where is thou love of mine.
I comfortably numb in silence waiting to hear from my fair lady.
I wait patiently as the days go by as life's given breath.
My heart breaketh more each day that passeth by with no hearing of my fair lady.
I layeth in deep dispare, contenplating my next action as death keeps me company. Envolking me to goeth forward with the thoughts that encircle my mind.
Oh how sweet death seems but my only friend, constantly by my side, turning my love to hate welcoming suicide my forclosure of dreams.
I wait in sympathy by myself as...
I comfortably numb in silence waiting to hear from my fair lady.
I wait patiently as the days go by as life's given breath.
My heart breaketh more each day that passeth by with no hearing of my fair lady.
I layeth in deep dispare, contenplating my next action as death keeps me company. Envolking me to goeth forward with the thoughts that encircle my mind.
Oh how sweet death seems but my only friend, constantly by my side, turning my love to hate welcoming suicide my forclosure of dreams.
I wait in sympathy by myself as...
675 reads
A dead body and a bottle of pills.
She led me to believe she loved me,she led me to believe that she would never leave me,but time has passed and I am left in wonder wanting to know why?All I have now are memories that haunt me,unanswered questions and a pain in my heart.
Oh how I loved her so,she was my only true love,now she's gone,leaving me to wonder if I'll be able to enjoy the dawn of a new day or another mornings mist,for morbid and dark desires fill me,leading me to ''a dead body and a bottle of pills.''Now my soul drifts through the world alone.
Oh how I loved her so,she was my only true love,now she's gone,leaving me to wonder if I'll be able to enjoy the dawn of a new day or another mornings mist,for morbid and dark desires fill me,leading me to ''a dead body and a bottle of pills.''Now my soul drifts through the world alone.
723 reads
My Bride Suicide
No more thoughts of tomorrow, as I dance my final dance with my bride suicide.For todays yesterdays have come to it's final tomorrow, for my bride of destruction has kissed me ever so gently one last time as we dance our final dance of the dead, for tonight we drink and dance for no more tomorrow will be after tonights slumber.
We Wallow in shame but yet giving pain and suffering access to our charade as we dance naked under the moonlight sky, as rain drops pour upon us as a raging storm, as death prepares my final resting place.I look to the sky and scream all away my silent cry's, I...
We Wallow in shame but yet giving pain and suffering access to our charade as we dance naked under the moonlight sky, as rain drops pour upon us as a raging storm, as death prepares my final resting place.I look to the sky and scream all away my silent cry's, I...
699 reads
so tired
Death,oh how I call out to you to embrace me now in my time of pain,come and take me away from this whore of a world,for I no longer want to be a part of.My daily devotion going nowhere,my daily belief being put to the test constantly.If there is a God ''show me your wonderous power and love.If not just let me die!''Beckoning the call of the supreme ruler of hell,I feel eternal damnation upon me.I'm so tired of all of this madness,Ijust want out!!
733 reads
You've got crazy fucken people pulling kamakazee bombings in the Middle East,you've got dirty politicians saleing secrets to the Russians,you've got Iran building nukes,North Korea pushing buttons,AK-47'S,F11 Tomcats,Stealth Bombers,Skud Missils,rules of engagement,sounds to me the makings of a war.Dosn't anyone care as to what lies ahead?What is this world coming to?''OF RAGE AND WAR!!''Seriajvo a country torn to shreds.Why?Africa a country split in two,fighting for Deplomacy,thousands lay dead but yet the battles push-on.Isreal,Lebanon,Jerusalem all fighting for territory,shoot me i'll...
795 reads
Eternally Pt.ll
Another week has cometh and gone and here we start the begining of a neweth week and still no word from my fair lady,my body trembles with fear that maybe it is news that I already knoweth but can't bringest myself to admit the truth,that my true love has gone ,turned and walked away,leaving me drowning in the tears shedeth from my swollen eyes.No sunshine shall bring me joy nor words from the ancient ones,my heart is broken and peace seems but a memory as do visions of my faireth lady.My castle has crumbled to the ground taking with it the memories of a once happy time,now only sorrow...
723 reads
Screaming in the night
A merciless onslaught rages within my weary mind,trying yo cope with my thoughts.I implore out to Angelic forces to throw me a line to pull myself from the martyr that's inside.So close to darkness i can almost taste the dusty trail of my demise,it has me tied up to a woe tree,it's got me screaming and alone in the night,as the star's are out and shinin' against the moonlit hour,the wolves are out and howlin' most of the night,as i'm tied up cold,shivering and bleeding in the night.For this pain that I tell now feels lonely as hell in the cold pouring rain.
655 reads
My pain
My heart is heavy,this yoke i can no longer carry,my pain has consumed my being,all i know is pain and sadness,no longer do i want to go on,my future looks black with no hope in sight just pain and misery.I can't fix what life has given me,i can't fix what God has given me,i am nothing but a failer,no good to myself nor society.I want sweet death for at least this way i know what to expect.God dosn't seem to hear my prayers,if so ,from a far off distance with no intention of answering.So tired of this pain i carry in my heart,for i wish to embrace death.I look to the sky for answers or a sign...
685 reads
Thinking Remembering
I lie in wonder as my mind travels across the seven seas and i think of home,both far and wide.Empty whispers i do remember as we both held on to hope,i remember tears filled our words as we tryed to comfort each other the best we could.Now i sit here in this castle made of stone,thinking about what it was we had,now it all just seems like a faded memory where todays tomorrow is gone only remembering yesterday.Echos of promises fading as i walk in the shadow of dreams,tears fill the walls of my emptiness,for another long cold winter has past me by.
688 reads
Loneliness was the cruelist season of all,i thought; More damaging then all the frosts of winter, sending my heart into hibernation.For it has no one to live for,to be awake for,to beat fast and furiously for. Left only with memories,hopes,dreams and illusion I must confess,i now want death for me, death has become a doorway to a new world,an escape from the misery of living without you. For i know i've lost you, now...
719 reads
In my dreams you and i become one in the nights twilight.As you&i move beside one another,your kiss's and your caresses pull me down into a sea of tenderness with the light of your eyes.This is how it was meant to be,i touching you,i kissing you,i making love to you with such tenderness.I thank you for being as beautiful and as lovely as you are.I would like to think that our love for each other is so strong that it will outlast all the tragedy and the hardship.Oh how my love for you is greater then youth and baeuty,my love for you is as warm as the first day of spring,my love will build...
1100 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by jerry020