Submissions by feenixfiles
Poet Introduction
am Fickle I am Fate - a Feenix in flight - direction Destiny.. [been known to curtsy and bow in admiration, amusement] "Well look who I ran into, crowed Confidence" 'please' flirted Fate, this was meant to be."
What you’ll never know
Is just how very lost
I am without you.
Repulsing every attraction
Because it’s simply
Drags me into a direction
Unknown, alone.
I miss not just you..
Perhaps I just long for
What was once us.
But I guess
You’ll never know
And if I try tell you
It wont be heared
Yet still – I’ll miss you
Epic fails
Tiger tails
Screaming silence
Misconfused only left
With battered bruised ego’s
And somehow we’re now foes
With a door refusing to close
Is just how very lost
I am without you.
Repulsing every attraction
Because it’s simply
Drags me into a direction
Unknown, alone.
I miss not just you..
Perhaps I just long for
What was once us.
But I guess
You’ll never know
And if I try tell you
It wont be heared
Yet still – I’ll miss you
Epic fails
Tiger tails
Screaming silence
Misconfused only left
With battered bruised ego’s
And somehow we’re now foes
With a door refusing to close
626 reads
once apon...
What am I without you
Besides basic boring facts?
Living life – lonely
Waking walking with wondering
Thoughts that tame and torture
Useless unwanted unable to erase
Maybe more moments may
Appease, please, possibly deceive?
When will you want again?
Me- most of me - cause I am less
A lot less it seems, without you….
just saying
Besides basic boring facts?
Living life – lonely
Waking walking with wondering
Thoughts that tame and torture
Useless unwanted unable to erase
Maybe more moments may
Appease, please, possibly deceive?
When will you want again?
Me- most of me - cause I am less
A lot less it seems, without you….
just saying
712 reads
Dear John
Dear John
You remind me of those artificial flowers found at the desk of my tropical beach hotel reception area. You do not remind me of the cliché white beach sands that really do head off into forever. Or the deliciously decadent death by chocolate dessert that I order and the promise promptly delivered. I don’t have it at dinner, that I have in the daytime instead.
I keep catching myself smiling at the solitude and silence and that calming constant ocean behaviour. The repetitions reassure me and beats away the boredom you might believe I had. I advocate to also keep all our...
You remind me of those artificial flowers found at the desk of my tropical beach hotel reception area. You do not remind me of the cliché white beach sands that really do head off into forever. Or the deliciously decadent death by chocolate dessert that I order and the promise promptly delivered. I don’t have it at dinner, that I have in the daytime instead.
I keep catching myself smiling at the solitude and silence and that calming constant ocean behaviour. The repetitions reassure me and beats away the boredom you might believe I had. I advocate to also keep all our...
761 reads
Words walk with weight
Waiting weighs work weak
Watching worth waning
warning wasting willpower
Weak with wearing weapons
Wanting war while
Whilst wrath wrecks
Wounding writer worthless
Whisper welcomes
Willing wildfire wishes
Wisely waiting writing
Wisdom wins while worry wounds
Where wishes wisely watches
Wondering what witness
Wants with wit worthy winner
Wasting no workmanship
Weaving wonder whenever
Whitewashing wrong
Warrantee weary, welfare waits
Washing what water wont
Waiting weighs work weak
Watching worth waning
warning wasting willpower
Weak with wearing weapons
Wanting war while
Whilst wrath wrecks
Wounding writer worthless
Whisper welcomes
Willing wildfire wishes
Wisely waiting writing
Wisdom wins while worry wounds
Where wishes wisely watches
Wondering what witness
Wants with wit worthy winner
Wasting no workmanship
Weaving wonder whenever
Whitewashing wrong
Warrantee weary, welfare waits
Washing what water wont
662 reads
call me
so it's once again it's about that time
we try decipher, translate, interpretate, negotiate
& find out why, exactly why fate fucks us up so?
no really?
i dare to defy answer..
besides the logic of physics, laws of attraction,
but not really ready to own an affirmation of mine
i am once again fucked up by fate
fuck u fate..
fucked over once again by fate..
determined u dictate, indoctrinated my
persuasion once again persicuted
and the"i" "the me" powerless & amused
yet left with no option and accused
of openly...
we try decipher, translate, interpretate, negotiate
& find out why, exactly why fate fucks us up so?
no really?
i dare to defy answer..
besides the logic of physics, laws of attraction,
but not really ready to own an affirmation of mine
i am once again fucked up by fate
fuck u fate..
fucked over once again by fate..
determined u dictate, indoctrinated my
persuasion once again persicuted
and the"i" "the me" powerless & amused
yet left with no option and accused
of openly...
739 reads
Lost in Limbo
Scorpion sells a superstition, a story & steals the show
frog a finalist, forecasts a fatal fiction, a feeble fable
the tale of two tigers, the two tigers with tangled tails
Here I am – no hero, hopelessly held hostage by our history
As a menagerie of memories and moments map my mind
Translating to a tribute to the testament of truth theory
Perhaps pleasure promised a proposition of perfection
Maybe it was merely magic, maybe moments of madness,
my muse amused, my heart she abused
Wondering, wanting what all...
frog a finalist, forecasts a fatal fiction, a feeble fable
the tale of two tigers, the two tigers with tangled tails
Here I am – no hero, hopelessly held hostage by our history
As a menagerie of memories and moments map my mind
Translating to a tribute to the testament of truth theory
Perhaps pleasure promised a proposition of perfection
Maybe it was merely magic, maybe moments of madness,
my muse amused, my heart she abused
Wondering, wanting what all...
784 reads
so would you?
would u slip slide back to dividing daydreams
evading everything and anything belonging to you
even ever been brave enough?
dare you dream debate deny for long enough?
swear share submit your secrets, then
toss them to the tailwind
cast them carelessly caressingly
obviously oblivious openly occupied
and as always i am abandoned
denied definitely directed definitely delivered
always wondering whether another
wrong turn would welcome what
these two that teased tormented
the tale of these two.
evading everything and anything belonging to you
even ever been brave enough?
dare you dream debate deny for long enough?
swear share submit your secrets, then
toss them to the tailwind
cast them carelessly caressingly
obviously oblivious openly occupied
and as always i am abandoned
denied definitely directed definitely delivered
always wondering whether another
wrong turn would welcome what
these two that teased tormented
the tale of these two.
739 reads
mind the gap
The train had come merely to the end of the line
It was however not about to plunge itself down some deep valley
Or even throw itself off a sharp isolated cliff
She simply…
Exhaled – let off some steam
Stood still
Surveyed the surroundings
Before long part of the pictured it completed
It was however not about to plunge itself down some deep valley
Or even throw itself off a sharp isolated cliff
She simply…
Exhaled – let off some steam
Stood still
Surveyed the surroundings
Before long part of the pictured it completed
868 reads
Loving life
Of this be certain,
People -
they will always disappoint.
Yet know
that the world isn’t really out to get you..
and that fools don’t seem to suffer
So perhaps,
ignorance is bliss..
Truthfully the wheel does turn
been kicked in the butt by karma
yet still
here I am
People -
they will always disappoint.
Yet know
that the world isn’t really out to get you..
and that fools don’t seem to suffer
So perhaps,
ignorance is bliss..
Truthfully the wheel does turn
been kicked in the butt by karma
yet still
here I am
808 reads
It was somewhere between the rounded walls and curved corners
Where we first acquainted, where we found adventure – me + u
Feet never found floor and every door no duty so empty rooms held me
Cause you never did – wont – ever
But I cant promise not to wish, bone to pick
Forecast complete, season leaves no solid reason
Anguish now adores attention, and I – I make magic of a memory
Where we first acquainted, where we found adventure – me + u
Feet never found floor and every door no duty so empty rooms held me
Cause you never did – wont – ever
But I cant promise not to wish, bone to pick
Forecast complete, season leaves no solid reason
Anguish now adores attention, and I – I make magic of a memory
863 reads
So when he loves me – I never know it
Only ever aware – he loves me not
No more
Perhaps he simply forgot…
And I could not forgive
Neither could deny – he still got me hot
Happy to be his very queen bee porn star whore
Awaiting your obvious issue
The one you choose to ignore
So yes I still remember – spellbound
You – captivated in little ol me
Back to subject at hand – put it out there
Realising and the idea reinforced in action
Boy vs...
So when he loves me – I never know it
Only ever aware – he loves me not
No more
Perhaps he simply forgot…
And I could not forgive
Neither could deny – he still got me hot
Happy to be his very queen bee porn star whore
Awaiting your obvious issue
The one you choose to ignore
So yes I still remember – spellbound
You – captivated in little ol me
Back to subject at hand – put it out there
Realising and the idea reinforced in action
Boy vs...
735 reads
Never in my wildest moments
Would I have ever imagined
How very violated I would feel
& this before that first touch
floored & sucker punched
by a verbal volley of words
served as humble pie to eat
& this before we might meet
what fed me eventually
led to famine immediately
sacrificing all of inside me
& this before I heard you speak
always in an instant only away
booked marked private or “Pandora”
intelligently aware opting only to ignore
& this, words all but unspoken & as before
Would I have ever imagined
How very violated I would feel
& this before that first touch
floored & sucker punched
by a verbal volley of words
served as humble pie to eat
& this before we might meet
what fed me eventually
led to famine immediately
sacrificing all of inside me
& this before I heard you speak
always in an instant only away
booked marked private or “Pandora”
intelligently aware opting only to ignore
& this, words all but unspoken & as before
816 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by feenixfiles