Submissions by emilymarilyn
Poet Introduction
heck you this is my only outlet
in heaven
foreign hands guide us in
through a forest of overcoats,
bombers, sweaters and boots
a latch clicks amid a chorus
of giggles, and light spills from
the hallway onto our shoes
your breath is hot, lips chapped
you fumble from my cheek, over
my shirt, down to my hip then thighs
the button breathes in freedom,
the zipper too – cold fingers send shivers
up my spine, and the clock chimes
seven minutes
through a forest of overcoats,
bombers, sweaters and boots
a latch clicks amid a chorus
of giggles, and light spills from
the hallway onto our shoes
your breath is hot, lips chapped
you fumble from my cheek, over
my shirt, down to my hip then thighs
the button breathes in freedom,
the zipper too – cold fingers send shivers
up my spine, and the clock chimes
seven minutes
418 reads
the making of a treasure map
she takes her time with hot
pink lip gloss, she paints spots
on a pale white map from
ear to neck to lips that hum
the rising surf on land,
spread seashells on sand
she continues her journey down
from bare collar to pert breast
to navel with fluid strokes around
a ridge of ribs, arched spine, and hips
she comes upon bare treasure --
a seashell exuding pleasure
should you desire this treasure --
the mouth of her arousal,
travel south from flush red lips
and trace the promising...
pink lip gloss, she paints spots
on a pale white map from
ear to neck to lips that hum
the rising surf on land,
spread seashells on sand
she continues her journey down
from bare collar to pert breast
to navel with fluid strokes around
a ridge of ribs, arched spine, and hips
she comes upon bare treasure --
a seashell exuding pleasure
should you desire this treasure --
the mouth of her arousal,
travel south from flush red lips
and trace the promising...
516 reads
proffer to me,
your latex queen
bow and make temple
at my feet
delight in the sighs
of my second skin,
soft, supple, and thin
as i meet wanting eyes
taste the bite
of studded heels
and surrender to me,
'till i permit freedom
your latex queen
bow and make temple
at my feet
delight in the sighs
of my second skin,
soft, supple, and thin
as i meet wanting eyes
taste the bite
of studded heels
and surrender to me,
'till i permit freedom
543 reads
forced perspective
from my knees
the night looms large
and you stand above,
mighty and in charge
you place your hand upon my chin,
thumb penetrates my lips and grin
you brush against my teeth and tongue
bright moon above, the night is young
caught fumbling amid the maze
of belt and buckle, you tilt my head
to meet your gaze --
hungry eyes stare expectantly
the night looms large
and you stand above,
mighty and in charge
you place your hand upon my chin,
thumb penetrates my lips and grin
you brush against my teeth and tongue
bright moon above, the night is young
caught fumbling amid the maze
of belt and buckle, you tilt my head
to meet your gaze --
hungry eyes stare expectantly
524 reads
fanciful things
i lie awake at night,
glass of water by my bed
and pale moonlight
from the open window
my hands drift beneath
silk and satin sheets
my fingers walk then run
then dance
my arousal sings
of the fanciful things
that fill a vivid
glass of water by my bed
and pale moonlight
from the open window
my hands drift beneath
silk and satin sheets
my fingers walk then run
then dance
my arousal sings
of the fanciful things
that fill a vivid
550 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by emilymarilyn