Submissions by deadwolf
Poet Introduction
Nothing there that I can see, nothing there staring back at me; Therefore,there is no more I "I" don't exist anymore there is just me. me am not really a poet so much, as me am just a daydreamer that loves to write… o.0
Random Ramblins #13
Pain hits hard enough to wake me up
~again… damn it… again~
prayin to empty bottles of pills
Ignite the soothing away of pain
please, refill… please
hands shakin & can hardly see
cant make it to phone, legs achin so bad,
been so busy perfecting hatred an resentment lately
that forgot to practice smiling
an bein grateful for what already got
though at the moment
cant seem to remember anything to be grateful for
what the fuk is so special about 3:33
Layin in bed nude for days...
Pain hits hard enough to wake me up
~again… damn it… again~
prayin to empty bottles of pills
Ignite the soothing away of pain
please, refill… please
hands shakin & can hardly see
cant make it to phone, legs achin so bad,
been so busy perfecting hatred an resentment lately
that forgot to practice smiling
an bein grateful for what already got
though at the moment
cant seem to remember anything to be grateful for
what the fuk is so special about 3:33
Layin in bed nude for days...
211 reads
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Sex an cigarettes
She was someone I didn’t mind stickin my dick in
The beer was somethin I had to drink
She liked to fuk my lungs out
an hear me call her name out loud, over & over again,
Ahhh man, I tell ya… young people…
Since Chloe first found me, passed out drunk,
layin in the ally behind the club;
Every few nights, she would come over,
after workin her midnight shift dancing at Venom
when I would see her
The night smelled like sex an cigarettes,
I had my bourbon, fireball whisky & beer,
The record player was playin Delta blues / blues...
The beer was somethin I had to drink
She liked to fuk my lungs out
an hear me call her name out loud, over & over again,
Ahhh man, I tell ya… young people…
Since Chloe first found me, passed out drunk,
layin in the ally behind the club;
Every few nights, she would come over,
after workin her midnight shift dancing at Venom
when I would see her
The night smelled like sex an cigarettes,
I had my bourbon, fireball whisky & beer,
The record player was playin Delta blues / blues...
288 reads
Random Ramblins #12 ~ Window at night
Sittin here, at mine window at night,
by my fridge, drinkin beers in the cold day of it,
By my window, alone once again,
Tryin to figure out which one o us is sane, or insane,
Darlin don’t you know that men sometimes need time, on our own,
When there is no one left for you to blame, can you truly love me,
Turn you music on me
Spread your wings high o’er me
Hero’s often fade,
In the minds eye, front news,
With revelations of all that’s good in man,
Cosmic Queries come out strong,
In a place that does not belong, ...
by my fridge, drinkin beers in the cold day of it,
By my window, alone once again,
Tryin to figure out which one o us is sane, or insane,
Darlin don’t you know that men sometimes need time, on our own,
When there is no one left for you to blame, can you truly love me,
Turn you music on me
Spread your wings high o’er me
Hero’s often fade,
In the minds eye, front news,
With revelations of all that’s good in man,
Cosmic Queries come out strong,
In a place that does not belong, ...
153 reads
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Wretched Spirit
I once held a woman in my heart,
She was so beautiful, and yet so tragic,
Lo’, do I still weep for her, when the tears come,
~O, Wretched spirit that I am,
I once took innocence by mine hand,
For, my Lovely One is just like me,
Save she is beautiful- in varying degrees
And so I insulted her
To ruin what I might have be
And sank back down
into rotted earth
- In lamentations of my birth –
She was so beautiful, and yet so tragic,
Lo’, do I still weep for her, when the tears come,
~O, Wretched spirit that I am,
I once took innocence by mine hand,
For, my Lovely One is just like me,
Save she is beautiful- in varying degrees
And so I insulted her
To ruin what I might have be
And sank back down
into rotted earth
- In lamentations of my birth –
237 reads
Random Ramblins #11 - 1980
1980; I remember John Lennon being shot,
My parents cried,
It was the first time I seen grownups cry;
It was a moment of confusion, and deep despair,
My dad pulled me aside, kneeling down, he talked to me;
I ask why everyone is sad, and crying,
For I never seen my parents, or my Tia’s and Tio’s cry before,
He said the world changed, the world is changing, now,
They had just shot someone very special, like in the movies,
And everything is different now,
With John gone, a dream is gone now too,
A movement and a vision for a more...
My parents cried,
It was the first time I seen grownups cry;
It was a moment of confusion, and deep despair,
My dad pulled me aside, kneeling down, he talked to me;
I ask why everyone is sad, and crying,
For I never seen my parents, or my Tia’s and Tio’s cry before,
He said the world changed, the world is changing, now,
They had just shot someone very special, like in the movies,
And everything is different now,
With John gone, a dream is gone now too,
A movement and a vision for a more...
221 reads
Cerulean blue
Cerulean blue is the lips
Of the winter storm, of her kiss
Conveying, agony & ecstasy
In her artic eyes
And in the darkness of my night
She is my gravity,
Her moon moves the tides
To wash me clean
Of the winter storm, of her kiss
Conveying, agony & ecstasy
In her artic eyes
And in the darkness of my night
She is my gravity,
Her moon moves the tides
To wash me clean
304 reads
The bridge
The bridge where I died is a beautiful place,
Both serendipitous and horrible,
But also tranquil and calm, oh how it once soothed me,
It is where this boy met a girl, neath a late October sky;
Where you held the hands inside me,
Fading into me… reforming me into a new creature
The only one who saw light in my darkness,
When this boy manned up, getting down on one knee
One November evening,
It is where she said yes,
I was amazed thatshe said yes…To me,
Looking at the dawn, & listening to the rain,
Watching the wind...
Both serendipitous and horrible,
But also tranquil and calm, oh how it once soothed me,
It is where this boy met a girl, neath a late October sky;
Where you held the hands inside me,
Fading into me… reforming me into a new creature
The only one who saw light in my darkness,
When this boy manned up, getting down on one knee
One November evening,
It is where she said yes,
I was amazed thatshe said yes…To me,
Looking at the dawn, & listening to the rain,
Watching the wind...
226 reads
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Virtual future visions, dreamt of in a past,
Synchronized dreaming, often enough I can see others thoughts and speak
Often nough dreams are visions that are come to pass,
Leaving me in awe, always in awe,
And like a vine, the system spreads,
Swallowing whole its architects and one out of every four,
Rising up,
The wild City Vines of their system,
¼ the trees, waters and life, the hunters are out searching…
Waters risen in massive tides, coming from the west over Arizona mountains,
volcanic eruptions seen from every mountain range, flowing hot...
Synchronized dreaming, often enough I can see others thoughts and speak
Often nough dreams are visions that are come to pass,
Leaving me in awe, always in awe,
And like a vine, the system spreads,
Swallowing whole its architects and one out of every four,
Rising up,
The wild City Vines of their system,
¼ the trees, waters and life, the hunters are out searching…
Waters risen in massive tides, coming from the west over Arizona mountains,
volcanic eruptions seen from every mountain range, flowing hot...
204 reads
Untitled 3 minute write#2
Stanzas cascading down
words & structures formin
That this simple man doesn’t understand
Besides me today,
As I lay here,
Formless an torn,
broken into dust
blowin out on the wind
```~~~… …~~~```
I been told
every mans heart
grows cold
His mind gradually dark,
I know I let you down again… sweet darlin’s…
I am still fallin
breathless & torn,
Here, in mine Sagittarius December,
```~~… … …~~~```
Stanzas cascading down
words & structures formin
That this simple man doesn’t understand
Besides me today,
As I lay here,
Formless an torn,
broken into dust
blowin out on the wind
```~~~… …~~~```
I been told
every mans heart
grows cold
His mind gradually dark,
I know I let you down again… sweet darlin’s…
I am still fallin
breathless & torn,
Here, in mine Sagittarius December,
```~~… … …~~~```
183 reads
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Midnight Ramblins#10
Why do I make her cry
When I’m the son of o’ Bitch
Why wont I
Take mine happy pills
To Help calm
Mine irritated mind
The scales of the scorpion
are tough, an run dry
In mine Sagittarius eye
I need to hear
The sounds of her tears
To recognize the pain in me
I can change,
I can change, I can change
When I’m the son of o’ Bitch
Why wont I
Take mine happy pills
To Help calm
Mine irritated mind
The scales of the scorpion
are tough, an run dry
In mine Sagittarius eye
I need to hear
The sounds of her tears
To recognize the pain in me
I can change,
I can change, I can change
150 reads
Random Ramblins #10
Damn it,
Played this song on an back in the day oldie station other day,
Lost my ever Lovin head and almost pulled over on the side o the road to look for a payphone to call an yell at the radio station,
No quarters, No payphones anymore either,… Well FUK…
Man, why do I insist on bein off the grid an not having a cell phone…
Man Alive Vato; Taylor Dayne is not an oldie
An neither is Tone Lōc or Yong MC…
Bust a Move is still the Shiznit man… aint it?
Hell, I still bump down South 6th to Kid Frost and Naughty by Nature,
Hehehe, fukers, damn...
Played this song on an back in the day oldie station other day,
Lost my ever Lovin head and almost pulled over on the side o the road to look for a payphone to call an yell at the radio station,
No quarters, No payphones anymore either,… Well FUK…
Man, why do I insist on bein off the grid an not having a cell phone…
Man Alive Vato; Taylor Dayne is not an oldie
An neither is Tone Lōc or Yong MC…
Bust a Move is still the Shiznit man… aint it?
Hell, I still bump down South 6th to Kid Frost and Naughty by Nature,
Hehehe, fukers, damn...
123 reads
Window at night #10
Sitting by my window at night, writin drink in hand,
Reach in my mini fridge,
Pull out another beer, & turn up the tunes
Airplain singin bout Alice,
Trippin balls head first through mine magic mirror
into mystic realms of that sweet Irish witch,
Queeny after my foul mouthed fat head to come off,
Tis the season of that bitch,
Tell me darlin’, you have a daddy,
Is he strong like me… give it to me easy
So damn good, that Lady takes me away
& Washes me in the rain of Shamballa
But remember what that Door Knob...
Reach in my mini fridge,
Pull out another beer, & turn up the tunes
Airplain singin bout Alice,
Trippin balls head first through mine magic mirror
into mystic realms of that sweet Irish witch,
Queeny after my foul mouthed fat head to come off,
Tis the season of that bitch,
Tell me darlin’, you have a daddy,
Is he strong like me… give it to me easy
So damn good, that Lady takes me away
& Washes me in the rain of Shamballa
But remember what that Door Knob...
135 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by deadwolf