Submissions by cemeterygirl (Foxx)
Poet Introduction
A bit of this A bit of that
dreaming of you

2464 reads
grave yard in my head
awake for days
lost in a heavy daze
wondering around
the grave yard in my head
nightmares follow at my feet
horrors hang above
memories running past me
and the constant background of voices
so tired
tripping over tombstones
to many path ways
created a maze
I think I’ve gotten lost
cant find my sane thoughts
moving pictures on the walls
crowds of blank expressions
faces I forgot long ago
don’t understand this place
every thing I buried away
is still alive
lost in a heavy daze
wondering around
the grave yard in my head
nightmares follow at my feet
horrors hang above
memories running past me
and the constant background of voices
so tired
tripping over tombstones
to many path ways
created a maze
I think I’ve gotten lost
cant find my sane thoughts
moving pictures on the walls
crowds of blank expressions
faces I forgot long ago
don’t understand this place
every thing I buried away
is still alive
705 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by cemeterygirl (Foxx)