Submissions by brokenyetstrong
I find it quite ironic that every day we wake is just one step closer to the day we die. The day we leave and can not take anything we spend are entire lives trying to get to. Why do you suppose life is made up this way? To work, hurt, struggle and leave as we come...empty handed? In all honesty its one word in itself humble. Make everyday count. Put others before yourself, bring joy and meaning to the life of others. Because then when you go you won't leave completely empty, but have left a sense of purpose and proof that your life meant someone. So just stay humble...
618 reads
Going places
I feel like I am finally going places, making my life have meaning. Yet when I look down I've barely moved a step. Why is it taking so I actually have enough in me to keep pushing on till I make it to the end? Its as if life has threw everything it could at me in the short time that I've been here, yet here I am getting up again and trying to move forward. When does it end? How do I know its finally over? Life seems to be one big game and each accomplishment is one tiny step closer to the future. My only choice is to keep going on. I won't quit and nothing will stop me....
609 reads
I am fighting my own worse demons. Every day they raise their heads a little bit higher. Ready to jump thinking that today is the day I might finally break and lash out. I can't fight them forever. They are getting stronger with each passing day. Each breath that passes my lips. They bathe in my misery. Loving each mistake and heartbreak I endure. What am I to do? To try and banish them, is like taking a piece from my very being and throwing it away. If I acomplish this, will I feel whole again? Or have a huge piece missing from me? Its so long since I haven't had them. I honestly don't know...
641 reads
I've died on the outside, yet in my mind I still roam restlessly. I hear you sitting down beside me, telling me how your days been. That you still miss me dearly. I feel like trying to scream at the top of my lungs. Though I know you can't hear me where I am now. How long have I been like this? The days are all a blur now. I come and go in and out of conciousness. It's as if i'm stuck in quick sand slowly sinking farther in every day. I don't know how much longer I can stay like this, but I don't want to leave you hurting like this either. I feel you pick my hand up and put it to your cheak....
713 reads
Numb. All emotions have drained from my body. Leaving me the shell of the person I once was.... What have I become? And how do I come back from this? I'm alone in whats left of my shattered mind, with each passing day sinking farther in. Till soon their will be no way of coming back. I am no longer the girl you once knew.... I'm nothing but a fading memory in the wind.
795 reads
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His Touch
His touch. Just being around him I feel more ground. Putting one foot in front of the other. By his side I am strong. No longer am I afraid I might shatter into a thousand pieces of my very being. No more am I completely suffocated by the shadows that once overtook my soul. As long as he is near me I know I can survive this world. With just his touch I am whole again.
746 reads
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Beautiful Creatures
We are all beautiful creatures in this dark and dangerous place we call life. Are beauty grows with each mistake that we make. For are beauty lies between are flaws and imperfection. It goes to show through out all of lifes hard trials, we arise from the ashes wrapped in the warmth of are future dreams and ideas. We are all beautiful for the simple fact that we know we are human and can not be perfect.
674 reads
The cold realization that I am still here has begun to set in. What am I doing, I should be gone by now. I can not make it in this cruel world anymore. Yet here I am with the blade falling from my hand...I can't do it. I can't take my own life. I no longer want to be here, but I don't want to be in hell for eternity either..or am I already their having made the choice before. And I have to replay the agonizing decision over and over again forever...someone anyone please help me. Save me from my sin,save me from myself...please.
648 reads
Bad Decisions
I lay here in my final moments wonderings why I did the things I did. Wishing I had just one more moment to tell my parents this: I'm sorry I couldn't be the daughter you, to always going out to parties instead of spending the time with you. Please don't be ashamed of me and remember all the good times we had. I'm sorry; I love you.
Now, my blood is all around me as I try so hard not to cry. I can hear the paramedics in the distance, saying its a shame this girl is going to die. I close my eyes and wonder what it would have been like if I had tried a little harder, tried to regain the...
Now, my blood is all around me as I try so hard not to cry. I can hear the paramedics in the distance, saying its a shame this girl is going to die. I close my eyes and wonder what it would have been like if I had tried a little harder, tried to regain the...
575 reads
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The whispers in the stars call to me. Begging me to come closer to hear the stories they have to tell of the love and tragedies they have forseen. Yet their just beyond my reach. Always leaving me grasping for more. Just giving me a small taste of the knowledge I wish to intake. They know of the past, present, and of whats to come.... So why do they call to me? Only to pull away when I finally start to understand my place in the world, and the reasons in which things have needed to happen....Do I sit back and wait to hear them again, or forget them? Maybe my mind and heart aren't know I can...
578 reads
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the simple reality of it all
I seem to be stuck in a place between this world and the next...a place between reality and dreams, is this suppose to happen when you finally decide to give up? To float in nothingness forever...Never to touch, see, feel again. How strange it all seems. Maybe this isn't the worst thing to happen, because theirs no pain and suffering here..Their is nothing. Though can I learn to stay here, or will I go crazy from the lack of pain and silence I am so use to? Decisions decisions and only seconds in which to make them..Light comes with pain and yet some happiness to help the balance in life...
489 reads
First time in forever
For the first time in forever I feel free.
For the first time in forever I feel I can be who I want to be.
I could fly to the moon if I put my mind to it.
Every dream I thought I couldn't reach, is now right in front of me.
Because for the first time in forever I feel free.
For the first time in forever I feel I can be who I want to be.
The pain inside my soul has grown wings and finally flown away.
Their is really nothing else I can say.
Nothing now is holding me back, but me.
Yet for the first time in forever I finally feel I can come out and...
For the first time in forever I feel I can be who I want to be.
I could fly to the moon if I put my mind to it.
Every dream I thought I couldn't reach, is now right in front of me.
Because for the first time in forever I feel free.
For the first time in forever I feel I can be who I want to be.
The pain inside my soul has grown wings and finally flown away.
Their is really nothing else I can say.
Nothing now is holding me back, but me.
Yet for the first time in forever I finally feel I can come out and...
568 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by brokenyetstrong