Submissions by UnderYourSpell
Poet Introduction
I've been writing seems like forever, a BIG lover of Forms which I think when written correctly don't dampen freedom but enhance it . It does amuse me that those who decry Forms then go on to extol song lyrics and Rap which in themselves are Forms!
Extolling thirty four and a half
Many sing the praises of 69,
but I'd rather extol thirty four and a half.
Oh the joy to lie beneath your wandering tongue
as it seeks out my secret places,
Parting the lips to nibble the nub,
dipping into my urethra, before .... before ...
what I crave and wait for, fingers clutching
the counterpane. You tease and tease
the puckered hole, until delving deep
I scream out over and over again
for thirty four and a half.
but I'd rather extol thirty four and a half.
Oh the joy to lie beneath your wandering tongue
as it seeks out my secret places,
Parting the lips to nibble the nub,
dipping into my urethra, before .... before ...
what I crave and wait for, fingers clutching
the counterpane. You tease and tease
the puckered hole, until delving deep
I scream out over and over again
for thirty four and a half.
562 reads
Surprise! Surprise!
Sh! not so loud: he’ll hear you,
Mary said' from underneath
Roger's thrashing body
and you must use a sheath,
It's one thing now to cuckold him
as he snores away next door,
but when you've finished pumping
I don't want your spore.
There's nothing worse much later
to find your little kickers
are making such a soggy mess
from dripping in my knickers.
What's that you say, I must behave
and stop making it a farce?
My God! A slap across each cheek
you've shoved it up my arse!
Mary said' from underneath
Roger's thrashing body
and you must use a sheath,
It's one thing now to cuckold him
as he snores away next door,
but when you've finished pumping
I don't want your spore.
There's nothing worse much later
to find your little kickers
are making such a soggy mess
from dripping in my knickers.
What's that you say, I must behave
and stop making it a farce?
My God! A slap across each cheek
you've shoved it up my arse!
592 reads
Secret Pleasures

1119 reads
Is it a sin?

1232 reads
1 Comment
Woman on woman
Somebody passed a joint,
until much later
with her experience
and my naivety she led down
a whole new pathway.
Her skillful fingers and tongue
spread and explored me,
until I, stumbling through
the dark of my identity,
was left craving more.
But I was just a conquest;
one more notch on her bedpost.
until much later
with her experience
and my naivety she led down
a whole new pathway.
Her skillful fingers and tongue
spread and explored me,
until I, stumbling through
the dark of my identity,
was left craving more.
But I was just a conquest;
one more notch on her bedpost.
1011 reads
That's Shallot!
The Paradelle is a mock French form invented by Billy Collins as a parody of some of the more rule-based forms that earnest but unskilled poets mangle in their attempts to force the poem to fit the rules.
It is a poem of four six-line stanzas in which the first and second lines, as well as the third and fourth lines of the first three stanzas, must be identical. The fifth and sixth lines, which traditionally resolve these stanzas, must use all the words from the preceding lines and only those words. Similarly, the final stanza must use every word from all the preceding stanzas and only...
It is a poem of four six-line stanzas in which the first and second lines, as well as the third and fourth lines of the first three stanzas, must be identical. The fifth and sixth lines, which traditionally resolve these stanzas, must use all the words from the preceding lines and only those words. Similarly, the final stanza must use every word from all the preceding stanzas and only...
637 reads
He steals her purse anyway
Mum's hope nightly lost in a bottle,
he roams the streets just one more
guttersnipe among many.
The mean streets providing a chance
here and there to earn a few quid,
pilfering from the corner shop
or a look out for one of the gangs
of older guys. Learning his trade but
steering clear of men whose carnal
desires he doesn't quite understand.
His Grandma waits and wonders,
her hands tied by authorities who
can't or won't see the danger.
She'd have him in a shot and try
to raise him right, before it's too late.
He visits sometimes...
he roams the streets just one more
guttersnipe among many.
The mean streets providing a chance
here and there to earn a few quid,
pilfering from the corner shop
or a look out for one of the gangs
of older guys. Learning his trade but
steering clear of men whose carnal
desires he doesn't quite understand.
His Grandma waits and wonders,
her hands tied by authorities who
can't or won't see the danger.
She'd have him in a shot and try
to raise him right, before it's too late.
He visits sometimes...
770 reads
A Big One!
I've never had such a big one
I'm surprised it even went in,
For a moment it stuck in the entrance
But with greasing we managed to win.
With eyes open with anticipation
I gathered myself for the charge,
For I've never seen anything like it
And taken nothing so large!
You were determined to get it in there
Of that I had no doubt,
But as fast as you pushed it forward
My muscles were pushing it out.
Too late I saw my mistake here
For now it's become quite small
And although you can get it in now,
It's no fucking use at...
I'm surprised it even went in,
For a moment it stuck in the entrance
But with greasing we managed to win.
With eyes open with anticipation
I gathered myself for the charge,
For I've never seen anything like it
And taken nothing so large!
You were determined to get it in there
Of that I had no doubt,
But as fast as you pushed it forward
My muscles were pushing it out.
Too late I saw my mistake here
For now it's become quite small
And although you can get it in now,
It's no fucking use at...
825 reads
Extolling thirty four and a half.

1004 reads
A Blitz poem
A Blitz Poem
It's what it is
It's a dog's life
Life goes on
Life is a bitch
Bitch about me
Bitch is me
Me and my shadow
Me and you make two
Two for tea
Two little boys
Boys toys
Boys and girls
Girls rule
Girl's night out
Out and about
Out of luck
Luck of the Irish
Luck is a lady
Lady and the Tramp
Lady in waiting
Waiting about
Waiting? Why are we?
We are the champions
We all need love
Love in a cold climate
Love makes the world go round
Round the houses ...
It's what it is
It's a dog's life
Life goes on
Life is a bitch
Bitch about me
Bitch is me
Me and my shadow
Me and you make two
Two for tea
Two little boys
Boys toys
Boys and girls
Girls rule
Girl's night out
Out and about
Out of luck
Luck of the Irish
Luck is a lady
Lady and the Tramp
Lady in waiting
Waiting about
Waiting? Why are we?
We are the champions
We all need love
Love in a cold climate
Love makes the world go round
Round the houses ...
611 reads
Scrapbook of Memories (Italian Sonnet)
Scrapbook of memories tattered torn,
but still I see that smile from halcyon days
fingers once traced a beloved gaze
lingered here, each page now creased and worn.
Left lying on a bed unmade since early dawn,
brushed by tears blurred through a dusty haze.
My mind drifts back, that happier time replays
before the crash and futures were redrawn.
Wander through this unfamiliar silent hall
pick up photos, not seeing grief benumbed,
silence gathers crowding each conscious will.
Spring to action with that long awaited call ...
but still I see that smile from halcyon days
fingers once traced a beloved gaze
lingered here, each page now creased and worn.
Left lying on a bed unmade since early dawn,
brushed by tears blurred through a dusty haze.
My mind drifts back, that happier time replays
before the crash and futures were redrawn.
Wander through this unfamiliar silent hall
pick up photos, not seeing grief benumbed,
silence gathers crowding each conscious will.
Spring to action with that long awaited call ...
654 reads
Rotten luck
Fungi that peel easily
are edible Mushrooms,
is an untruth,
often realised
........ too late ................
are edible Mushrooms,
is an untruth,
often realised
........ too late ................
655 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by UnderYourSpell