Submissions by The_Darkness_Insid
Poet Introduction
I'm back!
Sometimes you may catch a fleeting glimpse
Enough to make you momentarily pause
Blink and you'll miss it
Other times a faint voice might manifest
Never loud and often barely discernable
Not recognized unless you know what to listen for
I am here beyond this veil
Watching a world that moves around me unaware
So close but completely out of reach
Present but unable to participate
Surrounded yet entirely alone
Existing but never living
I am here beyond this veil
Hoping that someone will notice me ...
Enough to make you momentarily pause
Blink and you'll miss it
Other times a faint voice might manifest
Never loud and often barely discernable
Not recognized unless you know what to listen for
I am here beyond this veil
Watching a world that moves around me unaware
So close but completely out of reach
Present but unable to participate
Surrounded yet entirely alone
Existing but never living
I am here beyond this veil
Hoping that someone will notice me ...
292 reads
My Writes
I write because I need to release
Putting these thoughts to words brings me peace
I post for those that can relate
Im not beholden to the rules that you dictate
Not everyone lives in a world that's pretty
Some of us walk through a life where everything's shitty
The demons clawing at my insides are relentless
Do you think that I have time to think about your distress?
Im just doing what I can to survive
For 35 years this honesty has kept me alive
If what I say bothers you then you're not my audience
Putting these thoughts to words brings me peace
I post for those that can relate
Im not beholden to the rules that you dictate
Not everyone lives in a world that's pretty
Some of us walk through a life where everything's shitty
The demons clawing at my insides are relentless
Do you think that I have time to think about your distress?
Im just doing what I can to survive
For 35 years this honesty has kept me alive
If what I say bothers you then you're not my audience
#MyInspiration #WritingPoetry
#MyInspiration #WritingPoetry
346 reads
A Tease

297 reads
I wonder what its like
To wake up looking forward to what a new day brings
To feel refreshed and ready to take on the world
Seeing the sun shining around the edges of the blackout curtains as a beacon of hope
Instead of a stark reminder of having to push through another day
Another day
Of surviving rather than living
Of an unrelenting desire to stop being
Fighting not to give in to what is wanted the most
Every fucking second
The battle never stops
A war raging inside
While navigating through...
To wake up looking forward to what a new day brings
To feel refreshed and ready to take on the world
Seeing the sun shining around the edges of the blackout curtains as a beacon of hope
Instead of a stark reminder of having to push through another day
Another day
Of surviving rather than living
Of an unrelenting desire to stop being
Fighting not to give in to what is wanted the most
Every fucking second
The battle never stops
A war raging inside
While navigating through...
#depression #disappointment
#depression #disappointment
266 reads
Lying In Bed
Sleep chasing
Mind racing
Thought pacing
Blame placing
Guilt embracing
Hope erasing
Self effacing
Mind racing
Thought pacing
Blame placing
Guilt embracing
Hope erasing
Self effacing
265 reads
I'm An Asshole
There was a time when all I had in me was anger
It dictated my every action
In elementary school I was a bully
There was so much feeling of powerlessness at home
I took that with me and carried it around
It boiled up in the form of a rage
A rage that was used to form some sort of empowerment
My opportunity to inflict my wrath upon someone else
As I had learned from my father
I bullied mercilessly
Taking out my frustration with my fists on others around me
But no matter how much pain I inflicted, it never...
It dictated my every action
In elementary school I was a bully
There was so much feeling of powerlessness at home
I took that with me and carried it around
It boiled up in the form of a rage
A rage that was used to form some sort of empowerment
My opportunity to inflict my wrath upon someone else
As I had learned from my father
I bullied mercilessly
Taking out my frustration with my fists on others around me
But no matter how much pain I inflicted, it never...
445 reads
I Don't Love you
I could never love you
I know you too well
I know what you have done
I have seen the pain you have inflicted on others
You are weak and scared
You feel sorry for yourself
You think the abuse is a valid reason
Everything I have ever loved you have destroyed
My days are spent alone because you pushed everyone away
Its your fault that I have no worth
No amount of good you do will ever make a difference
It will never change how I feel about you
Maybe you can fool them but you'll never fool me
If I...
I know you too well
I know what you have done
I have seen the pain you have inflicted on others
You are weak and scared
You feel sorry for yourself
You think the abuse is a valid reason
Everything I have ever loved you have destroyed
My days are spent alone because you pushed everyone away
Its your fault that I have no worth
No amount of good you do will ever make a difference
It will never change how I feel about you
Maybe you can fool them but you'll never fool me
If I...
#SelfReflection #weakness
#SelfReflection #weakness
240 reads
A Not So Typical Morning In The South
My day starts off as usual. Im a creature of habit so, I take the same side road that I take every day on my way to work. It may not be the most direct way, but theres rarely any cars on this road so I get to open it up a bit. Ill take 10 mins out of my way to keep moving at a quicker pace than a more direct route where I have to move slower 10 times out of 10.
I come to a part where the road curves around to the right and just as I come out of the bend something catches my eye in the road. What the fuck is that? Its trotting towards my car. I hit the brakes firmly to slow...
I come to a part where the road curves around to the right and just as I come out of the bend something catches my eye in the road. What the fuck is that? Its trotting towards my car. I hit the brakes firmly to slow...
223 reads
The Work
I walk in the door after another long shift
Im exhausted
7 days a week and still struggling to make ends meet
Responsibilities dominate my entire life
A pressure to keep everyones head above water
Reduced to nothing more than a machine
Im exhausted
A machine on auto pilot going through the monotony
Day after day, a neverending cycle
Work, sleep
Rinse and repeat
Im exhausted
Time becomes a blur
What day is it?
What month?
These concepts become increasingly irrelevant ...
Im exhausted
7 days a week and still struggling to make ends meet
Responsibilities dominate my entire life
A pressure to keep everyones head above water
Reduced to nothing more than a machine
Im exhausted
A machine on auto pilot going through the monotony
Day after day, a neverending cycle
Work, sleep
Rinse and repeat
Im exhausted
Time becomes a blur
What day is it?
What month?
These concepts become increasingly irrelevant ...
237 reads
A Small Piece of Good
Crazy how quickly the darkness can come flooding back in
No matter how close in reach, I can never get a win
Its been days of highs and then the voices begin
Popping this thin bubble of serenity like a pin
Its like I need to believe all the negative and the hate
So words of condemnation take on extra weight
They say Im a piece of shit and I offer no debate
It causes me to withdraw into a hell that I create
I want to do good but somehow it always turns out bad
I want to make people happy yet they always end up sad
I want...
No matter how close in reach, I can never get a win
Its been days of highs and then the voices begin
Popping this thin bubble of serenity like a pin
Its like I need to believe all the negative and the hate
So words of condemnation take on extra weight
They say Im a piece of shit and I offer no debate
It causes me to withdraw into a hell that I create
I want to do good but somehow it always turns out bad
I want to make people happy yet they always end up sad
I want...
413 reads
Absence of Atonement
There is a monster that lurks within me
A remorseless creature buried deep
Locked away and laying dormant
It is capable of terrible things
It has carried out unspeakable acts
With me as its conduit
Many have suffered its unflinching wrath
The images replay in my mind unfiltered
Untainted by years that have passed
The rage, the pain, the vivid
The bodies lying almost lifeless
All carried out by hand at the behest of a cruel being
Im guilty
Guilty of...
A remorseless creature buried deep
Locked away and laying dormant
It is capable of terrible things
It has carried out unspeakable acts
With me as its conduit
Many have suffered its unflinching wrath
The images replay in my mind unfiltered
Untainted by years that have passed
The rage, the pain, the vivid
The bodies lying almost lifeless
All carried out by hand at the behest of a cruel being
Im guilty
Guilty of...
319 reads
Sweet Agony
Sitting in a darkened room thinking about you
Thinking about us and the history we have
Theres a part of me that loves you
Im feeling lost without your presence
My constant excuse and driving force has always been you
Everything that has gone bad in my life is your fault
Still I find myself in this moment wondering what you're doing
I want to know who you're with and have I lost you for good
I have found a real chance at happiness and peace
But its you that consumes my thoughts
If I dont have you then...
Thinking about us and the history we have
Theres a part of me that loves you
Im feeling lost without your presence
My constant excuse and driving force has always been you
Everything that has gone bad in my life is your fault
Still I find myself in this moment wondering what you're doing
I want to know who you're with and have I lost you for good
I have found a real chance at happiness and peace
But its you that consumes my thoughts
If I dont have you then...
432 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by The_Darkness_Insid