Submissions by SweetKittyCat5
Poet Introduction
I have written several pieces of poetry. I hope you all will appreciate them once posted, as I have enjoyed writing them. My other profile is the nun runner. If anyone on DUP under a profile with '02-05- for DOB, and a lilyrosa in name, it is not me
Ode To United Kingdom

650 reads
In The Moment Of f**king Me

1470 reads
Honey and Tea

1577 reads
The Measure Of Love
The measure of love
So sweetly got me slipping
Caught me, spent me, breathless and bedazzled
My heart is engulfed
Softly drowning in the spiraling currents of his tender words, soft kisses
Deeply moved in the image of Him for which he stands
Which we fall
Lost spaces of us blending, becoming one
The measure of love
Eyes close, my inner temple bating in light
Dancing in the abyss of ecstasy
Feeling what our hearts are thinking
Our bodies channeling
Locking into destiny’s paradise
Oh God, do you hear my heart singing ...
So sweetly got me slipping
Caught me, spent me, breathless and bedazzled
My heart is engulfed
Softly drowning in the spiraling currents of his tender words, soft kisses
Deeply moved in the image of Him for which he stands
Which we fall
Lost spaces of us blending, becoming one
The measure of love
Eyes close, my inner temple bating in light
Dancing in the abyss of ecstasy
Feeling what our hearts are thinking
Our bodies channeling
Locking into destiny’s paradise
Oh God, do you hear my heart singing ...
820 reads
Little People
New York
Friday Evening
I had my Goddaughter with me for the entire weekend. Her parents had to attend a wedding in Washington, D.C, so guess who was appointed to care for her for two days. That’s a lifetime to me. Now, take in consideration. I am used to going and coming as I please, no little person under the age of nine, being in charge of my existence.
I had to postpone my workout session on Saturday afternoon to get up and cook? Who me? The queen of yogurt, soy, tofu and flaxseed. We started out on a bad foot, in regards to my strict vegetarian...
Friday Evening
I had my Goddaughter with me for the entire weekend. Her parents had to attend a wedding in Washington, D.C, so guess who was appointed to care for her for two days. That’s a lifetime to me. Now, take in consideration. I am used to going and coming as I please, no little person under the age of nine, being in charge of my existence.
I had to postpone my workout session on Saturday afternoon to get up and cook? Who me? The queen of yogurt, soy, tofu and flaxseed. We started out on a bad foot, in regards to my strict vegetarian...
783 reads
Echoes Of A Hunter Moon
A Hunter Moon within the enrapture of
As an erected stance dances into the bed of earth’s silken glove
Minds and hearts in exile dances in moonlight
Entangled, embraced, anticipated Heavenly passion in sight
Remnants touched of its blending emotions
Hearts under the moon cast of its love potion
Time catches up, as sunrays gradually peep through
Paradise in the sky left behind for me and you
Passion instilled, infused, peaked beyond the galaxy to the moon bodies now earthbound ...
As an erected stance dances into the bed of earth’s silken glove
Minds and hearts in exile dances in moonlight
Entangled, embraced, anticipated Heavenly passion in sight
Remnants touched of its blending emotions
Hearts under the moon cast of its love potion
Time catches up, as sunrays gradually peep through
Paradise in the sky left behind for me and you
Passion instilled, infused, peaked beyond the galaxy to the moon bodies now earthbound ...
877 reads

#memorial #despair
#memorial #despair
1134 reads
Mentally Numb
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Friday August 10, 2018
Today was a typical day for me. After we had our staff meeting in the morning. My morning slowly crawled. I had time to sign off on several patients’ notes and catch up on much neglected paper work. Take inventory.
Friday morning was so serene, a ghost town as they say. A homeless man who had somehow fell and injured his lower extremities. Sutured and then out the door; I am not called upon in triage calls of that nature. More time for me to post on my three online sites to pass the...
Friday August 10, 2018
Today was a typical day for me. After we had our staff meeting in the morning. My morning slowly crawled. I had time to sign off on several patients’ notes and catch up on much neglected paper work. Take inventory.
Friday morning was so serene, a ghost town as they say. A homeless man who had somehow fell and injured his lower extremities. Sutured and then out the door; I am not called upon in triage calls of that nature. More time for me to post on my three online sites to pass the...
700 reads
Seduction of Divinity
Green pasture as thy comfort the French Creole Angel’s sceptre of me
As you can feel, touch, see
And will come to believe
Spiritual enlighten from the depth of my Melanin context your soul shall receive
Angel wings of seduction
The creed of earthly introduction
Earthbound divinity of perfection
The laws of an unbalanced life always follows rejection
In my arms your earthly protection
This is the story of my relegation
Leaps and Bounds to earth to research the sinful flesh behind such wicked dedications
Wings to human a...
As you can feel, touch, see
And will come to believe
Spiritual enlighten from the depth of my Melanin context your soul shall receive
Angel wings of seduction
The creed of earthly introduction
Earthbound divinity of perfection
The laws of an unbalanced life always follows rejection
In my arms your earthly protection
This is the story of my relegation
Leaps and Bounds to earth to research the sinful flesh behind such wicked dedications
Wings to human a...
960 reads
Higher Self Where Art Thou

669 reads
The Illusion of Karma
The Illusion of Karma
Sweetest love found in the palm of my hand
Eyes closed in shame for the soft moans of two names
Morning and night, secrets my body demanded its erotic games
Two steps back and forth, destinies floating, such laid beautiful plans
Coveting the image of God’s earthly man
The willing student under silken cover
The naïve healing lover
Two bodies held me in contempt for a taste of passion, silken yearns hovered
My beautiful Chakras, the gatekeeper to my sacred temple
In the beginning, it...
Sweetest love found in the palm of my hand
Eyes closed in shame for the soft moans of two names
Morning and night, secrets my body demanded its erotic games
Two steps back and forth, destinies floating, such laid beautiful plans
Coveting the image of God’s earthly man
The willing student under silken cover
The naïve healing lover
Two bodies held me in contempt for a taste of passion, silken yearns hovered
My beautiful Chakras, the gatekeeper to my sacred temple
In the beginning, it...
707 reads
John Gotti’s Whore

773 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by SweetKittyCat5