Submissions by PierreTheMad
Poet Introduction
All mad all the time. ***I'm still here I've just taken a bit of a reprieve to reflect on my self and my life. It has been very exciting and informative and best of all, transformative. I will return but in a different form, greater than before.
Pygmalion's Meditation
(for the 'Myths and Legend' competition)
Great Gods of Fate and Fury
guide my hands and
bless these implements
as they attempt to channel passion
into the making of a marvel
granting warmth to an expression
a tribute statuesque
to the power and compassion
you have somehow siphoned into
this one dynamic form
Help me
Allow these hands
to catch those sparks of shooting stars
and place them in her eyes
to hear an ardent heartbeat
thumping out my name
Great Gods of Fate and Fury
guide my hands and
bless these implements
as they attempt to channel passion
into the making of a marvel
granting warmth to an expression
a tribute statuesque
to the power and compassion
you have somehow siphoned into
this one dynamic form
Help me
Allow these hands
to catch those sparks of shooting stars
and place them in her eyes
to hear an ardent heartbeat
thumping out my name
970 reads
I'm tired of living the same day over and over and over again; I wake up, I get the kids ready, I take Andrew to school, I get on the computer, I feel lonely, I want to drink, I want to do drugs, I hate myself because I've done so little with my life, I make lunch, I watch something on Netflix (kids shows), I pick up Andrew from school, I help him with homework, I make him feel bad because I push him to do better and I don't know how or when to back off, I wake up my wife so she can go to work, I see her for 30 minutes in which we talk about all the mind-numbing crap she/we have to do, she...
929 reads
Court Jesta (for Jestalessa)
Girl turned lady, it was obvious to see
Her growth took strides with long legs
High heels and a voice of poetry
She smiled and fixed her photograph
The tousled hair the playful wink
The words convey her wit and laughter
Once asking for permission and input but now
darlin' rolls off her tongue with ease
Typeset princess making others bow
Sweet and spicy like an exotic dish
I've watched her long and now admire
all that it is she has accomplished
Scaled the heights and now she can see
all those below look up...
Her growth took strides with long legs
High heels and a voice of poetry
She smiled and fixed her photograph
The tousled hair the playful wink
The words convey her wit and laughter
Once asking for permission and input but now
darlin' rolls off her tongue with ease
Typeset princess making others bow
Sweet and spicy like an exotic dish
I've watched her long and now admire
all that it is she has accomplished
Scaled the heights and now she can see
all those below look up...
863 reads
I once had a dream where there was blackness all around me except for a pinhead sized point of light in the distance. As I traveled toward it a clockwise spinning ring became visible and as I got closer it was obvious the ring was made of people. The people that made up the ring were connected by mouth or genital to the next person in the ring, each performing some sex act on the other. The acts ran the full gamut of sexual expression from lesbian to straight to gay to straight all the way back to lesbian again. After I took in everything the light started speaking to me in a cold,...
1055 reads
Until Tomorrow
and trails of breath fill the air
Frostbitten cheeks and
conversations about anything
and everything
I've never met anybody who takes
my mind off of life like you
We walk to keep the conversation moving
to keep blood and stimuli flowing
Adding to our time by
seeing things we either
both love or both hate
I love the way your eyes light up when you laugh
You move fast because you
simply want to see everything
before you have to die
I move slowly because we have
control over tonight...
and trails of breath fill the air
Frostbitten cheeks and
conversations about anything
and everything
I've never met anybody who takes
my mind off of life like you
We walk to keep the conversation moving
to keep blood and stimuli flowing
Adding to our time by
seeing things we either
both love or both hate
I love the way your eyes light up when you laugh
You move fast because you
simply want to see everything
before you have to die
I move slowly because we have
control over tonight...
1843 reads
Keep The Receipts
(for the 'Twas The Night Before Christmas' competition)
Kris Kringle makes me cringe
Jesus, I just roll my eyes
Sad how we have to live a lie to be kind to each other
and only allow that to happen once a year
Ringing bells tell me tales
of lost homes and abused spouses
of children having to face the cold
Because the world doesn't quite understand itself yet
Single mothers make the best holiday smile they can muster
We've given our hearts away
To things, to money, to sales,
to brightly colored adverts...
Kris Kringle makes me cringe
Jesus, I just roll my eyes
Sad how we have to live a lie to be kind to each other
and only allow that to happen once a year
Ringing bells tell me tales
of lost homes and abused spouses
of children having to face the cold
Because the world doesn't quite understand itself yet
Single mothers make the best holiday smile they can muster
We've given our hearts away
To things, to money, to sales,
to brightly colored adverts...
936 reads
Fertile Soil (100 word edit)
(for the 'Swamp Gods' Competition - 100 word edit)
History repeats
Dredged up from the mire behind our eyes
In faith of fingerprints left in the mud
below the deep waters of our wants
Each Savior a symbol
of the need and hunger of the system we feed
A fallen tree reclaimed by soft earth
First Mother feeding her young to her young
As the vibrant colors of snakes come slithering our way
The vicious and opaque thoughts of these ignorant gods
Taken back into the deep
To where history repeats
Until each...
History repeats
Dredged up from the mire behind our eyes
In faith of fingerprints left in the mud
below the deep waters of our wants
Each Savior a symbol
of the need and hunger of the system we feed
A fallen tree reclaimed by soft earth
First Mother feeding her young to her young
As the vibrant colors of snakes come slithering our way
The vicious and opaque thoughts of these ignorant gods
Taken back into the deep
To where history repeats
Until each...
852 reads
Fertile Soil
(for the 'Swamp Gods' competition before I read the rules, haha)
History repeats itself
Dredged up from the mire behind our eyes
A community play
A collective plan
The schematics of which we have yet to be privvy in our demand
We are on our way though
Through our scientific method of prayer and observation
Faith of some sort
of some fingerprint left in the mud
in the deep waters of our subconscious
Every savior a symbol of the rot
of the need and hunger of the system we feed
Like the fallen tree that...
History repeats itself
Dredged up from the mire behind our eyes
A community play
A collective plan
The schematics of which we have yet to be privvy in our demand
We are on our way though
Through our scientific method of prayer and observation
Faith of some sort
of some fingerprint left in the mud
in the deep waters of our subconscious
Every savior a symbol of the rot
of the need and hunger of the system we feed
Like the fallen tree that...
943 reads
Dear Andrew
I know I'm fucking up.
I know it.
I know I am feeling my way through the darkness
with blistered fingertips.
I don't need the judgment or forgiveness of a God-sized fairy tale
I just need yours
Little, precious, you
My blonde haired miniature man
I know you are destined to make some of my same mistakes
I know I won't be able to tell you anything for a while
I know to expect pain in exchange for my ill-fitting love
But I want you to know that even though I'm fucking it up
feeling my way through the dark ...
I know it.
I know I am feeling my way through the darkness
with blistered fingertips.
I don't need the judgment or forgiveness of a God-sized fairy tale
I just need yours
Little, precious, you
My blonde haired miniature man
I know you are destined to make some of my same mistakes
I know I won't be able to tell you anything for a while
I know to expect pain in exchange for my ill-fitting love
But I want you to know that even though I'm fucking it up
feeling my way through the dark ...
939 reads
Day Off
Entrenched apathetic
No pain can come to matter
Even Death is just a painting on the wall
Liquor? Empty.
Drugs? Used
Woman? Fucked.
Checklist? Checked.
Phone rests in my hand
They said I should call if I felt suicidal
But I never finish what I start
Both options seem like work
and today is my day off
I was done crapping an hour ago
and I just now realized the smell
If I wait long enough, though, more crap will come
It always does
Maybe I should flush
Pull up my pants? ...
No pain can come to matter
Even Death is just a painting on the wall
Liquor? Empty.
Drugs? Used
Woman? Fucked.
Checklist? Checked.
Phone rests in my hand
They said I should call if I felt suicidal
But I never finish what I start
Both options seem like work
and today is my day off
I was done crapping an hour ago
and I just now realized the smell
If I wait long enough, though, more crap will come
It always does
Maybe I should flush
Pull up my pants? ...
982 reads
A cold illumination
burning just beneath the surface
Still waters with shining eyes
This tiny cavern holding secrets
A grave of flying things which never found their way out
and nowhere else to go
Crowded, confounded
Beating heads and wings against jagged ceiling rocks
Tearing both to tatters until they meet the surface
and sink to where there's just enough light by which to die
A cold illumination
burning just beneath the surface
Still waters with shining eyes
This tiny cavern holding secrets
A grave of flying things which never found their way out
and nowhere else to go
Crowded, confounded
Beating heads and wings against jagged ceiling rocks
Tearing both to tatters until they meet the surface
and sink to where there's just enough light by which to die
985 reads
The Hobbyist
He never amounted to much
His passion more like an undercurrent
than a fire
Kept to himself
Read a lot
Paper boats on the water's surface
He felt he had much to offer
But the world turns even when yours
is sitting still
Muscles ache
Children grown
Tiny cuts to show
Paper yellows in the sunlight
He would sometimes look back
Knowing only in hindsight
What was opportunity
Bargain hunting
For his hobby
Another pad to fold
But folded cranes never fly
His passion more like an undercurrent
than a fire
Kept to himself
Read a lot
Paper boats on the water's surface
He felt he had much to offer
But the world turns even when yours
is sitting still
Muscles ache
Children grown
Tiny cuts to show
Paper yellows in the sunlight
He would sometimes look back
Knowing only in hindsight
What was opportunity
Bargain hunting
For his hobby
Another pad to fold
But folded cranes never fly
1188 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by PierreTheMad