Submissions by MatthewConrad (bilingual-zoid)
Poet Introduction
Hello: i'm a p'ooh-et - i write p'ooh-ems.
hall of fame chart over easter
perhaps as much as the goldberg variation
BWV 988 aria is some sort of cliche...
and somehow... there aren't any tinges
of plagiarism in tchaikovsky's 1812 overture
plagiarisms of la marseillaise?
well of course there would be tinges
of it: how did it manage to stay up
in's hall of fame chart for several
years at no. 1 -
does listening to it somehow imbue
more imagination than a tolstoy epic:
or one is more inclined to listen to the overture...
than read *war and peace* for
BWV 988 aria is some sort of cliche...
and somehow... there aren't any tinges
of plagiarism in tchaikovsky's 1812 overture
plagiarisms of la marseillaise?
well of course there would be tinges
of it: how did it manage to stay up
in's hall of fame chart for several
years at no. 1 -
does listening to it somehow imbue
more imagination than a tolstoy epic:
or one is more inclined to listen to the overture...
than read *war and peace* for
304 reads
covid-19 must be a name of a planet "somewhere"
i remember the meningitis scare:
oh... it was very real...
i guess it was supposed to affect a niche
proportion of the population...
so much for the "scare":
they would vaccinate us in the schools:
since children were more prone
to succumb to: and inflammation of
the lining around your brain and spinal cord...
and all that: press a thumb against
a skin... and if the skin returns to its original
colouring: there's no blemish of applied
pressure... pressing glasses onto the skin too...
the aesthetics have...
oh... it was very real...
i guess it was supposed to affect a niche
proportion of the population...
so much for the "scare":
they would vaccinate us in the schools:
since children were more prone
to succumb to: and inflammation of
the lining around your brain and spinal cord...
and all that: press a thumb against
a skin... and if the skin returns to its original
colouring: there's no blemish of applied
pressure... pressing glasses onto the skin too...
the aesthetics have...
322 reads
cheese and... holes... one massive swiss on
the matter of: 23.5°N and (φ, θ, ψ)...
the devil will find work for idle hands...
and if it's "work" via a
q w e r t y u i o p
a s d f g h j k l
z x c v b n m...
again: who needs the alphabet: the a b c d e...
when i'm looking down on:
an armchair of comfort for the purpose of typing...
so that i don't have to look down
at the keyboard: except for when my
hands are in the wrong position...
why would i need to cite: having to remember
an alphabet:
the matter of: 23.5°N and (φ, θ, ψ)...
the devil will find work for idle hands...
and if it's "work" via a
q w e r t y u i o p
a s d f g h j k l
z x c v b n m...
again: who needs the alphabet: the a b c d e...
when i'm looking down on:
an armchair of comfort for the purpose of typing...
so that i don't have to look down
at the keyboard: except for when my
hands are in the wrong position...
why would i need to cite: having to remember
an alphabet:
273 reads
23.5°N and (, , )
somehow drunk on language: a jazz impromptu...
nothing is ever to be orchestrated
or read from a script...
and drinking besides...
a manifesto on the sly?
i hardly think: or rather:
i hardly want to...
compose one...
but i am sure to find some freedom... it's not
that much... it will do: working from the confines
of a dickensian paragraph is all the rage:
of all - but not these days, to be exact...
crumbs from the table of "muse"...
nothing is ever to be orchestrated
or read from a script...
and drinking besides...
a manifesto on the sly?
i hardly think: or rather:
i hardly want to...
compose one...
but i am sure to find some freedom... it's not
that much... it will do: working from the confines
of a dickensian paragraph is all the rage:
of all - but not these days, to be exact...
crumbs from the table of "muse"...
318 reads
Conleth Hill & Sean Campion
drinking warm whiskey... isn't so bad...
it could be much worse:
it could be warm vodka:
not cold enough to reach a gomme syrop
life's so tragic... sometimes...
a warm vodka is like a warm beer...
what am i supposed to say?
i'm just tired of wanting to be in love...
i'm tired of hating...
i'm tired of being angry...
i'm tired of being preditable and also:
slithering in pickling juices...
i am tired of love because...
when it was "love"...
it wasn't dog eyes and a leash... ...
it could be much worse:
it could be warm vodka:
not cold enough to reach a gomme syrop
life's so tragic... sometimes...
a warm vodka is like a warm beer...
what am i supposed to say?
i'm just tired of wanting to be in love...
i'm tired of hating...
i'm tired of being angry...
i'm tired of being preditable and also:
slithering in pickling juices...
i am tired of love because...
when it was "love"...
it wasn't dog eyes and a leash... ...
276 reads
collateral and the chicken scratching exercise
i could almost wish nothing of understanding
the noun: collateral...
i will not bother with the definition,
something pledged as security for repayment
of a loan, to be forfeited in the event of a default...
why bother with the definition...
when you can simply skip the definition and
embroil / invest yourself
with the alt. to a definition...
a synonym usually helps...
collateral the alt. of:
security, guarantee,
pledge... bond... now that is much simpler...
the noun: collateral...
i will not bother with the definition,
something pledged as security for repayment
of a loan, to be forfeited in the event of a default...
why bother with the definition...
when you can simply skip the definition and
embroil / invest yourself
with the alt. to a definition...
a synonym usually helps...
collateral the alt. of:
security, guarantee,
pledge... bond... now that is much simpler...
267 reads
a dog: this is a dog: and this is the barking:
once upon a time i would look into the mirror
with a... curiosity of water...
sometimes i'd turn on the tap...
sometimes i'd block the plughole...
sometimes i looked at the "drowning" man
as a lake... sometimes as a river...
sometimes i'd come back with
concepts of time...
sometimes i'd come back with
concepts of: what if music didn't exist...
i'd cite no music at all...
but the comparison of the sound
of falling rain on a tin roof...
or on an umbrella... or in a heavily
leafy forest against the... snares...
all that...
with a... curiosity of water...
sometimes i'd turn on the tap...
sometimes i'd block the plughole...
sometimes i looked at the "drowning" man
as a lake... sometimes as a river...
sometimes i'd come back with
concepts of time...
sometimes i'd come back with
concepts of: what if music didn't exist...
i'd cite no music at all...
but the comparison of the sound
of falling rain on a tin roof...
or on an umbrella... or in a heavily
leafy forest against the... snares...
all that...
350 reads
if only dalmations came with houndsooths
my new favourite band... killing joke... daddy crocker and the two boots to lick... one gomme syrop vodka: how? when the vodka is... properly frozen... till it becomes... syropy... the alt. title to this diatribe? houndsooth of a dalmation / hahnentritt von ein dalmatiner... we'd have a target practice for one-hundred-and-one... lick th rose lick the battery... give birth to the hands when working with earth... pleasantly... any other "voltaire" in an english garden... but come to think of it... the english, the "english" have largely relegated their gardens... akin to the fireplaces that...
313 reads
the EU was dead in 2004
that the EU was over... i could have told you...
way back in 2004...
when the "project" expanded by a gravity
of 8...
plain and simple...
thank you - dear west...
sprechen deutsch!
sprrrrr-ECHEN deuTsch!
danke - liebe abend...
liebe... abend...
the hounds and the workers from under
the curtain...
with iron teeth and bones and smiles...
the hounds...
i composed a list...
way back in 2004...
when the "project" expanded by a gravity
of 8...
plain and simple...
thank you - dear west...
sprechen deutsch!
sprrrrr-ECHEN deuTsch!
danke - liebe abend...
liebe... abend...
the hounds and the workers from under
the curtain...
with iron teeth and bones and smiles...
the hounds...
i composed a list...
399 reads
Prato Rifles & Burdock Bullets
one of those low... low oh my god how low... hanging fruits... i.e. check... check... CHINK! akimbo in a "critical" pose of... Skiba's take on the current polish-"lithuanian" government via: pchła szachrajka... everything is just all oh too all too bloody obvious! without that blonde quiff... without graffiti sport of the politicians... the words are as cheap as the most hardcore porno-porno... when all one desires... is an unveiling from the territory of: the virgins under the niqab curtain of the house of Saud! yes yes shouts the orgasm without the requisite body parts... one side lost...
295 reads
Orogray of a "Latvian"
Orθograφy of a "Latvian"
"disclaimer": i have no interest in metaphysical wrestling matches of ideas: perhaops gott ist tod... what is still intact is: im das anfang der wort war gott... "gott" ist tod: oh sure... that little whilly-nilly is long gone dead... overshadowed by our stupendous hunger for ever feeding isolation and boredom when a virus spreads... "gott" ist tod: aber der wort ist leben; und uns! i have not reason to go into metaphysical affairs... perhaps english as a written language doesn't or will not entertain diacritical markers... but sure as shit i:...
"disclaimer": i have no interest in metaphysical wrestling matches of ideas: perhaops gott ist tod... what is still intact is: im das anfang der wort war gott... "gott" ist tod: oh sure... that little whilly-nilly is long gone dead... overshadowed by our stupendous hunger for ever feeding isolation and boredom when a virus spreads... "gott" ist tod: aber der wort ist leben; und uns! i have not reason to go into metaphysical affairs... perhaps english as a written language doesn't or will not entertain diacritical markers... but sure as shit i:...
371 reads
notae Tironianae and a sudoku while you're drinking
had i not come across the tironian ⁊... my my... what is a 7? did tiro invent a counter to VII? it was not all borrowed numbers from the sankskirt wielding hindus?! tironian... now that's someone you don't hear of much these days, it's all aesop and spartacus... if even that... tiro formerly a footnote in the life of cicero... for a B and a III - stenography's 3... Q and R or IX - stenography's 9... yes, we europeans didn't invent the current numbers... but just imagine... the details of +, - x, ÷ hidden within the jazz hands and counting with your fingers and the abacus... and how you...
325 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by MatthewConrad (bilingual-zoid)