Submissions by MariosABeaner
Poet Introduction
Er hey. I just write what I can. That's about it.
The Way He Is
With these eyes
You would think to come closer
But this smile says differently
Bloody and dangerous lips
Enticing you to talk to me
An aura that says
I won't hurt you
Just come closer
Body language
That invites you
It screams
I'll be anything you want
But those teeth
They make you cringe
Yet your interested
And now your blood staines me
I can't help but think
Look in the mirror
Your stupidity is showing
Your life is ending
The hunt has now begun
You would think to come closer
But this smile says differently
Bloody and dangerous lips
Enticing you to talk to me
An aura that says
I won't hurt you
Just come closer
Body language
That invites you
It screams
I'll be anything you want
But those teeth
They make you cringe
Yet your interested
And now your blood staines me
I can't help but think
Look in the mirror
Your stupidity is showing
Your life is ending
The hunt has now begun
546 reads
I'm Fine
That feeling
The pain that comes with it
The sound of cracking
A heart falling into peices
Yet she says she's fine
Never having a bad say
Always smiling
Even when she wants to cry
A fighter
Or a liar
No ones knows
But her
She screams
Save me
I'm my own worst enemy
I hide my pain
Internilizing it all
Leaving myself with no escape
Drowning in sarrow
Do I seem fine?
The pain that comes with it
The sound of cracking
A heart falling into peices
Yet she says she's fine
Never having a bad say
Always smiling
Even when she wants to cry
A fighter
Or a liar
No ones knows
But her
She screams
Save me
I'm my own worst enemy
I hide my pain
Internilizing it all
Leaving myself with no escape
Drowning in sarrow
Do I seem fine?
648 reads
Peer through the gates of hell
See the castle that is his
Where all evil creatures lurk
All that go bump in the night
Soon to be your home
Life of eternal torture
Nothing but tears
Blood and more tears
There you will see
All the sinners
The ignorant fools
Who thought they could get away with it
Let it be a lesson learned
To all on earth
The punishment is
Something you cannot run away from
See the castle that is his
Where all evil creatures lurk
All that go bump in the night
Soon to be your home
Life of eternal torture
Nothing but tears
Blood and more tears
There you will see
All the sinners
The ignorant fools
Who thought they could get away with it
Let it be a lesson learned
To all on earth
The punishment is
Something you cannot run away from
817 reads
Sitting in my room
With only what is needed
Nothing but a never ending shriek
The shriek of silence
I wish
That I could hear two heart beats
Not just mine
To fill this quiet room
A feeling is killing me
A feeling that I cannot name
One that makes me want to cry
To curl into a ball
It's something only another person can fix
It's an urge to be held
It's creates a strong desire
One that is beyond painful
What's the word
The two syllable word
The one that keeps you up at night
With only what is needed
Nothing but a never ending shriek
The shriek of silence
I wish
That I could hear two heart beats
Not just mine
To fill this quiet room
A feeling is killing me
A feeling that I cannot name
One that makes me want to cry
To curl into a ball
It's something only another person can fix
It's an urge to be held
It's creates a strong desire
One that is beyond painful
What's the word
The two syllable word
The one that keeps you up at night
835 reads
1 Comment
What The Wind Brings To You
Dancing in the wind.
The wind that carries everything.
and words.
It wraps around you.
Causing your hairs to stand up.
and relaxing.
Music plays through your body,
Softly playing into your ears.
A melody,
and hormony.
The sound of the drums,
Beating with your heart.
and strongly.
Her voice singing,
Into your mind and soul.
and chants.
The wind that carries everything.
and words.
It wraps around you.
Causing your hairs to stand up.
and relaxing.
Music plays through your body,
Softly playing into your ears.
A melody,
and hormony.
The sound of the drums,
Beating with your heart.
and strongly.
Her voice singing,
Into your mind and soul.
and chants.
617 reads
Opposite Worlds
One hoping for a better life
One not able to dream
One waiting to live
One ready to die
One making her own world
One hiding from a world
One holds a crayon to a wall
One holds a knife to her throat
One mind open to possiblities
One pushed to the brink of death
One hoping for a better life
One not able to dream
One waiting to live
One ready to die
One making her own world
One hiding from a world
One holds a crayon to a wall
One holds a knife to her throat
One mind open to possiblities
One pushed to the brink of death
615 reads
What is this
Hands wrapping around my throat
Pulling me under
Something like the sea
Where my wings use to be
But never will they return
Hands grip my ankles
What do they want with me
The sound of being tortured
Is it me
Can I make that sound
This peircing high note
It says stop it
Why me
The most common question
What did I do
An answer never existed
No difference between living
I just don't care anymore
Hands wrapping around my throat
Pulling me under
Something like the sea
Where my wings use to be
But never will they return
Hands grip my ankles
What do they want with me
The sound of being tortured
Is it me
Can I make that sound
This peircing high note
It says stop it
Why me
The most common question
What did I do
An answer never existed
No difference between living
I just don't care anymore
690 reads
Foolish Demon
Shut up
You filthy demon
Always looking down on me
You must not know me well
Purity does not reach my body
Blood stains my hands
You ignorant demon
Fighting a battle
You cannot win
The blood on your hands
Is a pond compared to mine
A small part to what I have
Your wings
Will be torn from you back
A part of the price you will pay
When you consider yourself
Think this
You're nothing but a pesky bug
I will crush you with my heel
Your foolish head
Will lay at my feet
You filthy demon
Always looking down on me
You must not know me well
Purity does not reach my body
Blood stains my hands
You ignorant demon
Fighting a battle
You cannot win
The blood on your hands
Is a pond compared to mine
A small part to what I have
Your wings
Will be torn from you back
A part of the price you will pay
When you consider yourself
Think this
You're nothing but a pesky bug
I will crush you with my heel
Your foolish head
Will lay at my feet
752 reads
1 Comment
Lab Rat
Insanity has its grip
But her life is already over
Human bodies shouldn't move that way
But no one will help her
Nothing but lifes lab rat
Insanity has its grip
But her life is already over
Human bodies shouldn't move that way
But no one will help her
Nothing but lifes lab rat
843 reads
Pathetic Child
Never loved.
Never asked.
Never seen.
Never heard.
Pathetic child,
To afraid to speak.
Voice your thoughts,
I want to listen.
Eyes of the beaten.
Spirit of the scared.
Mind of the weak.
Heart of the broken.
Pathetic child,
To afraid to look.
Connect your eyes with mine,
I want to see you.
Pathetic child,
Trapped in your dark world.
Set free your soul,
I want you to escape.
Never asked.
Never seen.
Never heard.
Pathetic child,
To afraid to speak.
Voice your thoughts,
I want to listen.
Eyes of the beaten.
Spirit of the scared.
Mind of the weak.
Heart of the broken.
Pathetic child,
To afraid to look.
Connect your eyes with mine,
I want to see you.
Pathetic child,
Trapped in your dark world.
Set free your soul,
I want you to escape.
676 reads
1 Comment
Just Words
Everything I do,
Causes you pain.
My love,
Just confuses you more.
Everything I say,
Causes you to cry.
My love,
Just gives you more pain.
I'm selfish.
I'm jealous.
I'm rude,
But I'm in pain to.
I love you,
Yet I have no right to say it.
What should I do.
I'll do anything for you.
Do you want me to let go?
Or hold on tightly.
Just tell me.
Just say the words.
Causes you pain.
My love,
Just confuses you more.
Everything I say,
Causes you to cry.
My love,
Just gives you more pain.
I'm selfish.
I'm jealous.
I'm rude,
But I'm in pain to.
I love you,
Yet I have no right to say it.
What should I do.
I'll do anything for you.
Do you want me to let go?
Or hold on tightly.
Just tell me.
Just say the words.
668 reads
1 Comment
Fight the hands.
The hands that grab you,
They push and pull.
Fight those eyes.
Those eyes filled with hate,
They accuse you.
Fight those minds.
The minds filled with rude thoughts,
Because you are not like them.
Fight those words.
The words sharp like knives,
Trying to stop you.
Fight those tears.
That try to expose you,
Along with your pain.
Fight those people.
That try to break you,
Because you are stong.
The hands that grab you,
They push and pull.
Fight those eyes.
Those eyes filled with hate,
They accuse you.
Fight those minds.
The minds filled with rude thoughts,
Because you are not like them.
Fight those words.
The words sharp like knives,
Trying to stop you.
Fight those tears.
That try to expose you,
Along with your pain.
Fight those people.
That try to break you,
Because you are stong.
691 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by MariosABeaner