Submissions by MarieA42
Poet Introduction
Im nobody, I just like to scribble and eat crayons :}
Do You Still Wish Me to Seek? For I will, If It Is Yours
Looking for your footprints in the sand like you instructed. Keeping my lamp lit even when it was not the season for olives. Seeking and only finding hell, knowing in my heart whats right, tearing my soul from the grips of "just let me live" Longing to dance, heart to heart, cheek to cheek, then realizing im at the worlds biggest ball gracing dark corners like some orphaned child because I believed in something greater than a ball gown and dancing shoes. I fell hard for what I thought was you, so confused, so sure. Now, well now I still grace corners, I still look for your...
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Crazy Dream
In the dream I was standing in front of this townhouse apartment, I could draw you a perfect picture of the place. I slowly opened the door to Alberts home. Who is Albert you ask? Well, Albert Einstein of course. In the foyer there sat a desk, the top was barely visible due to all the scattered paperwork. I reach down and picked up a notebook that had a project name typed out across it in black thick ink...CAT NINE PROJECT. What did this mean? I had no idea, but then all the sudden im taken from this scene to the next. Here I am now standing by this old two story white and blue farm house,...
208 reads
Almost Hopeless
![restricted poem](/images/extremecontent.jpg)
187 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by MarieA42