Submissions by Ladybriar
Arms wrapped round so tight
Hands covering soft breasts
Gently kneading, teasing
Bodies moving in rhythm
Rubbing seductively in tune
Hands move over body
Caressing, slowly arousing
Breathing getting ragged
Turning into the others arms
Bodies pressing urgently
Hardness calling softness
Emptiness completely filled
Eyes penetrate eyes
Body penetrates body
Tongue penetrates mouth
Heart penetrates heart
Now you call me sister?????
Hands covering soft breasts
Gently kneading, teasing
Bodies moving in rhythm
Rubbing seductively in tune
Hands move over body
Caressing, slowly arousing
Breathing getting ragged
Turning into the others arms
Bodies pressing urgently
Hardness calling softness
Emptiness completely filled
Eyes penetrate eyes
Body penetrates body
Tongue penetrates mouth
Heart penetrates heart
Now you call me sister?????
1444 reads
What if..
What if all the lonely people
Met all the lonely people
Would there still be lonely people
What if all the lonely people
Forgot our hurts and faced the world
Would we find our perfect match?
What if we accepted our emotions?
Embraced our differences
Would we find our soul mates?
What if we actually met people?
Instead of living online
Would we find our true love?
What if we loved those near to us?
Instead of shutting them out
Would we save our relationships?
What if we put ourselves aside
Forgot our own...
Met all the lonely people
Would there still be lonely people
What if all the lonely people
Forgot our hurts and faced the world
Would we find our perfect match?
What if we accepted our emotions?
Embraced our differences
Would we find our soul mates?
What if we actually met people?
Instead of living online
Would we find our true love?
What if we loved those near to us?
Instead of shutting them out
Would we save our relationships?
What if we put ourselves aside
Forgot our own...
1056 reads
A robot..
I am tired of feeling
I am tired of hurting
I am tired of crying
I wish I was a robot
Never feel pain
Never feel anger
Never feel rejection
Never feel love
Never feel happy
Never feel pleasure
Never have feelings
Never show emotion
Never knowI missed them
I wish I was a robot
No more feeling
No more hurting
No more crying
Always just am.
I am tired of hurting
I am tired of crying
I wish I was a robot
Never feel pain
Never feel anger
Never feel rejection
Never feel love
Never feel happy
Never feel pleasure
Never have feelings
Never show emotion
Never knowI missed them
I wish I was a robot
No more feeling
No more hurting
No more crying
Always just am.
1191 reads
Calming Embrace
Convoluted confusion
Anguished anxiety
Useless utterances
Painful pleasures
Fearful fighting
Wretched worrying
Petitioning peace
Lamenting love
Cruel condemnation
Loathing life
Desiring deaths
Tortured tranquily
Encalming embrace
Anguished anxiety
Useless utterances
Painful pleasures
Fearful fighting
Wretched worrying
Petitioning peace
Lamenting love
Cruel condemnation
Loathing life
Desiring deaths
Tortured tranquily
Encalming embrace
1296 reads
Knives stabbing in my chest
Peeling the flesh away
Slicing through bone
Pulling the flesh apart
My heart vulnerably exposed
Tears of crimson scarlet flow
Blinding Pain rips through me
Throbbing Agony destroys me
My heart treacherously stolen
Peeling the flesh away
Slicing through bone
Pulling the flesh apart
My heart vulnerably exposed
Tears of crimson scarlet flow
Blinding Pain rips through me
Throbbing Agony destroys me
My heart treacherously stolen
1155 reads
When I asked...
When I asked you
To prove yourself
To show your worth
To earn my trust
I was in essence saying
Verify my instincts
Appease my self-doubt
Renew my confidence
You need to know
My instinct said trust him
My brain said let him in
My heart said enjoy him
I am saying
I trust you implicitly
I relish you inside me
I enjoy yielding to this
So know this
It was not you I doubted
It was myself I questioned
To prove yourself
To show your worth
To earn my trust
I was in essence saying
Verify my instincts
Appease my self-doubt
Renew my confidence
You need to know
My instinct said trust him
My brain said let him in
My heart said enjoy him
I am saying
I trust you implicitly
I relish you inside me
I enjoy yielding to this
So know this
It was not you I doubted
It was myself I questioned
1033 reads
1 Comment
Judas Kiss
His kiss ensnared me
Drew me deep into his web
His tongue wove silken ropes around my heart
His teeth etched hope into my soul
His lips promised heavenly ecstasy
His kiss betrayed me
Lured me into his evil web
His tongue tied heavy chains round my heart
His teeth tore the hope from my soul
His lips veiled treacherous deceit
Drew me deep into his web
His tongue wove silken ropes around my heart
His teeth etched hope into my soul
His lips promised heavenly ecstasy
His kiss betrayed me
Lured me into his evil web
His tongue tied heavy chains round my heart
His teeth tore the hope from my soul
His lips veiled treacherous deceit
1401 reads
Fantasy vs Reality
fantasy feels so true
reality feels so false
fantasy comforts
reality destroys
retreat into fantasy
retreat from reality
fantasy world at peace
reality world at war
embrace fantasy
evade reality
fantasy is safety
reality is terror
fantasy is my reality
reality feels so false
fantasy comforts
reality destroys
retreat into fantasy
retreat from reality
fantasy world at peace
reality world at war
embrace fantasy
evade reality
fantasy is safety
reality is terror
fantasy is my reality
3027 reads
1 Comment
Under attack
dead still
through space
engulfing me
crowding me
deafening me
drowning me
taunting faces
rejecting faces
malevolent faces
grating voices
sibilant voices
enraged voices
Deep heart
stabbing words
merciless words
Gentle soul
destroying words
through space
dead still
attacking self
dead still
through space
engulfing me
crowding me
deafening me
drowning me
taunting faces
rejecting faces
malevolent faces
grating voices
sibilant voices
enraged voices
Deep heart
stabbing words
merciless words
Gentle soul
destroying words
through space
dead still
attacking self
989 reads
My Oasis
Noise fills my brittle soul
Lighting rips my heart apart
Thunder roars in my aching head
Wind howls round my thoughts
Rain drips tears from my eyes
Storms rage all round me
Shaking me to my very core
Waves toss me to and fro
Drag me deep under
Pulling me far down
Raging water surrounds me
Panic leaves me voiceless
Terror paralyses me
Wretchedness drowns me
Misery welcomes me
Shore tantalizingly out of my sight
Lighthouse blindingly obscured
No one to rescue me
Alone against the storm
Fighting for my...
Lighting rips my heart apart
Thunder roars in my aching head
Wind howls round my thoughts
Rain drips tears from my eyes
Storms rage all round me
Shaking me to my very core
Waves toss me to and fro
Drag me deep under
Pulling me far down
Raging water surrounds me
Panic leaves me voiceless
Terror paralyses me
Wretchedness drowns me
Misery welcomes me
Shore tantalizingly out of my sight
Lighthouse blindingly obscured
No one to rescue me
Alone against the storm
Fighting for my...
1051 reads
Escape with me
Book the hotel
Make the plans
Tell the lies
Escape with me
Private little room
Cocoons us two
No-one to disturb
World locked out
Hours to enjoy
Memories to make
Finally we alone
Arms reach out
Embrace so tight
Hearts beat fast
Hands freely roam
Lips gently touch
Tongues taste slowly
Teasing each other
Bodies move erotically
Clothes fall away
Hands touch urgently
Fore play forgotten
Waiting was torment
Fulfillment is needed
Hand meets breast
Fingers caress...
Make the plans
Tell the lies
Escape with me
Private little room
Cocoons us two
No-one to disturb
World locked out
Hours to enjoy
Memories to make
Finally we alone
Arms reach out
Embrace so tight
Hearts beat fast
Hands freely roam
Lips gently touch
Tongues taste slowly
Teasing each other
Bodies move erotically
Clothes fall away
Hands touch urgently
Fore play forgotten
Waiting was torment
Fulfillment is needed
Hand meets breast
Fingers caress...
1500 reads
Sweet temptation
Irresistible, alluring
Futile resistance
Impossible battle
Fight against it
Wanting to lose
Needing to win
Longing to surrender
Sweet temptation
Promised pleasure
Intense longing
Inner turmoil
Deep dark desires
Surrender to self
Embrace passion
Fulfill yearnings
Sweet temptation
Forbidden fruit
Sensually sweet
Irrisistably tempting
battle ceded
curiosity appeased
passion sated
for a time
Irresistible, alluring
Futile resistance
Impossible battle
Fight against it
Wanting to lose
Needing to win
Longing to surrender
Sweet temptation
Promised pleasure
Intense longing
Inner turmoil
Deep dark desires
Surrender to self
Embrace passion
Fulfill yearnings
Sweet temptation
Forbidden fruit
Sensually sweet
Irrisistably tempting
battle ceded
curiosity appeased
passion sated
for a time
2149 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by Ladybriar