Submissions by JacobSchex
f**k you!
Burry me beneath the lines of death, I can't save you when you become depressed, the image of my soul will haunt you, I can feel it when you dream of me, but I'm saying goodbye because I hate you in my memory. I try to save the world in order to complete my life long task, but it's your fault I drink from the flask. I don't need you, kill me in the midst of your mind, the notion my love, my love to you is wasted time. My love my true love, doesn't belong to you nor does my soul long for you. In the end you'll see my words don't belong to you but they belong to me. Your nothing but a weight...
561 reads
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American society
What is life but the aching of a restless mind, breaking hearts with useless notions, love and lust truth and lies, conspiracy theory's invented for the petty minds. American society is blind to the chains around her neck. Let them hang, let me watch in pain as they gain nothing from all these useless things. Shoulders be strong be strong when it all falls apart, don't allow foolish people take away the good in your heart.
654 reads
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your heart
Bruised and broken from the Fall
Desprately crawl
your heart is missing pieces
Desprately crawl
your heart is missing pieces
572 reads
Breathe in
breathe out
Inhale my love
exhale your doubt
Deep blue eyes turn green
Your beauty is possessive
Your every man dream
See the fruit on my lips
True love tastes like my kiss
breathe out
Inhale my love
exhale your doubt
Deep blue eyes turn green
Your beauty is possessive
Your every man dream
See the fruit on my lips
True love tastes like my kiss
953 reads
Your tongue is vibrant, your words gleam purple light, your smile is so beautiful you could light up a small town. I would kiss you if only you knew
1002 reads
I exhale words that you breathe,
It's the air that you need,
Your beauty gives me oxygen,
To give life to the song that I sing.
I give life to the song that You sing,
My beauty gives you oxygen,
It's the air that I need,
You inhale words that I breathe.
It's the air that you need,
Your beauty gives me oxygen,
To give life to the song that I sing.
I give life to the song that You sing,
My beauty gives you oxygen,
It's the air that I need,
You inhale words that I breathe.
725 reads
I keep my secrets safe
I feel as if I'm losing at life, I opened the palms of my hands, I sang the songs of psalms, I created a Song of Songs, Lord I offer you all my time, use me as you will, in the dawn of dusk, my eyes cause me to lust, when will my body turn back into dust? Lord give me new vision to see, I pray for a friends soul, I pray I'll see him in eternity, Give me the air, the air of heaven, the air that I breathe is the song of the redeemed, a sweet melody to the ears that hear, they proceed to worship the God that meets our every need! Your peace invaded my space, your love wraps it's self around my...
572 reads
My mind is in different places,
Heart Stoney cold I'm alone
Fatal attraction you seek my face, deep blue eyes you captivate my soul
Buried beneath the depth of the world, digging up the past im the treasure words of gold,
Beautiful girl your heart is a pearl, I have to let you go so we can grow old.
We burst thru the atmosphere our souls explode, we die we die, ascending thru the depths of the untouched galaxies, I place my fingertips upon you lips then I feel your heart as we kiss. Turnt into stardust we drift off into nothingness..
Heart Stoney cold I'm alone
Fatal attraction you seek my face, deep blue eyes you captivate my soul
Buried beneath the depth of the world, digging up the past im the treasure words of gold,
Beautiful girl your heart is a pearl, I have to let you go so we can grow old.
We burst thru the atmosphere our souls explode, we die we die, ascending thru the depths of the untouched galaxies, I place my fingertips upon you lips then I feel your heart as we kiss. Turnt into stardust we drift off into nothingness..
818 reads
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You liked me for a while,
You didn't like me long,
Feeling special inside,
I wrote you a love song
You like me for an hour,
But only bye your eyes,
Your lips I will not capture,
By storm or by surprise
Mouthful of words I remember,
Gives a rush of sudden pain,
Alone i watch the starlight in December,
I see wilted rose grow after rain
You didn't give me a chance to change,
Not knowing I'll never be the same,
You have no idea what your gonna miss, so let's seal our fate with just one last kiss..
You didn't like me long,
Feeling special inside,
I wrote you a love song
You like me for an hour,
But only bye your eyes,
Your lips I will not capture,
By storm or by surprise
Mouthful of words I remember,
Gives a rush of sudden pain,
Alone i watch the starlight in December,
I see wilted rose grow after rain
You didn't give me a chance to change,
Not knowing I'll never be the same,
You have no idea what your gonna miss, so let's seal our fate with just one last kiss..
874 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by JacobSchex