Submissions by Jack_C
Poet Introduction
Every word is a whispered kiss.
Jaded (Exeunt)
Once upon a Friday morning
Sunlight broke my gentle snoring
As my email, without warning
Showed a new note on the list--
A fellow poet's writing
(Which is always most exciting),
Yet this time was harsh and biting
As of someone wholly pissed;
Though it doesn't bear reciting,
In a nutshell, I was dissed.
T'was in a poets' forum
As I stood amongst the quorum;
To relieve my aching boredom,
Threw a question in their midst,
Nothing special, hardly aurum,
Though I asked with much decorum
(Always room left in the...
Sunlight broke my gentle snoring
As my email, without warning
Showed a new note on the list--
A fellow poet's writing
(Which is always most exciting),
Yet this time was harsh and biting
As of someone wholly pissed;
Though it doesn't bear reciting,
In a nutshell, I was dissed.
T'was in a poets' forum
As I stood amongst the quorum;
To relieve my aching boredom,
Threw a question in their midst,
Nothing special, hardly aurum,
Though I asked with much decorum
(Always room left in the...
679 reads
The Confession - 12/13
Crawling alone in the darkness,
Slow on the freezing cement,
My blood supply too close to spent,
I half-dragged my miserable carcass
'Til finally I had to relent;
I tried to keep fighting regardless,
But was off to unconsciousness sent.
The very next thing I remember
Is waking in hospital bed --
Bandages covering my head,
My whole body painful and tender,
Most of my skin gone a-shred;
(No sign of my ghoulish offender,
Just doctors and nurses, instead.)
A prelude to incarceration,
Each of my wrists in a cuff,
Lying in...
Slow on the freezing cement,
My blood supply too close to spent,
I half-dragged my miserable carcass
'Til finally I had to relent;
I tried to keep fighting regardless,
But was off to unconsciousness sent.
The very next thing I remember
Is waking in hospital bed --
Bandages covering my head,
My whole body painful and tender,
Most of my skin gone a-shred;
(No sign of my ghoulish offender,
Just doctors and nurses, instead.)
A prelude to incarceration,
Each of my wrists in a cuff,
Lying in...
628 reads
The Confession - 11/13
The army of bloodthirsty zombies
Covered in maggots and flies,
Deaf to my whimpers and cries,
Descended like vultures upon me;
No mercy, and no compromise --
Lifted my poor, broken body,
Held tight, so I wouldn't excise.
The demon Collette was there, waiting
Standing barefoot in the dirt;
Regarding me like a dessert --
My bullet wound hot and pulsating,
Blood pouring out in a spurt,
As real as it was devastating,
I knew my last moments would hurt.
Meanwhile, the tightening jacket
Coiled around me like a snake,
Covered in maggots and flies,
Deaf to my whimpers and cries,
Descended like vultures upon me;
No mercy, and no compromise --
Lifted my poor, broken body,
Held tight, so I wouldn't excise.
The demon Collette was there, waiting
Standing barefoot in the dirt;
Regarding me like a dessert --
My bullet wound hot and pulsating,
Blood pouring out in a spurt,
As real as it was devastating,
I knew my last moments would hurt.
Meanwhile, the tightening jacket
Coiled around me like a snake,
625 reads
The Confession - 10/13
Escaping the Hell I'd created,
The Chevrolet cut through the wood,
Speeding for my livelihood;
These girls who were killed, mutilated,
Thought me guilty, but misunderstood --
So by crippling fear motivated;
I hustled to beat it for good.
Before I could find path to safety,
The dead girls blockaded my wheels;
Croaking in hisses and squeals,
The noises themselves made me crazy,
Boring a hole through my ears --
Two dozen dead girls with rabies,
And I had run out of appeals.
Outnumbered, I idled the motor,
And put both my...
The Chevrolet cut through the wood,
Speeding for my livelihood;
These girls who were killed, mutilated,
Thought me guilty, but misunderstood --
So by crippling fear motivated;
I hustled to beat it for good.
Before I could find path to safety,
The dead girls blockaded my wheels;
Croaking in hisses and squeals,
The noises themselves made me crazy,
Boring a hole through my ears --
Two dozen dead girls with rabies,
And I had run out of appeals.
Outnumbered, I idled the motor,
And put both my...
638 reads
The Confession - 9/13
I ran through the brambles and nettle
Clamoring to get myself out --
Blood poured from me like a spout,
She screamed like a boiling tea kettle
Threw my survival in doubt;
I dove in my car, hit the pedal,
Thankful for this turnabout.
The jacket, meanwhile, was delighted,
Coiled ever tighter and snug --
Blood droplets staining the rug,
My imminent death expedited;
My car gave a sputter and chug --
If I couldn't get it ignited,
My grave would be as good as dug.
Bearing down, furious and frantic,
That face -- I won't ever...
Clamoring to get myself out --
Blood poured from me like a spout,
She screamed like a boiling tea kettle
Threw my survival in doubt;
I dove in my car, hit the pedal,
Thankful for this turnabout.
The jacket, meanwhile, was delighted,
Coiled ever tighter and snug --
Blood droplets staining the rug,
My imminent death expedited;
My car gave a sputter and chug --
If I couldn't get it ignited,
My grave would be as good as dug.
Bearing down, furious and frantic,
That face -- I won't ever...
635 reads
The Confession - 8/13
I stood face to face with the monster
And took a long pull of my fifth --
Sobriety left in the drift,
I summoned what pride I could conjure,
Lifted my chin, brave and stiff,
And with all the guts I could offer
Said, "please let me go," in a whiff.
She stood seven feet at the shoulder
Above me did phantasm loom --
Clawed her way out of her tomb
(Her presence there made the air colder),
Peered at me there, through the gloom;
I -- her imprisoned beholder,
Bracing for horrible doom.
"It chose you," she hissed...
And took a long pull of my fifth --
Sobriety left in the drift,
I summoned what pride I could conjure,
Lifted my chin, brave and stiff,
And with all the guts I could offer
Said, "please let me go," in a whiff.
She stood seven feet at the shoulder
Above me did phantasm loom --
Clawed her way out of her tomb
(Her presence there made the air colder),
Peered at me there, through the gloom;
I -- her imprisoned beholder,
Bracing for horrible doom.
"It chose you," she hissed...
683 reads
The Confession - 7/13
Gutshot, my end drawing nearer,
I struggled to remain alive --
A small voice behind me croaked, "drive",
So faint I almost didn't hear her;
I glanced at the car's rear view mirror,
My terror in full overdrive --
Insanity becoming clearer,
My mind like a frenzied beehive.
I slowly turned on the ignition,
Doing my best to stay brave --
My captor, she reeked of the grave;
A moment of dim recognition...
Had I used her to misbehave?
I drove onward without petition
Straight to a forest enclave.
The jacket (not I)...
I struggled to remain alive --
A small voice behind me croaked, "drive",
So faint I almost didn't hear her;
I glanced at the car's rear view mirror,
My terror in full overdrive --
Insanity becoming clearer,
My mind like a frenzied beehive.
I slowly turned on the ignition,
Doing my best to stay brave --
My captor, she reeked of the grave;
A moment of dim recognition...
Had I used her to misbehave?
I drove onward without petition
Straight to a forest enclave.
The jacket (not I)...
511 reads
The Confession - 6/13
Despite my fanatic hair trigger
(Dead hobos tossed, piled in the mud,
The whole reservoir painted in blood),
I felt so much stronger and bigger;
Rage exploded from me in a flood --
Weaponized me like a scud,
Imbued with renewed vim and vigor.
Had the coat transformed me to a killer,
Or was that just paranoid bunk?
Was I merely a psychotic punk,
Who'd put himself up on a pillar
Justifying his violent spelunk?
Either way, I'd become a grave filler
(Not to mention the girl in my trunk).
I regarded my nightmarish playground...
(Dead hobos tossed, piled in the mud,
The whole reservoir painted in blood),
I felt so much stronger and bigger;
Rage exploded from me in a flood --
Weaponized me like a scud,
Imbued with renewed vim and vigor.
Had the coat transformed me to a killer,
Or was that just paranoid bunk?
Was I merely a psychotic punk,
Who'd put himself up on a pillar
Justifying his violent spelunk?
Either way, I'd become a grave filler
(Not to mention the girl in my trunk).
I regarded my nightmarish playground...
617 reads
The Confession - 5/13
Through all my fears and confusions,
I knew I had gone way too far;
The girl in the trunk of my car
Covered in purple contusions
And networks of scar over scar --
I needed to work in seclusion,
So I drove to the old reservoir.
My aching mind racing and plotting,
I drove in the darkness alone;
Fear had me chilled to the bone,
My sanity weakened and rotting,
My whole body soaked to the bone;
I noticed some hobos were squatting
"Oh perfect," I said with a groan.
"Hey buddy, can you spare a dollar,"
Came a...
I knew I had gone way too far;
The girl in the trunk of my car
Covered in purple contusions
And networks of scar over scar --
I needed to work in seclusion,
So I drove to the old reservoir.
My aching mind racing and plotting,
I drove in the darkness alone;
Fear had me chilled to the bone,
My sanity weakened and rotting,
My whole body soaked to the bone;
I noticed some hobos were squatting
"Oh perfect," I said with a groan.
"Hey buddy, can you spare a dollar,"
Came a...
622 reads
The Confession - 4/13
Standing there out in the open,
An actor on blood-painted stage;
My business too bloody to gage --
Her young body twisted and broken,
(I must have attacked in a rage)...
I had to quit standing there, frozen,
Or I'd wind up a bird in a cage.
Who was she, this girl I had ended,
To deserve such a horrible fate?
And why was I out here so late,
But to carry out deeds most demented?
She died in so ugly a state
From the fury with which I'd descended,
And now there was no time to wait.
I sprinted back home like a missile
An actor on blood-painted stage;
My business too bloody to gage --
Her young body twisted and broken,
(I must have attacked in a rage)...
I had to quit standing there, frozen,
Or I'd wind up a bird in a cage.
Who was she, this girl I had ended,
To deserve such a horrible fate?
And why was I out here so late,
But to carry out deeds most demented?
She died in so ugly a state
From the fury with which I'd descended,
And now there was no time to wait.
I sprinted back home like a missile
673 reads
1 Comment
The Confession - 3/13
A week long vacation from work,
(I told them that I was unwell -
The truth was too grisly to tell.)
"Yes, hello? Yes, I've gone berserk,
And murdered someone as well.
No, I just lost my marbles a spell,
To be honest, the guy was a jerk."
I know how that lie would go over,
So I made up a lie on the spot;
I couldn't explain that we fought,
Or the feelings taking me over.
I tried to relax with some pot --
But no rabbit's foot or 4-clover
Made me less afraid to get caught.
I wanted to have a long...
(I told them that I was unwell -
The truth was too grisly to tell.)
"Yes, hello? Yes, I've gone berserk,
And murdered someone as well.
No, I just lost my marbles a spell,
To be honest, the guy was a jerk."
I know how that lie would go over,
So I made up a lie on the spot;
I couldn't explain that we fought,
Or the feelings taking me over.
I tried to relax with some pot --
But no rabbit's foot or 4-clover
Made me less afraid to get caught.
I wanted to have a long...
634 reads
The Confession - 2/13
Watching his slow expiration,
His blood pooling on the cement,
Beaten to fatal extent,
My whole body seized by elation;
Basking in his malcontent,
Deaf to his choking prostration,
I watched as the light in him went.
Once the poor guy's life was over,
My rage and adrenalin sunk,
I took one last kick at the punk,
Unlocked the doors of my Nova,
And stuffed the dead guy in the trunk;
With no other details left over,
I suddenly wished I were drunk.
I had to get lost in a hurry,
The gas pedal down...
His blood pooling on the cement,
Beaten to fatal extent,
My whole body seized by elation;
Basking in his malcontent,
Deaf to his choking prostration,
I watched as the light in him went.
Once the poor guy's life was over,
My rage and adrenalin sunk,
I took one last kick at the punk,
Unlocked the doors of my Nova,
And stuffed the dead guy in the trunk;
With no other details left over,
I suddenly wished I were drunk.
I had to get lost in a hurry,
The gas pedal down...
567 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by Jack_C