Submissions by Helena
Poet Introduction
A dark, old soul and messenger of the undead.
On the existence of love...
During her visits we did our best to reveal all we could, well aware of the penalty that such actions entailed. I always accompanied her in the Hall to protect her, to the extent that my new supernatural capabilities would allow. Our home was open to visitors during this time and though these areas were safe architecturally, many other dangers lurked within its walls. Her presence was not welcome by all; some of my kind and even a few humans. She was a foreigner after all and her many questions made them uneasy. And the woman perceived this. The smile on her face could not hide the...
805 reads
Great souls suffer in silence. I was certain that this was the reason behind our curse. Only despair and memories could fill the void of the absolute quiet. Such stillness offered anything but peace. Here, remembering became suffering. And it was through this wicked form of perversion that we continued to exist. Shrouded in darkness, we lived in the absence of light. Unable to forget; the agony of our souls haunted our senses. Yet we waited, waited with beating heart...
722 reads
I had remembered reading a book in my grandfather’s library which seemed to suggest that human sacrifices included blood drinking as well as the consumption of human flesh. Locally, there were rumours of bones found in small caves along the coast. As I looked out to sea, I could not help but wonder how many had met their deaths on the peninsula cliffs by the Druids. Drained of their vital essence, these poor souls exhaled their last breaths under the stars. And the stars always shone so brightly and clearly in the darkness of the peninsula. Aware of the sinister purpose they served then as...
862 reads
She walks in shadows
A spirit among the living
A mortal of the Otherworld
A prisoner of hope
Whose cries become a silent song.
A spirit among the living
A mortal of the Otherworld
A prisoner of hope
Whose cries become a silent song.
847 reads
Erotic - Love in the Shadows (Part II)
Our room in this forsaken place became sacred; vows were exchanged and promises made. In a cradle of darkness, light and love were born. True love, no doubt, but tainted by remorse. Together, we ate from the tree of knowledge. We sinned deeply, by loving each other with a spiritual passion. Our ecstasy in the night became a secret prayer. And the Hall, a Temple where we confessed our eternal devotion. Within its walls we made love and became Gods.
The mirrors in the room witnessed our passionate rituals, reflecting our ethereal beings as well as our inner demons. We were...
The mirrors in the room witnessed our passionate rituals, reflecting our ethereal beings as well as our inner demons. We were...
786 reads
Erotic - Love in the Shadows (Part I)
After what seemed an eternity, Anne came upon the threshold of an antique double leaf door. She stood before it and for a moment, looked at me in hesitation. Her heartbeat and mine were the only sounds to disturb the stillness of the Hall. The door was partially closed but offered comfort, allowing some light to escape from within. It had guided us here in the dark, as the light of stars. Standing now in front of the door, I could also see the glow of the hearth streaming from underneath. Darkness always accompanied us then as it does now. Under its spell, we became shadows; forced to exist...
793 reads
Excerpt - Love Beyond the Grave
As Anne led me through the empty kitchen down what seemed an unearthly corridor with pantries on either side, regrettably, I understood there would be no going back. What has been done cannot be undone. My heart knew this to be a great truth and that our actions would have consequences. It was only a matter of time before our secret was discovered. But I trusted that time could be on our side. I had all the intentions of taking her away soon from such a place to give her the love and happiness she deserved. I wanted to spend my days with her, just as we had in childhood, but for the rest...
900 reads
I remember (Excerpt from Love Beyond the Grave)
I remember... I remember on a cold November day how warm sunlight filtered through the sombre clouds. The storm was finally over and a light white sea brume covered the land like a veil. Faintly, a rainbow on the blue horizon stretched and disappeared beyond the mysterious depths of the sea. Its vibrant colours reflected on the dangerous waters against a charcoal sky.
The penetrating rain had soaked our clothes through to our skin, which made us both shiver. Yet I had never felt such warmth as she pressed herself against me. Her delicate fingers trembled. But her eyes shone...
The penetrating rain had soaked our clothes through to our skin, which made us both shiver. Yet I had never felt such warmth as she pressed herself against me. Her delicate fingers trembled. But her eyes shone...
801 reads
Excerpt - A Haunted Land (investigating an 18th cent ghost story)
Anne’s father was away once again and she had one of the servants sent out to deliver a hand-written note to me. I waited for her by our tree next to the stone wall, remembering when we first met. I was just a boy then, of about ten, when her family arrived to the village. I remember her timidly hiding in the carriage, reluctant to set one foot outside. Then just like now, the whiteness surrounded us, announcing that this was the land of the dead. But more than an announcement, it was in fact, a desperate warning.
Anne was just a little girl and the mist or so I thought,...
Anne was just a little girl and the mist or so I thought,...
759 reads
Existence (excerpt, from my upcoming book on an authenticated ghost story)
I closed my eyes and tasted these bitter-sweet moments once again. Though one could not perhaps dispute a belief in some kind of existence or life after death and in another world, parallel to ours, I had yet to grow accustomed to the way things felt. Pain, hurt, sadness and everything one ever hoped to forget were merely intensified in this new life, torturing us in ways we never thought possible. Death is only the means to awaken into a deeper state of being. Mortal bodies are, quite simply, vehicles in which we travel from one world to the next. As mundane urns of flesh and blood, they...
723 reads
A Writer's Curse
Pain is our faithful muse
As we inhale sorrow
Words flow like blood
Deep from within
And from open wounds.
As we exhale life
We abandon dreams
Bleeding memories
Precious moments
Times never to be had again.
Fading into darkness
Imprisoned by our thoughts
We confess our sins and darkest fears
Dying as we write
Remembering, as we weep
In the hope of becoming immortal
Eternally unforgotten.
As we inhale sorrow
Words flow like blood
Deep from within
And from open wounds.
As we exhale life
We abandon dreams
Bleeding memories
Precious moments
Times never to be had again.
Fading into darkness
Imprisoned by our thoughts
We confess our sins and darkest fears
Dying as we write
Remembering, as we weep
In the hope of becoming immortal
Eternally unforgotten.
1240 reads
Unquiet Graves
Graveyards are far from quiet places.
Trees weep, embracing each other in the wind,
As rows of headstones, they witness our final hour,
And listen to the departed as they whisper.
Pain and suffering radiate from extravagant marble vaults,
A reminder, that death comes for us all.
Darkness seeps from abandoned sepulchres,
Haunting us with memories, promises and broken dreams.
Epitaphs, worn away by centuries of rain,
Decorated with moss and ivy,
And unmarked graves,
Cannot hide what shall not be forgotten.
Helena B. Scott
Trees weep, embracing each other in the wind,
As rows of headstones, they witness our final hour,
And listen to the departed as they whisper.
Pain and suffering radiate from extravagant marble vaults,
A reminder, that death comes for us all.
Darkness seeps from abandoned sepulchres,
Haunting us with memories, promises and broken dreams.
Epitaphs, worn away by centuries of rain,
Decorated with moss and ivy,
And unmarked graves,
Cannot hide what shall not be forgotten.
Helena B. Scott
1096 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by Helena