Submissions by Greywolfman
Poet Introduction
Die-hard Romantic. Strong feelings on romance, love, sensual, sexuality and passion. Believe the mind is most sexual organ of the body
My Whole Life
My whole life, I’ve dreamed of a great love. Of a love that will somehow complete me. Of a love that will reunite me with the other half of my soul. Of a love that will consume me until I’m helpless to do anything but give myself to it. I have yet to find such a love, or have it find me. At times, I wonder if that kind of love truly exists. If it’s not some fairy tale that we’re told as young children to make us think the world is a wonderful place that’s full of love and hope and fulfilled dreams. Yes, I have loved. But I have never been in love. I’ve never known anyone that made my heart...
641 reads
1 Comment
Can you feel me

#sensual #passion
#sensual #passion
787 reads
Can I move you with just my words???

845 reads
1 Comment
Shaking my fist at the Heaven

516 reads
1 Comment
From Flower To Flower

660 reads
Tools for Sex

#erotic #dirty
#erotic #dirty
979 reads
Rope it for you
I'd rope a river for you.
If you wanted me to.
To draw the banks closer to each others side.
Arm in arm with bowed chest pride.
I'll rope the moon and bring it to you.
The glow of its light would be dim next to you.
The big oval pearl of the moon.
But I put it back for you had not the room...
for a big oval moon.
I'll rope the wind and bring it to you.
The coolness it brings when passions blew.
The warmth of touch caressed by a breeze.
I'd rope it if it would make you pleased.
I'd rope you and bring you to me. ...
If you wanted me to.
To draw the banks closer to each others side.
Arm in arm with bowed chest pride.
I'll rope the moon and bring it to you.
The glow of its light would be dim next to you.
The big oval pearl of the moon.
But I put it back for you had not the room...
for a big oval moon.
I'll rope the wind and bring it to you.
The coolness it brings when passions blew.
The warmth of touch caressed by a breeze.
I'd rope it if it would make you pleased.
I'd rope you and bring you to me. ...
#sensual #passion
#sensual #passion
604 reads
Ready in two hours

#dirty #sensual
#dirty #sensual
753 reads
Only Passion

#sensual #passion
#sensual #passion
780 reads
1 Comment
Faithfully Abiding
In the garden, by the french doors, watching the path,
Waiting for the one and only one who won't come.
Life is a long, unending glimpse of the future
Without her, with no exemption or resumption
Of the love we shared, we lost, she took it away.
Wasted time, wasted life, it may seem so to you
And I have felt the same myself, but never more.
I have seen, down the lane, a shadow as my soul
Winds down the grassy lane, my dear returns to me
With eyes that fill with tears of joy, she glows anew.
This is the thought, the wish, that...
Waiting for the one and only one who won't come.
Life is a long, unending glimpse of the future
Without her, with no exemption or resumption
Of the love we shared, we lost, she took it away.
Wasted time, wasted life, it may seem so to you
And I have felt the same myself, but never more.
I have seen, down the lane, a shadow as my soul
Winds down the grassy lane, my dear returns to me
With eyes that fill with tears of joy, she glows anew.
This is the thought, the wish, that...
447 reads
One Night

679 reads
Dripping With Desire

951 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by Greywolfman