Submissions by EveAteRedApples
it's stoner love, I promise
I rarely let people
see me stoned
but I like this good girl image
paired with the random sick things
I say when the lights are dim
and my body vibrates
to a frequency higher than my inhibitions
His smile fucking kills me
and I want to find out what lies
beneath his careless boho facade
like getting bent over
in the bushes at a hippy drum circle
I want feel the beat of every hit
he can drive into me
in this heightened frenzied ecstasy
I hand him the quarter he came for
but I don't speak...
see me stoned
but I like this good girl image
paired with the random sick things
I say when the lights are dim
and my body vibrates
to a frequency higher than my inhibitions
His smile fucking kills me
and I want to find out what lies
beneath his careless boho facade
like getting bent over
in the bushes at a hippy drum circle
I want feel the beat of every hit
he can drive into me
in this heightened frenzied ecstasy
I hand him the quarter he came for
but I don't speak...
327 reads
Sugar Baby
Nineteen years old
she browses the profiles
of men willing to pay for a good time
and wonders if she could do it
if she could trade her shitty self esteem
for even shittier sex
and find beauty in the way
her soul will break
under the weight of it
She sells nudes to incels
charms money from their wallets
without giving much of herself away
She can't imagine any man
would want someone like her
for something more than
a cheap meaningless fuck
when she's not white enough
to be white ...
she browses the profiles
of men willing to pay for a good time
and wonders if she could do it
if she could trade her shitty self esteem
for even shittier sex
and find beauty in the way
her soul will break
under the weight of it
She sells nudes to incels
charms money from their wallets
without giving much of herself away
She can't imagine any man
would want someone like her
for something more than
a cheap meaningless fuck
when she's not white enough
to be white ...
#SelfReflection #SelfWorth
#SelfReflection #SelfWorth
275 reads
my c**t has a date with your face

#lesbian #sex
#lesbian #sex
553 reads
She says let's me be friends forever
she says let's keep this honest
I say don't tempt me with honesty
don't open a door that can't be closed
because I've already spilled too much
and I don't want to fucking talk about it
Leave me these benign secrets
that edge me with painful ecstacy
I won't be a cancer on your heart
I won't break for this
I won't break for you
I won't break
I promise myself I won't
But it's already too late
to snatch back the seedling of love
I never meant to...
she says let's keep this honest
I say don't tempt me with honesty
don't open a door that can't be closed
because I've already spilled too much
and I don't want to fucking talk about it
Leave me these benign secrets
that edge me with painful ecstacy
I won't be a cancer on your heart
I won't break for this
I won't break for you
I won't break
I promise myself I won't
But it's already too late
to snatch back the seedling of love
I never meant to...
78 reads
1 Comment
touch me like you mean it
First thought
best thought
Kiss me
like you goddamn mean it
your tongue dancing on mine
with the left over smoke
of your cigarette
and the sweet bitterness of my black coffee
Is it too early
to ruin this day
let life live itself
while you touch me
Let me drag you down
by your hair
rip these clothes to shreds
what's this fabric for anyway
we're way past modesty
and I love the way
you look in the early morning sunlight
streaming in with the neighbor's...
best thought
Kiss me
like you goddamn mean it
your tongue dancing on mine
with the left over smoke
of your cigarette
and the sweet bitterness of my black coffee
Is it too early
to ruin this day
let life live itself
while you touch me
Let me drag you down
by your hair
rip these clothes to shreds
what's this fabric for anyway
we're way past modesty
and I love the way
you look in the early morning sunlight
streaming in with the neighbor's...
#passion #sex
#passion #sex
470 reads
pointless promises
Bind my hands with promises
we're meant to break
because you always find me
when I'm wrecked and weak
you always find me
when I don't have the strength
to stay away from your lupine smile
that offers more than you have
to give
And I'm on my knees again
begging you to stay
but you never do
You never stay for longer
than it takes to tease me from my shell
and leave me begging for more
than bitter kisses and a smile
that says you'll be back
when I'm...
we're meant to break
because you always find me
when I'm wrecked and weak
you always find me
when I don't have the strength
to stay away from your lupine smile
that offers more than you have
to give
And I'm on my knees again
begging you to stay
but you never do
You never stay for longer
than it takes to tease me from my shell
and leave me begging for more
than bitter kisses and a smile
that says you'll be back
when I'm...
260 reads
All night last night - with Betty

316 reads
side effects
If this is karma
for every time I needed meds
it can go fuck itself
along with every
pharmaceutical company
and your doctor
You can't even look at me
can't bear the touch of a hug
and the way you pulled away from me
when I tussled your hair
was a wordless rejection
louder than any no
The meds make sure
you can't cum anymore
and you've made me the enemy
punishing me for your semi-flaccid cock
that I don't really care about anyway
There's more to us than fucking
or at least...
for every time I needed meds
it can go fuck itself
along with every
pharmaceutical company
and your doctor
You can't even look at me
can't bear the touch of a hug
and the way you pulled away from me
when I tussled your hair
was a wordless rejection
louder than any no
The meds make sure
you can't cum anymore
and you've made me the enemy
punishing me for your semi-flaccid cock
that I don't really care about anyway
There's more to us than fucking
or at least...
161 reads
a snow globe fantasy
You: If I could kiss you... I would hold you close to me.
My arms wrapped around you. And I would let my lips
and nose glide against your skin, waiting to meet your
mouth. My hands would be holding your neck and jaw.
Gently. How it’s meant to be.
Me: you have no idea what you do to me...
You: What do I do to you?
Me: the way you make me feel, the way the words hit,
how much I want them, how if it was anyone but you, I
wouldn’t feel the way they make me feel.
My arms wrapped around you. And I would let my lips
and nose glide against your skin, waiting to meet your
mouth. My hands would be holding your neck and jaw.
Gently. How it’s meant to be.
Me: you have no idea what you do to me...
You: What do I do to you?
Me: the way you make me feel, the way the words hit,
how much I want them, how if it was anyone but you, I
wouldn’t feel the way they make me feel.
#love #lust
#love #lust
278 reads
awkward is the new sexy

317 reads
beer is not an aphrodisiac
I'm not in the mood
for his beer bottle brashness
and I'm half a cigarette away
from glassing him in the face
There's a tension in the air tonight
bow string taut
and it's not sexual
though it could have been
if he'd remembered
to pick up condoms
on the way home
There are some days
I don't want to talk
I just want to fuck and feel
and get lost in the useless
oblivion of it all
But he doesn't want to fuck
he wants to talk
and his beer slick throat
makes the...
for his beer bottle brashness
and I'm half a cigarette away
from glassing him in the face
There's a tension in the air tonight
bow string taut
and it's not sexual
though it could have been
if he'd remembered
to pick up condoms
on the way home
There are some days
I don't want to talk
I just want to fuck and feel
and get lost in the useless
oblivion of it all
But he doesn't want to fuck
he wants to talk
and his beer slick throat
makes the...
163 reads
I'd build a time machine to erase you
Haven't seen you in a while
not since our last slip
my last slip
that left us tangled
in more than bedsheets
In the afterglow
you tell me you
wouldn't change a thing
I don't tell you
I would change everything
I don't tell you
how if I could go back
to our beginning
I would walk right by
your drunken philosophical musings
at that stupid party
where a group of us
stood around with rapt attention
all too stoned to realise
nothing you said made any sense
It's amazing...
not since our last slip
my last slip
that left us tangled
in more than bedsheets
In the afterglow
you tell me you
wouldn't change a thing
I don't tell you
I would change everything
I don't tell you
how if I could go back
to our beginning
I would walk right by
your drunken philosophical musings
at that stupid party
where a group of us
stood around with rapt attention
all too stoned to realise
nothing you said made any sense
It's amazing...
267 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by EveAteRedApples