Submissions by CircleDanceSquared (AlyssaJane96)
Poet Introduction
Capturing my feelings, then releasing them
The Lovers
What a cruel thing
To separate two lovers
So deeply intertwined and tangled
In each other
Not with surgeons hands
With precision to save a life
They hacked away with chainsaws
Cleavers, butchers knives
Now both of them are bleeding
Harsh wounds are hard to sooth
A love that once gave meaning
Now rots under the moon
Let’s be gentle with our lovers
They came from the same star
We’ve come too far to hate them
And destroy without regard
To separate two lovers
So deeply intertwined and tangled
In each other
Not with surgeons hands
With precision to save a life
They hacked away with chainsaws
Cleavers, butchers knives
Now both of them are bleeding
Harsh wounds are hard to sooth
A love that once gave meaning
Now rots under the moon
Let’s be gentle with our lovers
They came from the same star
We’ve come too far to hate them
And destroy without regard
144 reads
Sweet Valentine

187 reads
Flying high on powdered wings
Sing me songs of broken things
Broken bones and broken hearts
I pray we never fall apart
A trap, a cage, a prison cell
Drag me through the gates of hell
But nothing could hold me back for long
I fell in love with your broken songs
Sing me songs of broken things
Broken bones and broken hearts
I pray we never fall apart
A trap, a cage, a prison cell
Drag me through the gates of hell
But nothing could hold me back for long
I fell in love with your broken songs
105 reads
Fear and Love are sisters
They live across the hall
Love tells Fear to come and play
But Fear ignores her calls
Then one day Fear hears her sister
Scream help I’m about to fall
She runs and reaches out her hand
Eyes filling up with tears
Hold on I got you Love and I’ll always be right here
Fear and Love are sisters
And sometimes they will fight
But Fear teaches Love to take it easy
And Love shows Fear that everything will be alright
They live across the hall
Love tells Fear to come and play
But Fear ignores her calls
Then one day Fear hears her sister
Scream help I’m about to fall
She runs and reaches out her hand
Eyes filling up with tears
Hold on I got you Love and I’ll always be right here
Fear and Love are sisters
And sometimes they will fight
But Fear teaches Love to take it easy
And Love shows Fear that everything will be alright
171 reads
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The bottom of everything
I cast myself out to the edge of insanity,
reeling myself in slowly,
waiting for the dark creature below the surface to take notice.
Swallow me, drag me down to a depth with unbearable pressure.
A dark place where every decision,
the slightest twitch is the difference
between life and death.
Describing these moments with you,
dark creature,
is nearly impossible.
I beg to live,
I beg to die.
If I manage to break free,
I only crave to see you again.
reeling myself in slowly,
waiting for the dark creature below the surface to take notice.
Swallow me, drag me down to a depth with unbearable pressure.
A dark place where every decision,
the slightest twitch is the difference
between life and death.
Describing these moments with you,
dark creature,
is nearly impossible.
I beg to live,
I beg to die.
If I manage to break free,
I only crave to see you again.
220 reads
two wires miss connecting,
two strangers sailing into separate seas,
two mountains made to never touch,
two leaves growing on different trees,
two bugs in separate cracks,
two doors in separate halls,
two phone calls made at 1am but your phone didn't ring at all,
two dreams that turned to nightmares,
two shots that turned to four,
two times my heart's been broken and
I can't take it anymore
two strangers sailing into separate seas,
two mountains made to never touch,
two leaves growing on different trees,
two bugs in separate cracks,
two doors in separate halls,
two phone calls made at 1am but your phone didn't ring at all,
two dreams that turned to nightmares,
two shots that turned to four,
two times my heart's been broken and
I can't take it anymore
684 reads
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Who's the Fool?
Be my distraction
Cremate my body and get high off the ashes
Slowly rob me of all my passion
Paint me into the villain while maniacally laughing
I'd buy every canvas if it meant your oasis
I'm seeking my soul in every one of your faces
I'd trade both my shoes for the knots in your laces
But the jokes on you
Im only a fool for heartache
Cremate my body and get high off the ashes
Slowly rob me of all my passion
Paint me into the villain while maniacally laughing
I'd buy every canvas if it meant your oasis
I'm seeking my soul in every one of your faces
I'd trade both my shoes for the knots in your laces
But the jokes on you
Im only a fool for heartache
778 reads
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Belittle me
reprimend me
you wholesome knight
provoke my scorpion's
he fills me
with bittersweet
as I evolve
into a
reprimend me
you wholesome knight
provoke my scorpion's
he fills me
with bittersweet
as I evolve
into a
979 reads
Yes, It Hurts
I've landed in
a mental space
that sometimes
makes me forget
my own face
I'll have to
touch the tips
of each of my
then do it again
I'll get so anxious
that I'll chew my
nails instead
until the nails are gone
and only red
but the pain
is never permanent
I misspelled my
own name
and realized
nothing is
it hurts
doesn't it?
a mental space
that sometimes
makes me forget
my own face
I'll have to
touch the tips
of each of my
then do it again
I'll get so anxious
that I'll chew my
nails instead
until the nails are gone
and only red
but the pain
is never permanent
I misspelled my
own name
and realized
nothing is
it hurts
doesn't it?
931 reads
Mind&Body Domination
She is my fuck toy
my little
she begs
"Please degrade me!"
and believe me I did
I told her she would
only what I wished
a slut
a dirty
and if she bore me
she wore my handprint
across her face
or a bruised necklace
where a cross used to hang
a plain
young girl
turned hellish
by my ways
my little
she begs
"Please degrade me!"
and believe me I did
I told her she would
only what I wished
a slut
a dirty
and if she bore me
she wore my handprint
across her face
or a bruised necklace
where a cross used to hang
a plain
young girl
turned hellish
by my ways
1147 reads
Itch a scratch
And scratch an itch
Shoot to pass
And aim to miss
Hate the truth
And love to lie
You stole my heart
Go fucking die
And scratch an itch
Shoot to pass
And aim to miss
Hate the truth
And love to lie
You stole my heart
Go fucking die
926 reads
My Coming of Age Poem(sorry it's so long)
Have I grown up
If I eat Froot Loops
in the bath tub
Watching Flapjack
Eating Big Macs with Sriracha
Mac-n-cheese with Sriracha
Just about anything with Sriracha on it
I gotcha back
and you can betcha sweet ass on it
Way back in class
I'd play with the bunsen burners
and hacky sacks
Now I'm paying taxes
and my boss is still giving me flack
Although I still enjoy the simple things
Like waking up in the morning
and releasing the massive
dam of piss I've been holding
Stretching and...
If I eat Froot Loops
in the bath tub
Watching Flapjack
Eating Big Macs with Sriracha
Mac-n-cheese with Sriracha
Just about anything with Sriracha on it
I gotcha back
and you can betcha sweet ass on it
Way back in class
I'd play with the bunsen burners
and hacky sacks
Now I'm paying taxes
and my boss is still giving me flack
Although I still enjoy the simple things
Like waking up in the morning
and releasing the massive
dam of piss I've been holding
Stretching and...
825 reads
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DU Poetry : Submissions by CircleDanceSquared (AlyssaJane96)