Submissions by A_tellers_tale
Poet Introduction
Hi, it's me, John. Don't claim to be a poet or an artist, more of a scribbler and doodler. Words and art are just my attempt to free my inner self, the me without all the labels.
The Book of Things: one
They say to me in their awakening,
"You and the world you live in are but a grain of sand upon the infinite shore of an infinite sea."
And in my dream I say to them,
"I am the infinite sea, and all the worlds are but grains of sand upon my shore."
Kahlil Gibran
He had dreamed a dream and awoke to the feel of it as real. He lay in stillness with the thought until he could remember every part and then he arose and wrote it down. He kept a book of dreams though these he never showed but only kept and read, and perhaps in the margin...
"You and the world you live in are but a grain of sand upon the infinite shore of an infinite sea."
And in my dream I say to them,
"I am the infinite sea, and all the worlds are but grains of sand upon my shore."
Kahlil Gibran
He had dreamed a dream and awoke to the feel of it as real. He lay in stillness with the thought until he could remember every part and then he arose and wrote it down. He kept a book of dreams though these he never showed but only kept and read, and perhaps in the margin...
622 reads
It's Quiet Now
It’s quiet now
Where waters lap among the reeds
I can hear myself think
And a hundred impossible flights of fancy are possible
Here at the laver
Before the temple of God
- the fire pops –
And smoke stirred by a vagrant breeze
Ascends like incense
Bearing my thoughts like pristine prayers
Heavenward to Nature’s God
Alone at twilight
Til nearby song birds sing
And I look across nature into the eternity
Nature's changing face...
Where waters lap among the reeds
I can hear myself think
And a hundred impossible flights of fancy are possible
Here at the laver
Before the temple of God
- the fire pops –
And smoke stirred by a vagrant breeze
Ascends like incense
Bearing my thoughts like pristine prayers
Heavenward to Nature’s God
Alone at twilight
Til nearby song birds sing
And I look across nature into the eternity
Nature's changing face...
605 reads
Route 91
Why did you think it would be different
The story doesn't add up
And questions aren't answered
And with the Main Stream, not sought for
Drink the kool Aid in the cup
You've got to stick to the script
Just what were you fed that makes you so sick
Bet you can't believe it
Kinda hard to swallow that narrative
But you know, it is what it is
G-man narrative bulls**t
Like some Operation Northwood shtick
Remember the Maine, and Gulf of Tonkin
What, Pearl Harbor was bombed
Then there's Operation Gladio too...
The story doesn't add up
And questions aren't answered
And with the Main Stream, not sought for
Drink the kool Aid in the cup
You've got to stick to the script
Just what were you fed that makes you so sick
Bet you can't believe it
Kinda hard to swallow that narrative
But you know, it is what it is
G-man narrative bulls**t
Like some Operation Northwood shtick
Remember the Maine, and Gulf of Tonkin
What, Pearl Harbor was bombed
Then there's Operation Gladio too...
612 reads
Don't vote for freedom
Don't vote for freedom my friend
They'll send the storm troopers in
Yes, freedom's a dangerous thing
For those lacking the vision only wealth brings
Too dangerous for the masses
Who are just good for death and for taxes
Sheep so bereft of self
Their gods are immoral men of wealth
Choose well
Choose well
Doesn't matter which party you're for
For their cunning ways always leads to war
Then mourn and howl
With guttural growl...
They'll send the storm troopers in
Yes, freedom's a dangerous thing
For those lacking the vision only wealth brings
Too dangerous for the masses
Who are just good for death and for taxes
Sheep so bereft of self
Their gods are immoral men of wealth
Choose well
Choose well
Doesn't matter which party you're for
For their cunning ways always leads to war
Then mourn and howl
With guttural growl...
561 reads
A woman knows the face of the man she loves as a sailor knows the open sea.”
Honore de Balzac
[ ]
Let the words be few I speak to you
for the weight is in their truth and not their number,
and if I said no word at all
still my heart would speak to you across all distance
if you have a heart that feels as mine.
Can you feel the weight of love?
It’s weightless unless your not near ~
What shall weigh as sweet as the words I love you upon my lips
if not the press of yours...
Honore de Balzac
[ ]
Let the words be few I speak to you
for the weight is in their truth and not their number,
and if I said no word at all
still my heart would speak to you across all distance
if you have a heart that feels as mine.
Can you feel the weight of love?
It’s weightless unless your not near ~
What shall weigh as sweet as the words I love you upon my lips
if not the press of yours...
839 reads
Love is as much of an object as an obsession, everybody wants it, everybody seeks it, but few ever achieve it, those who do will cherish it, be lost in it, and among all, never... never forget it."
Curtis Judalet
Come softly my love,
in the quiet hour
with slow, deep kisses that linger
as if they had more need than breath itself.
I remember the trace of your fingers ~
the touch of your hands
as your lips spoke without words
and mine answered without hesitation
drinking in the warm,
Curtis Judalet
Come softly my love,
in the quiet hour
with slow, deep kisses that linger
as if they had more need than breath itself.
I remember the trace of your fingers ~
the touch of your hands
as your lips spoke without words
and mine answered without hesitation
drinking in the warm,
909 reads
1 Comment
A Kiss
And what is a kiss, specifically? A pledge properly sealed, a promise seasoned to taste, a vow stamped with the immediacy of a lip, a rosy circle drawn around the verb "to love." A kiss is a message too intimate for the ear, infinity captured in the bee's brief visit to a flower, secular communication with an aftertaste of heaven, the pulse rising from the heart to utter its name on a lover's lip: 'Forever'.”
Edmond Rostand
The day dawned with a sensation neither cold nor warm
Edmond Rostand
The day dawned with a sensation neither cold nor warm
930 reads
There Are No Bridges to Disconnect
Let me guess. You want to know why I tried to kill myself.
You want to know how I survived. Why I disappeared. Where I've been all this time. But first, why I tried to kill myself, right?
It's OK. People do. They measure themselves against me. It's like this line is drawn somewhere in the world and if you never cross it, you'll never consider throwing yourself off a building or swallowing a bottle of pills - but if you do, you might.
People figure I crossed the line. They ask themselves, "Could I ever get as close as he did?"
The truth is, there is...
You want to know how I survived. Why I disappeared. Where I've been all this time. But first, why I tried to kill myself, right?
It's OK. People do. They measure themselves against me. It's like this line is drawn somewhere in the world and if you never cross it, you'll never consider throwing yourself off a building or swallowing a bottle of pills - but if you do, you might.
People figure I crossed the line. They ask themselves, "Could I ever get as close as he did?"
The truth is, there is...
820 reads
Small and simple things
What is it about the washed out gray of old country roads which seem to lead aimlessly to nowhere
And yet seem to call me home through the lost miles and memories
The wild grass ripples at the caress of the wind
Rust colored florets strewn with daisy white and dandelion yellow,
And goldenrod too
Banking the red clay ditches which hem the road
...And the trees and farms which lie farther on
A redtail hawk sat solitary on the line
A silent sentinel as I drove by
More powerful for...
What is it about the washed out gray of old country roads which seem to lead aimlessly to nowhere
And yet seem to call me home through the lost miles and memories
The wild grass ripples at the caress of the wind
Rust colored florets strewn with daisy white and dandelion yellow,
And goldenrod too
Banking the red clay ditches which hem the road
...And the trees and farms which lie farther on
A redtail hawk sat solitary on the line
A silent sentinel as I drove by
More powerful for...
831 reads
blue eyes to yield to me the secrets of your heaven
eyes that see through me to my desires
its no far distance
for love
you're mirrored within my own
the hair that falls beyond your smile
to lay soft upon your breasts
where both my hands and lips long to be
to fondle, lick, rub and touch
but perhaps I say too much
but you know my desires
and I wonder how your hands would feel in my hair
your breath deepening as you guided me
as you were tenderly
eyes that see through me to my desires
its no far distance
for love
you're mirrored within my own
the hair that falls beyond your smile
to lay soft upon your breasts
where both my hands and lips long to be
to fondle, lick, rub and touch
but perhaps I say too much
but you know my desires
and I wonder how your hands would feel in my hair
your breath deepening as you guided me
as you were tenderly
809 reads
1 Comment
As Distant As The Stars
Bittersweet the words I speak
Beyond the distance you can hear
Beyond the reach of my touch
My lips
My gaze
But not the desire of my heart
For always my heart reaches out for you
Calls to you
Mi Corazon
You’re the deep scent of dreams which fill my day
So ordinary and so plain
With the beauty which I yearn to hold
For so pass my days
Losing myself in thoughts of you
The sighing of the wind
Bittersweet the words I speak
Beyond the distance you can hear
Beyond the reach of my touch
My lips
My gaze
But not the desire of my heart
For always my heart reaches out for you
Calls to you
Mi Corazon
You’re the deep scent of dreams which fill my day
So ordinary and so plain
With the beauty which I yearn to hold
For so pass my days
Losing myself in thoughts of you
The sighing of the wind
669 reads
Old School
There are so many things that my father's done and I’m just that, my father’s son. Then one day I realized I was living parts of him that I didn’t want to be. So I slashed and burned, and changed my ways until one day I realized there was so much there I didn’t want to lose. For all of his good and bad he was just a simple man like me.
I don’t know when it was he realized that life don’t always turn out like you planned and that some days you wake up and that taste in your mouth is dreams turned to dust. Yeah, some things are just hard to understand but you shake it off, take it...
I don’t know when it was he realized that life don’t always turn out like you planned and that some days you wake up and that taste in your mouth is dreams turned to dust. Yeah, some things are just hard to understand but you shake it off, take it...
642 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by A_tellers_tale